When quit, send mdisconnect (relayed by server if no other MyGames tab).
# Misc:
-Saw once a "double challenge" bug, one anonymous and a second one logged
-Both were asked a challenge probably, and both challenges added as different ones.
-=> would probably be solved by waiting for identity before adding people to people array
+Rematch button (change colors, re-apply randomness params (which should be saved somehow somewhere))
+ --> need a bit more duplicated logic: in Game page, listen for newgame, and add a "launchGame" function
+Next button in corr game (only if accessed from "MyGames" tab, by giving list of gids)
# New variants
8-pieces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ8K02Da7Ps&list=PLRyjH8DPuzTBiym6lA0r84P8N0HnTtZyN&index=6&t=0s