c(L$p[1:(K-1)], as.double(L$β), L$b)
+ #TODO: compare with R version?
+ #D <- diag(d) #matrix of ej vectors
+ #Y * X
+ #Y * ( t( apply(X, 1, function(row) row %o% row) ) - Reduce('+', lapply(1:d, function(j) as.double(D[j,] %o% D[j,])), rep(0, d*d)))
+ #Y * ( t( apply(X, 1, function(row) row %o% row %*% row) ) - Reduce('+', lapply(1:d, function(j) ), rep(0, d*d*d)))
computeW = function(θ)
dd <- d + d^2 + d^3
- W <<- MASS::ginv( matrix( .C("Compute_Omega",
- X=as.double(X), Y=Y, M=Moments(θ), pn=as.integer(n), pd=as.integer(d),
- W=as.double(W), PACKAGE="morpheus")$W, nrow=dd, ncol=dd ) )
+ M <- Moments(θ)
+ Omega <- matrix( .C("Compute_Omega",
+ X=as.double(X), Y=as.double(Y), M=as.double(M),
+ pn=as.integer(n), pd=as.integer(d),
+ W=as.double(W), PACKAGE="morpheus")$W, nrow=dd, ncol=dd )
+ W <<- MASS::ginv(Omega, tol=1e-4)
NULL #avoid returning W
θ0$b = rep(0, K)
else if (any(is.na(θ0$b)))
stop("θ0$b cannot have missing values")
# TODO: stopping condition? N iterations? Delta <= epsilon ?
for (loop in 1:10)
+#include <stdio.h>
// W = 1/N sum( t(g(Zi,theta)) g(Zi,theta) )
// with g(Zi, theta) = i-th contribution to all moments (size dim) - real moments
void Compute_Omega(double* X, double* Y, double* M, int* pn, int* pd, double* W)
g[j] -= Y[i] * X[mi(i,idx1,n,d)];
g[j] += Y[i] * X[mi(i,idx1,n,d)]*X[mi(i,idx2,n,d)]*X[mi(i,idx3,n,d)] - M[j];
+ // TODO: 1/n des gj empirique doit tendre vers 0
// Add 1/n t(gi) %*% gi to W
for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)