+++ /dev/null
- <div class="about">
- <h1>This is an about page</h1>
- </div>
-// "My" games: tabs my archived local games, my correspondance games
-// + my imported games (of any type).
-// TODO: later, also add possibility to upload a game (parse PGN).
-Vue.component("my-tab-games", {
- props: ["settings"],
- data: function() {
- return {
- display: "",
- imported: [],
- local: [],
- corr: []
- };
- },
- template: `
- <div>
- <div class="button-group">
- <button @click="display='local'">Local games</button>
- <button @click="display='corr'">Correspondance games</button>
- <button @click="display='imported'">Imported games</button>
- </div>
- <my-game-list v-show="display=='local'" :games="local">
- </my-game-list>
- <my-game-list v-show="display=='corr'" :games="corr">
- </my-game-list>
- <my-game-list v-show="display=='imported'" :games="imported">
- </my-game-list>
- <button @click="update">Refresh</button>
- </div>
- `,
- created: function() {
- // TODO: fetch corr games, local and corr
- // if any corr game where it's my turn, set display = "corr",
- // else set display = "local" (if any) or imported (if any and no local)
- },
- methods: {
- update: function() {
- // TODO: scan local + imported games, if any new then add it
- },
- },
--- /dev/null
+//TODO: new problem form + problem visualisation, like Game.vue (but simpler)
+// --> mode analyze, moves = [], "load problem"
+ <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="modal-newproblem" class="modal"/>
+ <div role="dialog" aria-labelledby="modalProblemTxt">
+ <div v-show="!modalProb.preview" class="card newproblem-form">
+ <label for="modal-newproblem" class="modal-close">
+ </label>
+ <h3 id="modalProblemTxt">{{ translate("Add a problem") }}</h3>
+ <form @submit.prevent="previewProblem()">
+ <fieldset>
+ <label for="newpbFen">FEN</label>
+ <input id="newpbFen" type="text" v-model="modalProb.fen"
+ :placeholder='translate("Full FEN description")'/>
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset>
+ <p class="emphasis">{{ translate("Safe HTML tags allowed") }}</p>
+ <label for="newpbInstructions">{{ translate("Instructions") }}</label>
+ <textarea id="newpbInstructions" v-model="modalProb.instructions"
+ :placeholder='translate("Describe the problem goal")'>
+ </textarea>
+ <label for="newpbSolution">{{ translate("Solution") }}</label>
+ <textarea id="newpbSolution" v-model="modalProb.solution"
+ :placeholder='translate("How to solve the problem?")'>
+ </textarea>
+ <button class="center-btn">{{ translate("Preview") }}</button>
+ </fieldset>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ <div v-show="modalProb.preview" class="card newproblem-preview">
+ <label for="modal-newproblem" class="modal-close"
+ @click="modalProb.preview=false">
+ </label>
+ <my-problem-summary :prob="modalProb" :userid="userId" :preview="true">
+ </my-problem-summary>
+ <div class="button-group">
+ <button @click="modalProb.preview=false">{{ translate("Cancel") }}</button>
+ <button @click="sendProblem()">{{ translate("Send") }}</button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ previewProblem: function() {
+ if (!V.IsGoodFen(this.modalProb.fen))
+ return alert(translations["Bad FEN description"]);
+ if (this.modalProb.instructions.trim().length == 0)
+ return alert(translations["Empty instructions"]);
+ if (this.modalProb.solution.trim().length == 0)
+ return alert(translations["Empty solution"]);
+ Vue.set(this.modalProb, "preview", true);
+ },
+ editProblem: function(prob) {
+ this.modalProb = prob;
+ Vue.set(this.modalProb, "preview", false);
+ document.getElementById("modal-newproblem").checked = true;
+ },
+ deleteProblem: function(pid) {
+ ajax(
+ "/problems/" + pid,
+ response => {
+ // Delete problem from the list on client side
+ let problems = this.curProblems();
+ const pIdx = problems.findIndex(p => p.id == pid);
+ problems.splice(pIdx, 1);
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ sendProblem: function() {
+ // Send it to the server and close modal
+ ajax(
+ "/problems/" + variant.id,
+ (this.modalProb.id > 0 ? "PUT" : "POST"),
+ this.modalProb,
+ response => {
+ document.getElementById("modal-newproblem").checked = false;
+ Vue.set(this.modalProb, "preview", false);
+ if (this.modalProb.id == 0)
+ {
+ this.myProblems.unshift({
+ added: Date.now(),
+ id: response.id,
+ uid: user.id,
+ fen: this.modalProb.fen,
+ instructions: this.modalProb.instructions,
+ solution: this.modalProb.solution,
+ });
+ if (!this.curProb && this.display != "mine")
+ this.display = "mine";
+ }
+ else
+ this.modalProb.id = 0;
+ }
+ );
+ },
// NOTE: always modals first, because otherwise "scroll to the end" undesirable effect
template: `
- <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2">
- <input type="checkbox" id="modal-newproblem" class="modal"/>
- <div role="dialog" aria-labelledby="modalProblemTxt">
- <div v-show="!modalProb.preview" class="card newproblem-form">
- <label for="modal-newproblem" class="modal-close">
- </label>
- <h3 id="modalProblemTxt">{{ translate("Add a problem") }}</h3>
- <form @submit.prevent="previewProblem()">
- <fieldset>
- <label for="newpbFen">FEN</label>
- <input id="newpbFen" type="text" v-model="modalProb.fen"
- :placeholder='translate("Full FEN description")'/>
- </fieldset>
- <fieldset>
- <p class="emphasis">{{ translate("Safe HTML tags allowed") }}</p>
- <label for="newpbInstructions">{{ translate("Instructions") }}</label>
- <textarea id="newpbInstructions" v-model="modalProb.instructions"
- :placeholder='translate("Describe the problem goal")'>
- </textarea>
- <label for="newpbSolution">{{ translate("Solution") }}</label>
- <textarea id="newpbSolution" v-model="modalProb.solution"
- :placeholder='translate("How to solve the problem?")'>
- </textarea>
- <button class="center-btn">{{ translate("Preview") }}</button>
- </fieldset>
- </form>
- </div>
- <div v-show="modalProb.preview" class="card newproblem-preview">
- <label for="modal-newproblem" class="modal-close"
- @click="modalProb.preview=false">
- </label>
- <my-problem-summary :prob="modalProb" :userid="userId" :preview="true">
- </my-problem-summary>
- <div class="button-group">
- <button @click="modalProb.preview=false">{{ translate("Cancel") }}</button>
- <button @click="sendProblem()">{{ translate("Send") }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <input id="modalNomore" type="checkbox" class="modal"/>
- <div role="dialog" aria-labelledby="nomoreMessage">
- <div class="card smallpad small-modal text-center">
- <label for="modalNomore" class="modal-close"></label>
- <h3 id="nomoreMessage" class="section">{{ nomoreMessage }}</h3>
- </div>
- </div>
<div id="problemControls" class="button-group">
<button :aria-label='translate("Previous problem(s)")' class="tooltip"
- previewProblem: function() {
- if (!V.IsGoodFen(this.modalProb.fen))
- return alert(translations["Bad FEN description"]);
- if (this.modalProb.instructions.trim().length == 0)
- return alert(translations["Empty instructions"]);
- if (this.modalProb.solution.trim().length == 0)
- return alert(translations["Empty solution"]);
- Vue.set(this.modalProb, "preview", true);
- },
- editProblem: function(prob) {
- this.modalProb = prob;
- Vue.set(this.modalProb, "preview", false);
- document.getElementById("modal-newproblem").checked = true;
- },
- deleteProblem: function(pid) {
- ajax(
- "/problems/" + pid,
- response => {
- // Delete problem from the list on client side
- let problems = this.curProblems();
- const pIdx = problems.findIndex(p => p.id == pid);
- problems.splice(pIdx, 1);
- }
- );
- },
- sendProblem: function() {
- // Send it to the server and close modal
- ajax(
- "/problems/" + variant.id,
- (this.modalProb.id > 0 ? "PUT" : "POST"),
- this.modalProb,
- response => {
- document.getElementById("modal-newproblem").checked = false;
- Vue.set(this.modalProb, "preview", false);
- if (this.modalProb.id == 0)
- {
- this.myProblems.unshift({
- added: Date.now(),
- id: response.id,
- uid: user.id,
- fen: this.modalProb.fen,
- instructions: this.modalProb.instructions,
- solution: this.modalProb.solution,
- });
- if (!this.curProb && this.display != "mine")
- this.display = "mine";
- }
- else
- this.modalProb.id = 0;
- }
- );
- },
// Menu (top of page):
- // Left: hall, variants, mygames, problems
+ // Left: hall, variants, mygames, forum (ext. link)
// Right: usermenu, settings, flag
| {{ st.tr["Variants"] }}
| {{ st.tr["My games"] }}
- router-link(to="/problems")
- | {{ st.tr["Problems"] }}
+ // TODO: parametric URL, "forumURL"
+ a(href="https://forum.vchess.club")
+ | {{ st.tr["Forum"] }}
| {{ st.user.id > 0 ? "Update" : "Login" }}
th(v-if="showResult") Result
tr(v-for="g in games" @click="$emit('show-game',g)")
td {{ g.vname }}
- td {{ g.players[0] }}
- td {{ g.players[1] }}
+ td {{ g.players[0].name || "@nonymous" }}
+ td {{ g.players[1].name || "@nonymous" }}
td {{ g.timeControl }}
td(v-if="showResult") {{ g.score }}
props: ["games"],
computed: {
showResult: function() {
- return this.games.length > 0 && this.games[0].score != "*";
+ return this.games.some(g => g.score != "*");
component: Hall,
//redirect: "/", //problem: redirection before end of AJAX request
+ {
+ path: "/mygames",
+ name: "mygames",
+ component: loadView("MyGames"),
+ },
path: "/game/:id",
name: "game",
component: loadView("Game"),
+ {
+ path: "/analyze/:vname([a-zA-Z0-9]+)",
+ name: "analyze",
+ component: loadView("Game"),
+ },
path: "/about",
name: "about",
component: loadView("About"),
- // TODO: myGames, problemId: https://router.vuejs.org/guide/essentials/dynamic-matching.html
margin: 10px 0
// Rules section:
-// Problems section:
-.newproblem-form input, .newproblem-form textarea
- width: 100%
- font-style: italic
- margin-bottom: var(--universal-margin);
- margin-left: 40%
- text-align: center
- margin-left: auto
- margin-right: auto
- color: #663300
-#solution-div h3
- background-color: lightgrey
- padding: 3px 5px
-.newproblem-form, .newproblem-preview
- max-width: 90%
- width: 75%
- margin: 0 auto
- @media screen and (max-width: 767px)
- width: 100%
- margin: 0
- margin: 10px 0
- background-color: yellow
- &:hover
- background-color: yellow
+// TODO
"Hall": "Hall",
"Variants": "Variants",
"My games": "My games",
- "Problems": "Problems",
+ "Forum": "Forum",
"Contact form": "Contact form",
"Source code": "Source code",
"Type here": "Type here",
"Send": "Send",
"Download PGN": "Download PGN",
- "Show solution": "Show solution",
- "Load previous problems": "Load previous problems",
- "Load next problems": "Load next problems",
- "New": "New",
- "Add a problem": "Add a problem",
- "Full FEN description": "Full FEN description",
- "Safe HTML tags allowed": "Safe HTML tags allowed",
- "Instructions": "Instructions",
- "Describe the problem goal": "Describe the problem goal",
- "Solution": "Solution",
- "How to solve the problem?": "How to solve the problem?",
- "Preview": "Preview",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
- "Solve": "Solve",
- "Bad FEN description": "Bad FEN description",
- "Empty instructions": "Empty instructions",
- "Empty solution": "Empty solution",
"Already playing a game in this variant on another tab!":
"Already playing a game in this variant on another tab!",
"Finish your ": "Finish your ",
"Hall": "Hall",
"Variants": "Variantes",
"My games": "Mes parties",
- "Problems": "Problèmes",
+ "Forum": "Forum",
"Contact form": "Formulaire de contact",
"Source code": "Code source",
"Type here": "Écrivez ici",
"Send": "Envoyer",
"Download PGN": "Télécharger le PGN",
- "Show solution": "Montrer la solution",
- "Load previous problems": "Charger les problèmes précédents",
- "Load next problems": "Charger les problèmes suivants",
- "New": "Nouveau",
- "Add a problem": "Ajouter un problème",
- "Full FEN description": "Description FEN complète",
- "Safe HTML tags allowed": "HTML 'sûr' autorisé",
- "Instructions": "Instructions",
- "Describe the problem goal": "Décrire le but du problème",
- "Solution": "Solution",
- "How to solve the problem?": "Comment résoudre le problème ?",
- "Preview": "Prévisualiser",
"Cancel": "Annuler",
- "Solve": "Résoudre",
- "Bad FEN string": "Mauvaise description FEN",
- "Empty instructions": "Instructions vides",
- "Empty solution": "Solution vide",
"Already playing a game in this variant on another tab!":
"Une partie est en cours sur cette variante dans un autre onglet !",
"Finish your ": "Terminez votre ",
BaseGame(:game="game" :vr="vr" ref="basegame"
@newmove="processMove" @gameover="gameOver")
div Names: {{ game.players[0].name }} - {{ game.players[1].name }}
- div Time: {{ virtualClocks[0] }} - {{ virtualClocks[1] }}
+ div(v-if="game.score=='*'") Time: {{ virtualClocks[0] }} - {{ virtualClocks[1] }}
.button-group(v-if="game.mode!='analyze' && game.score=='*'")
button(@click="offerDraw") Draw
button(@click="() => abortGame()") Abort
// TODO: movelist dans basegame et chat ici
// ==> après, implémenter/vérifier les passages de challenges + parties en cours
// observer,
-// + problèmes, habiller et publier. (+ corr...)
// when send to chat (or a move), reach only this group (send gid along)
this.gameRef.rid = this.$route.query["rid"];
+ // TODO: mode analyse (/analyze/Atomic/rn
+ // ... fen = query[], vname=params[] ...
// 0.1] Ask server for room composition:
const funcPollClients = () => {
- // TODO: AJAX call get corr games (all variants)
- // si dernier lastMove sur serveur n'est pas le mien et nextColor == moi, alors background orange
- // ==> background orange si à moi de jouer par corr (sur main index)
- // (helper: static fonction "GetNextCol()" dans base_rules.js)
-//use GameStorage.getAll()
+<template lang="pug">
+ .row
+ .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
+ .button-group
+ button(@click="display='live'") Live games
+ button(@click="display='corr'") Correspondance games
+ GameList(v-show="display=='live'" :games="filterGames('live')"
+ @show-game="showGame")
+ GameList(v-show="display=='corr'" :games="filterGames('corr')"
+ @show-game="showGame")
+// TODO: background orange si à moi de jouer
+// (helper: static fonction "GetNextCol()" dans base_rules.js)
+// use GameStorage.getAll()
+import { store } from "@/store";
+import { GameStorage } from "@/utils/gameStorage";
+import { ajax } from "@/utils/ajax";
+import GameList from "@/components/GameList.vue";
+export default {
+ name: "my-games",
+ components: {
+ GameList,
+ },
+ data: function() {
+ return {
+ st: store.state,
+ display: "live",
+ games: [],
+ };
+ },
+ created: function() {
+ GameStorage.getAll((localGames) => {
+ localGames.forEach((g) => g.type = this.classifyObject(g));
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(this.games, localGames);
+ });
+ if (this.st.user.id > 0)
+ {
+ ajax("/games", "GET", {uid: this.st.user.id}, (res) => {
+ res.games.forEach((g) => g.type = this.classifyObject(g));
+ //Array.prototype.push.apply(this.games, res.games); //TODO: Vue 3
+ this.games = this.games.concat(res.games);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ // TODO: classifyObject and filterGames are redundant (see Hall.vue)
+ classifyObject: function(o) {
+ return (o.timeControl.indexOf('d') === -1 ? "live" : "corr");
+ },
+ filterGames: function(type) {
+ return this.games.filter(g => g.type == type);
+ },
+ showGame: function(g) {
+ // NOTE: we play in this game, since this is "MyGames" page
+ this.$router.push("/game/" + g.id);
+ },
+ },
+<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
+<style scoped lang="sass">
+/* TODO */
"SELECT gid " +
"FROM Players " +
"WHERE uid " + (excluded ? "<>" : "=") + " " + uid;
- db.run(query, (err,gameIds) => {
+ db.all(query, (err,gameIds) => {
if (!!err)
return cb(err);
gameIds = gameIds || []; //might be empty
let gameArray = [];
- gameIds.forEach(gidRow => {
- GameModel.getOne(gidRow["gid"], (err2,game) => {
+ for (let i=0; i<gameIds.length; i++)
+ {
+ GameModel.getOne(gameIds[i]["gid"], (err2,game) => {
if (!!err2)
return cb(err2);
+ // Call callback function only when gameArray is complete:
+ if (i == gameIds.length - 1)
+ return cb(null, gameArray);
- });
- return cb(null, gameArray);
+ }
const userId = req.query["uid"];
const excluded = !!req.query["excluded"];
GameModel.getByUser(userId, excluded, (err,games) => {
- if (!!err)
+ if (!!err)
return res.json({errmsg: err.errmsg || err.toString()});
res.json({games: games});