Add Capablanca + Musketeer Chess
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Janggi / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Korean Chess, with different pieces behaving
3 | differently than orthodox chess.
5 p.
6 Pieces stand on intersections rather than squares: this is purely aesthetic,
7 and doesn't affect movements' descriptions.
9 p
10 | Initial position is almost the same as in
11 a(href="/#/variants/Xiangqi") Xiangqi
12 | , with the exception of the kings in the middle of the palaces.
13 | Also, at the first move you may choose to swap knight and elephant
14 | positions: either both, or on one side only.
16 p More precisely, at first move:
17 ul
18 li White can keep the initial setup by playing a pass move, or
19 li
20 | exchange knight / elephant positions on either side, and then
21 ul
22 li pass (by bringing your king onto the enemy king), or
23 li exchange positions on the other side too.
24 p Then it's Black turn to do the same, and the game starts.
26 figure.diagram-container
27 .diagram.diag12
28 | fen:rnea1aenr/4k4/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/4K4/RNEA1AENR:
29 .diagram.diag22
30 | fen:rnea1aner/4k4/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/4K4/RENA1AENR:
31 figcaption Left: initial position. Right: after rearranging.
33 h3 Pieces movements
35 ul
36 li.
37 The King moves along any line of the palace, but cannot leave the palace.
38 The same goes for his Advisors.
39 Contrary to Xiangqi, kings can face each other on a file, but if this
40 situation lasts two half moves, the game is a draw: "bikjang".
41 li.
42 Rooks and knights move like in orthodox chess, but the knight does not
43 jump: it goes one square orthogonally first, then one diagonally.
44 If the first is occupied, the move is impossible.
45 li.
46 Elephants move like knights, but one square diagonally further: they
47 land at the opposite corner of a 2 x 3 rectangle, and intermediate squares
48 must be free.
49 li.
50 The Cannons move like rooks but need a piece on their way to jump first.
51 That is to say, on an empty rank or file cannons cannot move at all.
52 They can only reach the squares behind the first obstacle.
53 Moreover, a cannon cannot jump over or capture another cannon.
54 li.
55 Pawns behave like promoted pawns from Xiangqi: they move one square
56 forward or lateraly.
58 p.
59 Additionally, cannons, rooks and pawns may move along the palace diagonals.
60 Also, it's possible to pass instead of playing a move.
61 Two consecutive passes result in a draw.
63 figure.diagram-container
64 .diagram.diag12
65 | fen:4r4/9/4n4/9/9/2r1Cr2c/9/4C4/9/9 a5,b5,e9,e10,g5,h5:
66 .diagram.diag22
67 | fen:9/9/2r6/9/9/4EP3/3p5/5p3/9/9 b7,b3,c2,c8,g8:
68 figcaption Left: Cannon moves. Right: Elephant moves.
70 h3 Pieces valuation
72 p These are the official values:
74 table
75 tr
76 th Piece
77 th Value
78 tr
79 td Chariot
80 td 13
81 tr
82 td Cannon
83 td 7
84 tr
85 td Horse
86 td 5
87 tr
88 td Elephant
89 td 3
90 tr
91 td Advisor
92 td 3
93 tr
94 td Pawn
95 td 2
97 h3 More information
99 p
100 | This variant is playable on
101 a(href="")
102 | pychess-variants
103 | . See also the Wikipedia page.