const color = this.getColor(x, y);
let moves = [];
const [sizeX, sizeY] = [V.size.x, V.size.y];
- let shiftX = color == "w" ? -1 : 1;
+ let shiftX = (color == "w" ? -1 : 1);
if (this.subTurn == 2) shiftX *= -1;
+ const firstRank = color == "w" ? sizeX - 1 : 0;
const startRank = color == "w" ? sizeX - 2 : 1;
const lastRank = color == "w" ? 0 : sizeX - 1;
if (!V.OnBoard(x + shiftX, y)) return [];
const finalPieces =
- // No promotions after pushes!
- x + shiftX == lastRank && this.subTurn == 1
- ?
- Object.keys(V.LANCER_DIRS).concat(
+ // A push cannot put a pawn on last rank (it goes backward)
+ x + shiftX == lastRank
+ ? Object.keys(V.LANCER_DIRS).concat(
: [V.PAWN];
if (this.board[x + shiftX][y] == V.EMPTY) {
if (
- x == startRank &&
+ // 2-squares jumps forbidden if pawn push
+ this.subTurn == 1 &&
+ [startRank, firstRank].includes(x) &&
this.board[x + 2 * shiftX][y] == V.EMPTY
) {
// Two squares jump
- // En passant:
+ // En passant: only on subTurn == 1
const Lep = this.epSquares.length;
const epSquare = this.epSquares[Lep - 1];
if (
+ this.subTurn == 1 &&
!!epSquare &&
epSquare.x == x + shiftX &&
Math.abs(epSquare.y - y) == 1
// Add all lancer possible orientations, similar to pawn promotions.
// Except if just after a push: allow all movements from init square then
const L = this.sentryPush.length;
+ const color = this.getColor(x, y);
if (!!this.sentryPush[L-1]) {
// Maybe I was pushed
const pl = this.sentryPush[L-1].length;
// I was pushed: allow all directions (for this move only), but
// do not change direction after moving, *except* if I keep the
// same orientation in which I was pushed.
- const color = this.getColor(x, y);
const curDir = V.LANCER_DIRS[this.board[x][y].charAt(1)];
Object.values(V.LANCER_DIRS).forEach(step => {
const dirCode = Object.keys(V.LANCER_DIRS).find(k => {
V.OnBoard(x + step[0], y + step[1]) &&
this.board[x + step[0]][y + step[1]] == V.EMPTY
) {
+ const newDirCode = Object.keys(V.LANCER_DIRS).find(k => {
+ const codeStep = V.LANCER_DIRS[k];
+ return (codeStep[0] == step[0] && codeStep[1] == step[1]);
+ });
[x, y],
- [x + step[0], y + step[1]]
+ [x + step[0], y + step[1]],
+ { c: color, p: newDirCode }
play(move) {
- if (!this.states) this.states = [];
- const stateFen = this.getFen();
- this.states.push(stateFen);
+// if (!this.states) this.states = [];
+// const stateFen = this.getFen();
+// this.states.push(stateFen);
move.flags = JSON.stringify(this.aggregateFlags());
- const stateFen = this.getFen();
- if (stateFen != this.states[this.states.length-1]) debugger;
- this.states.pop();
+// const stateFen = this.getFen();
+// if (stateFen != this.states[this.states.length-1]) debugger;
+// this.states.pop();
postUndo(move) {
selfAttack([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) {
const color = this.getColor(x1, y1);
const sliderAttack = (allowedSteps, lancer) => {
- const deltaX = x2 - x1;
- const deltaY = y2 - y1;
- const step = [ deltaX / Math.abs(deltaX), deltaY / Math.abs(deltaY) ];
- if (allowedSteps.every(st => st[0] != step[0] || st[1] != step[1]))
+ const deltaX = x2 - x1,
+ absDeltaX = Math.abs(deltaX);
+ const deltaY = y2 - y1,
+ absDeltaY = Math.abs(deltaY);
+ const step = [ deltaX / absDeltaX, deltaY / absDeltaY ];
+ if (
+ // Check that the step is a priori valid:
+ (absDeltaX != absDeltaY && deltaX != 0 && deltaY != 0) ||
+ allowedSteps.every(st => st[0] != step[0] || st[1] != step[1])
+ ) {
return false;
+ }
let sq = [ x1 + step[0], y1 + step[1] ];
while (sq[0] != x2 && sq[1] != y2) {
if (