+<!-- Main playing hall: online players + current challenges + button "new game" -->
<template lang="pug">
option(v-show="possibleNbplayers(3)" value="3") 3
option(v-show="possibleNbplayers(4)" value="4") 4
- label(for="timeControl") Time control (e.g. 3m, 1h+30s, 7d+1d)
+ label(for="timeControl") {{ st.tr["Time control"] }}
input#timeControl(type="text" v-model="newchallenge.timeControl"
- placeholder="Time control")
- fieldset
+ placeholder="3m+2s, 1h+30s, 7d+1d ...")
+ fieldset(v-if="st.user.id > 0")
label(for="selectPlayers") {{ st.tr["Play with? (optional)"] }}
input(type="text" v-model="newchallenge.to[0].name")
input(v-show="newchallenge.nbPlayers==4" type="text"
- fieldset
+ fieldset(v-if="st.user.id > 0")
label(for="inputFen") {{ st.tr["FEN (optional)"] }}
input#inputFen(type="text" v-model="newchallenge.fen")
- button(@click="newChallenge") Send challenge
+ button(@click="newChallenge") {{ st.tr["Send challenge"] }}
:challenges="challenges" @click-challenge="clickChallenge")
h3 Online players
- //TODO: uniquePlayers, show "5 anonymous", and do nothing on click on anonymous
- div(v-for="p in uniquePlayers" @click="challenge(p)") {{ p.name }}
+ div(v-for="p in uniquePlayers" @click="tryChallenge(p)")
+ | {{ p.name + (!!p.count ? " ("+p.count+")" : "") }}
button(onClick="doClick('modalNewgame')") New game
-// TODO: blank time control == untimed
-// main playing hall: online players + current challenges + button "new game"
-// TODO: si on est en train de jouer une partie, le notifier aux nouveaux connectés
-TODO: surligner si nouveau défi perso et pas affichage courant
-(cadences base + incrément, corr == incr >= 1jour ou base >= 7j)
---> correspondance: stocker sur serveur lastMove + uid + color + movesCount + gameId + variant + timeleft
-fin de partie corr: supprimer partie du serveur au bout de 7 jours (arbitraire)
-// TODO: au moins l'échange des coups en P2P ? et game chat ?
-// TODO: objet game, objet challenge ? et player ?
- * Possible events:
- * - send new challenge (corr or live, cf. time control), with button or click on player
- * - accept challenge (corr or live) --> send info to all concerned players
- * - cancel challenge (click on sent challenge) --> send info to all concerned players
- * - withdraw from challenge (if >= 3 players and previously accepted)
- * --> send info to all concerned players
- * - prepare and start new game (if challenge is full after acceptation)
- * Also send to all connected players (only from me)
- * - receive "player connect": send all our current challenges (to him or global)
- * Also send all our games (live - max 1 - and corr) [in web worker ?]
- * + all our sent challenges.
- * - receive "playergames": list of games by some connected player (NO corr)
- * - receive "playerchallenges": list of challenges (sent) by some online player (NO corr)
- * - receive "player disconnect": remove from players list
- * - receive "accept/withdraw/cancel challenge": apply action to challenges list
- * - receive "new game": if live, store locally + redirect to game
- * If corr: notify "new game has started", give link, but do not redirect
- * - receive new challenge: if targeted, replace our name with sender name
import { store } from "@/store";
import { NbPlayers } from "@/data/nbPlayers";
import { checkChallenge } from "@/data/challengeCheck";
data: function () {
return {
st: store.state,
+ cpdisplay: "challenges",
gdisplay: "live",
liveGames: [],
corrGames: [],
+ challenges: [],
players: [], //online players
- challenges: [], //live challenges
- willPlay: [], //IDs of challenges in which I decide to play (>= 3 players)
newchallenge: {
fen: "",
vid: 0,
+ computed: {
+ uniquePlayers: function() {
+ // Show e.g. "5 @nonymous", and do nothing on click on anonymous
+ let playerList = [{id:0, name:"@nonymous", count:0}];
+ this.players.forEach(p => {
+ if (p.id > 0)
+ playerList.push(p);
+ else
+ playerList[0].count++;
+ });
+ return playerList;
+ },
+ },
+ // TODO: this looks ugly... (use VueX ?!)
watch: {
"st.conn": function() {
this.st.conn.onmessage = this.socketMessageListener;
created: function() {
// TODO: ask server for current corr games (all but mines: names, ID, time control)
+ // also ask for corr challenges
+ // TODO: add myself to players
+ // --> when sending something, send to all players but NOT me !
if (!!this.st.conn)
this.st.conn.onmessage = this.socketMessageListener;
this.st.conn.onclose = this.socketCloseListener;
+ this.players.push(this.st.user);
methods: {
socketMessageListener: function(msg) {
const data = JSON.parse(msg.data);
switch (data.code)
+// * - receive "new game": if live, store locally + redirect to game
+// * If corr: notify "new game has started", give link, but do not redirect
case "newgame":
// TODO: new game just started: data contain all informations
// (id, players, time control, fenStart ...)
+ // + cid to remove challenge from list
+ break;
+// * - receive "playergame": a live game by some connected player (NO corr)
+ case "playergame":
+ // TODO: receive live game summary (update, count moves)
+ // (just players names, time control, and ID + player ID)
+ break;
+// * - receive "playerchallenges": list of challenges (sent) by some online player (NO corr)
+ case "playerchallenges":
+ // TODO: receive challenge + challenge updates
- // TODO: also receive live games summaries (update)
- // (just players names, time control, and ID + player ID)
+ case "newmove": //live or corr
+ // TODO: name conflict ? (game "newmove" event)
+ break;
+// * - receive new challenge: if targeted, replace our name with sender name
+ case "newchallenge":
+ // receive live or corr challenge
+ break;
+// * - receive "accept/withdraw/cancel challenge": apply action to challenges list
case "acceptchallenge":
if (true) //TODO: if challenge is full
this.newGame(data.challenge, data.user); //user.id et user.name
case "cancelchallenge":
ArrayFun.remove(this.challenges, c => c.id == data.cid);
- case "hallconnect":
+// NOTE: finally only one connect / disconnect couple of events
+// (because on server side we wouldn't know which to choose)
+ case "connect":
+// * - receive "player connect": send all our current challenges (to him or global)
+// * Also send all our games (live - max 1 - and corr) [in web worker ?]
+// * + all our sent challenges.
this.players.push({name:data.name, id:data.uid});
+ // TODO: si on est en train de jouer une partie, le notifier au nouveau connecté
+ // envoyer aussi nos défis
- case "halldisconnect":
+// * - receive "player disconnect": remove from players list
+ case "disconnect":
ArrayFun.remove(this.players, p => p.id == data.uid);
// TODO: also remove all challenges sent by this player,
// and all live games where he plays and no other opponent is online
socketCloseListener: function() {
- this.st.conn.addEventListener('message', socketMessageListener);
- this.st.conn.addEventListener('close', socketCloseListener);
- },
- clickPlayer: function() {
- //this.newgameInfo.players[0].name = clickPlayer.name;
- //show modal;
+ // connexion is reinitialized in store.js
+ this.st.conn.addEventListener('message', this.socketMessageListener);
+ this.st.conn.addEventListener('close', this.socketCloseListener);
showGame: function(game) {
// NOTE: if we are an observer, the game will be found in main games list
// (sent by connected remote players)
+ // TODO: game path ? /vname/gameId seems better
this.$router.push("/" + game.id)
- challenge: function(player) {
+ tryChallenge: function(player) {
+ if (player.id == 0)
+ return; //anonymous players cannot be challenged
+ this.newchallenge.players[0] = {
+ name: player.name,
+ id: player.id,
+ sid: player.sid,
+ };
+ doClick("modalNewgame");
+// * - accept challenge (corr or live) --> send info to all concerned players
+// * - cancel challenge (click on sent challenge) --> send info to all concerned players
+// * - withdraw from challenge (if >= 3 players and previously accepted)
+// * --> send info to all concerned players
+// * - refuse challenge (or receive refusal): send to all challenge players (from + to)
+// * except us ; graphics: modal again ? (inline ?)
+// * - prepare and start new game (if challenge is full after acceptation)
+// * --> include challenge ID (so that opponents can delete the challenge too)
+// * Also send to all connected players (only from me)
clickChallenge: function(challenge) {
const index = this.challenges.findIndex(c => c.id == challenge.id);
const toIdx = challenge.to.findIndex(p => p.id == user.id);
// si pas le mien et FEN speciale :: (charger code variante et)
// montrer diagramme + couleur (orienté)
- // user: last person to accept the challenge
- newGame: function(chall, user) {
- const fen = chall.fen || V.GenRandInitFen();
- const game = {}; //TODO: fen, players, time ...
- //setStorage(game); //TODO
- game.players.forEach(p => { //...even if game is by corr (could be played live, why not...)
- this.conn.send(
- JSON.stringify({code:"newgame", oppid:p.id, game:game}));
- });
- if (this.settings.sound >= 1)
- new Audio("/sounds/newgame.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
- },
+ // user: last person to accept the challenge (TODO: revoir ça)
+// newGame: function(chall, user) {
+// const fen = chall.fen || V.GenRandInitFen();
+// const game = {}; //TODO: fen, players, time ...
+// //setStorage(game); //TODO
+// game.players.forEach(p => { //...even if game is by corr (could be played live, why not...)
+// this.conn.send(
+// JSON.stringify({code:"newgame", oppid:p.id, game:game}));
+// });
+// if (this.settings.sound >= 1)
+// new Audio("/sounds/newgame.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
+// },
+ // Send new challenge (corr or live, cf. time control), with button or click on player
newChallenge: async function() {
const idxInVariants =
this.st.variants.findIndex(v => v.id == this.newchallenge.vid);
p.sid = this.players[pIdx].sid;
+ // TODO: clarify challenge format (too many fields for now :/ )
const finishAddChallenge = (cid) => {
const chall = Object.assign(
- document.getElementById("modalNewgame").checked = false;
- };
- if (liveGame)
- {
+ // Send challenge to peers
const chall = JSON.stringify({
- code: "sendchallenge",
+ code: "newchallenge",
sender: {name:this.st.user.name, id:this.st.user.id, sid:this.st.user.sid},
if (this.newchallenge.to[0].id > 0)
// Open challenge: send to all connected players
this.players.forEach(p => { this.st.conn.send(chall); });
+ document.getElementById("modalNewgame").checked = false;
+ };
+ if (liveGame)
+ {
// Live challenges have cid = 0
- else //correspondance game:
+ else
- // Possible (server) error if filled player does not exist
+ // Correspondance game: send challenge to server
"/challenges/" + this.newchallenge.vid,
//TODO: programmatic re-navigation on current game if we receive a move and are not there
module.exports = function(wss) {
- let clients = {}; //associative array client sid --> {socket, curPath}
- let pages = {}; //associative array path --> array of client sid
+ let clients = {}; //associative array client sid --> socket
// No-op function as a callback when sending messages
const noop = () => { };
wss.on("connection", (socket, req) => {
// Ignore duplicate connections (on the same live game that we play):
if (!!clients[sid])
return socket.send(JSON.stringify({code:"duplicate"}));
- // We don't know yet on which page the user will be
- clients[sid] = {socket: socket, path: ""};
-// socket.on("message", objtxt => {
-// let obj = JSON.parse(objtxt);
-// switch (obj.code)
-// {
-// case "enter":
-// if (clients[sid].path.length > 0)
-// remInArray(pages[clients[sid].path], sid);
-// clients[sid].path = obj.path;
-// pages[obj.path].push(sid);
-// // TODO also: notify "old" sub-room that I left (if it was not index)
-// if (obj.path == "/")
-// {
-// // Send counting info
-// let countings = {};
-// Object.keys(pages).forEach(
-// path => { countings[path] = pages[path].length; });
-// socket.send(JSON.stringify({code:"counts",counts:countings}));
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// // Send to every client connected on index an update message for counts
-// pages["/"].forEach((id) => {
-// clients[id].socket.send(
-// JSON.stringify({code:"increase",path:obj.path}), noop);
-// });
-// // TODO: do not notify anything in rules and problems sections (no socket required)
-// // --> in fact only /Atomic (main hall) and inside a game: /Atomic/392f3ju
-// // Also notify the (sub-)room (including potential opponents):
-// Object.keys(clients[page]).forEach( k => {
-// clients[page][k].send(JSON.stringify({code:"connect",id:sid}), noop);
-// });
-// // Finally, receive (sub-)room composition
-// // TODO.
-// }
-//// NOTE: no "leave" counterpart (because it's always to enter somewhere else)
-//// case "leave":
-//// break;
-// // Transmit chats and moves to current room
-// // TODO: WebRTC instead in this case (most demanding?)
-// case "newchat":
-// if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
-// {
-// clients[page][obj.oppid].send(
-// JSON.stringify({code:"newchat",msg:obj.msg}), noop);
-// }
-// break;
-// case "newmove":
-// if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
-// {
-// clients[page][obj.oppid].send(
-// JSON.stringify({code:"newmove",move:obj.move}), noop);
-// }
-// break;
-// // TODO: generalize that for several opponents
-// case "ping":
-// if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
-// socket.send(JSON.stringify({code:"pong",gameId:obj.gameId}));
-// break;
-// case "lastate":
-// if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
-// {
-// const oppId = obj.oppid;
-// obj.oppid = sid; //I'm oppid for my opponent
-// clients[page][oppId].send(JSON.stringify(obj), noop);
-// }
-// break;
-// // TODO: moreover, here, game info should be sent (through challenge; not stored here)
-// case "newgame":
-// if (!!games[page])
-// {
-// // Start a new game
-// const oppId = games[page]["id"];
-// const fen = games[page]["fen"];
-// const gameId = games[page]["gameid"];
-// delete games[page];
-// const mycolor = (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 'w' : 'b');
-// socket.send(JSON.stringify(
-// {code:"newgame",fen:fen,oppid:oppId,color:mycolor,gameid:gameId}));
-// if (!!clients[page][oppId])
-// {
-// clients[page][oppId].send(
-// JSON.stringify(
-// {code:"newgame",fen:fen,oppid:sid,color:mycolor=="w"?"b":"w",gameid:gameId}),
-// noop);
-// }
-// }
-// else
-// games[page] = {id:sid, fen:obj.fen, gameid:obj.gameid}; //wait for opponent
-// break;
-// case "cancelnewgame": //if a user cancel his seek
-// // TODO: just transmit event
-// //delete games[page];
-// break;
-// // TODO: also other challenge events
-// case "resign":
-// if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
-// clients[page][obj.oppid].send(JSON.stringify({code:"resign"}), noop);
-// break;
-// // TODO: case "challenge" (get ID) --> send to all, "acceptchallenge" (with ID) --> send to all, "cancelchallenge" --> send to all
-// // also, "sendgame" (give current game info, if any) --> to new connections, "sendchallenges" (same for challenges) --> to new connections
-// }
-// });
-// socket.on("close", () => {
-// delete clients[sid];
-// // TODO: carefully delete pages[.........]
-// // + adapt below:
-// if (page != "/")
-// {
-// // Send to every client connected on index an update message for counts
-// Object.keys(clients["index"]).forEach( k => {
-// clients["index"][k].send(
-// JSON.stringify({code:"decrease",vid:page}), noop);
-// });
-// }
-// // Also notify potential opponents:
-// // hit all clients which check if sid corresponds
-// Object.keys(clients[page]).forEach( k => {
-// clients[page][k].send(JSON.stringify({code:"disconnect",id:sid}), noop);
-// });
-// });
+ clients[sid] = socket;
+ socket.on("message", objtxt => {
+ let obj = JSON.parse(objtxt);
+ if (!!obj.oppid && !clients[oppid])
+ return; //receiver not connected, nothing we can do
+ switch (obj.code)
+ {
+ // Transmit chats and moves to current room
+ // TODO: WebRTC instead in this case (most demanding?)
+ case "newchat":
+ clients[obj.oppid].send(JSON.stringify({code:"newchat",msg:obj.msg}), noop);
+ break;
+ case "newmove":
+ clients[obj.oppid].send(JSON.stringify({code:"newmove",move:obj.move}), noop);
+ break;
+ // TODO: generalize that for several opponents
+ case "ping":
+ socket.send(JSON.stringify({code:"pong",gameId:obj.gameId}));
+ break;
+ case "lastate":
+ const oppId = obj.oppid;
+ obj.oppid = sid; //I'm oppid for my opponent
+ clients[oppId].send(JSON.stringify(obj), noop);
+ break;
+ // TODO: moreover, here, game info should be sent (through challenge; not stored here)
+ case "newgame":
+ clients[oppId].send(
+ JSON.stringify(
+ {code:"newgame",fen:fen,oppid:sid,color:"w",gameid:"TODO"}),
+ noop);
+ break;
+ case "cancelnewgame": //if a user cancel his seek
+ // TODO: just transmit event
+ //delete games[page];
+ break;
+ // TODO: also other challenge events
+ case "resign":
+ clients[obj.oppid].send(JSON.stringify({code:"resign"}), noop);
+ break;
+ // TODO: case "challenge" (get ID) --> send to all, "acceptchallenge" (with ID) --> send to all, "cancelchallenge" --> send to all
+ // also, "sendgame" (give current game info, if any) --> to new connections, "sendchallenges" (same for challenges) --> to new connections
+ case "newchallenge":
+ console.log("challenge received");
+ console.log(obj.sender);
+ console.log(obj);
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ socket.on("close", () => {
+ delete clients[sid];
+ // Notify every other connected client
+ Object.keys(clients).forEach( k => {
+ clients[k].send(JSON.stringify({code:"disconnect",sid:sid}), noop);
+ });
+ });