Take(a)n(d)make : if capture a piece, take its power for the last of the turn and make a move like it.
If a pawn taken: direction of the capturer.
-"Ball" Chess: 9x9 board, ball on center square. 2 queens ?
-To take the ball when it's free you need to capture it.
-To take the ball when it's used, u need to take the piece.
-Goal: bring ball to final rank.
-Possibles passes : soit à une pièce, soit sur une case.
- --> remplace un déplacement de pièce. Par exemple pion a2 passe à cavalier a4 = 1 coup.
- --> selon le mode de déplacement standard (donc tout droit pour les pions)
-Pas de notion d'échec ou de mat (?)
-Si une pièce est mat elle donne le ballon (?)
Maxima, Interweave, Roccoco
Synchrone Chess: allow to anticipate en-passant capture as well :)
--- /dev/null
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firstMoveNumber: 0, //for printing
incheck: [], //for Board
inMultimove: false,
+ autoplay: false,
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inPlay: false,
stackToPlay: []
.addEventListener("click", processModalClick);
+ beforeDestroy: function() {
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+ },
methods: {
focusBg: function() {
this.endgameMessage = message;
document.getElementById("modalEog").checked = true;
+ runAutoplay: function() {
+ const infinitePlay = () => {
+ if (this.cursor == this.moves.length - 1) {
+ clearInterval(this.autoplayLoop);
+ this.autoplayLoop = null;
+ this.autoplay = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.inPlay || this.inMultimove)
+ // Wait next tick
+ return;
+ this.play();
+ };
+ if (this.autoplay) {
+ this.autoplay = false;
+ clearInterval(this.autoplayLoop);
+ this.autoplayLoop = null;
+ } else {
+ this.autoplay = true;
+ infinitePlay();
+ this.autoplayLoop = setInterval(infinitePlay, 1500);
+ }
+ },
// Animate an elementary move
animateMove: function(move, callback) {
let startSquare = document.getElementById(getSquareId(move.start));
this.lastMove = smove;
if (!this.inMultimove) {
- if (this.cursor < this.moves.length - 1)
- this.moves = this.moves.slice(0, this.cursor + 1);
- this.moves.push(smove);
+ // Condition is "!navigate" but we mean "!this.autoplay"
+ if (!navigate) {
+ if (this.cursor < this.moves.length - 1)
+ this.moves = this.moves.slice(0, this.cursor + 1);
+ this.moves.push(smove);
+ }
this.inMultimove = true; //potentially
- } else {
+ } else if (!navigate) {
// Already in the middle of a multi-move
const L = this.moves.length;
if (!Array.isArray(this.moves[L-1]))
const playMove = () => {
- const animate = (V.ShowMoves == "all" && !!received);
+ const animate = (
+ V.ShowMoves == "all" &&
+ (this.autoplay || !!received)
+ );
if (!Array.isArray(move)) move = [move];
let moveIdx = 0;
let self = this;
this.inMultimove = false;
this.score = computeScore();
- if (this.game.mode != "analyze") {
+ if (this.game.mode != "analyze" && !navigate) {
if (!noemit) {
// Post-processing (e.g. computer play).
const L = this.moves.length;
// The move to navigate to is necessarily full:
if (this.cursor == this.moves.length - 1) return; //no more moves
move = this.moves[this.cursor + 1];
- // Just play the move:
- if (!Array.isArray(move)) move = [move];
- for (let i=0; i < move.length; i++) this.vr.play(move[i]);
- if (!light) {
- this.lastMove = move[move.length-1];
- this.incheck = this.vr.getCheckSquares(this.vr.turn);
- this.score = computeScore();
- this.emitFenIfAnalyze();
+ if (!this.autoplay) {
+ // Just play the move:
+ if (!Array.isArray(move)) move = [move];
+ for (let i=0; i < move.length; i++) this.vr.play(move[i]);
+ if (!light) {
+ this.lastMove = move[move.length-1];
+ this.incheck = this.vr.getCheckSquares(this.vr.turn);
+ this.score = computeScore();
+ this.emitFenIfAnalyze();
+ }
+ this.cursor++;
+ return;
- this.cursor++;
- return;
// Forbid playing outside analyze mode, except if move is received.
// Sufficient condition because Board already knows which turn it is.
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