this.subTurn = 1;
// Last action format: e2h5/d1g4 for queen on d1 pushing pawn to h5
// for example, and moving herself to g4. If just move: e2h5
- this.lastAction = [];
- if (fenParsed.amove != '-') {
- this.lastAction = fenParsed.amove.split('/').map(a => {
- return {
- c1: C.SquareToCoords(C.SquareFromUsual(a.substr(0, 2))),
- c2: C.SquareToCoords(C.SquareFromUsual(a.substr(2, 2)))
- };
- });
- }
+ this.amove = [];
+ if (fenParsed.amove != '-')
+ this.amove = JSON.parse(fenParsed.amove);
getPartFen(o) {
let res = super.getPartFen(o);
- if (o.init)
- res["amove"] = '-';
- else {
- res["amove"] = => {
- C.UsualFromSquare(C.CoordsToSquare(a.c1)) +
- C.UsualFromSquare(C.CoordsToSquare(a.c2))
- }).join('/');
- }
+ res["amove"] = (o.init ? '-' : JSON.stringify(this.amove));
return res;
- // TODO: just stack in this.lastAction instead
getAmove(move1, move2) {
// Just merge (one is action one is move, one may be empty)
return {
return moves;
+// TODO: I over-simplified, amove need to be saved for after undos
filterValid(moves) {
const color = this.turn;
- const La = this.amoves.length; //TODO: debug
if (this.subTurn == 1) {
return moves.filter(m => {
// A move is valid either if it doesn't result in a check,
const kp = this.searchKingPos(color);
let res = this.underCheck(color);
if (this.subTurn == 2) {
- let isOpposite = La > 0 && this.oppositeMoves(this.amoves[La-1], m);
+ let isOpposite = this.oppositeMoves(this.amove, m);
if (res || isOpposite) {
const moves2 = this.getAllPotentialMoves();
for (let m2 of moves2) {
cur_kp = [m2.appear[0].x, m2.appear[0].y];
const res2 = this.underCheck(cur_kp, color);
const amove = this.getAmove(m, m2);
- isOpposite =
- La > 0 && this.oppositeMoves(this.amoves[La-1], amove);
+ isOpposite = this.oppositeMoves(this.amove, amove);
if (!res2 && !isOpposite) {
res = false;
moves.filter(m => {
// Move shouldn't undo another:
- const amove = this.getAmove(this.firstMove[Lf-1], m);
- return !this.oppositeMoves(this.amoves[La-1], amove);
+ const amove = this.getAmove(this.firstMove, m);
+ return !this.oppositeMoves(this.amove, amove);
return null;
// If subTurn == 2 && square is empty && !underCheck && !isOpposite,
// then return an empty move, allowing to "pass" subTurn2
- const La = this.amoves.length;
- const Lf = this.firstMove.length;
+ const kp = this.searchKingPos(this.turn);
if (
this.subTurn == 2 &&
- this.board[square[0]][square[1]] == V.EMPTY &&
- !this.underCheck(this.turn) &&
- (La == 0 || !this.oppositeMoves(this.amoves[La-1], this.firstMove[Lf-1]))
+ this.board[square[0]][square[1]] == "" &&
+ !this.underCheck(kp, C.GetOppTurn(this.turn)) &&
+ !this.oppositeMoves(this.amove, this.firstMove))
) {
return this.getEmptyMove();
const color = this.turn;
const oppCol = C.GetOppTurn(color);
+ move.subTurn = this.subTurn; //for undo
const gotoNext = (mv) => {
- const L = this.firstMove.length;
- this.amoves.push(this.getAmove(this.firstMove[L-1], mv));
+ this.amove = this.getAmove(this.firstMove, mv);
this.turn = oppCol;
this.subTurn = 1;
else {
this.subTurn = 2;
- this.firstMove.push(move);
+ this.firstMove = move;
const kp = this.searchKingPos(color);
if (
// Condition is true on empty arrays:
undo(move) {
this.undoOnBoard(this.board, move);
if (this.subTurn == 1) {
- this.amoves.pop();
this.turn = C.GetOppTurn(this.turn);
- if (move.subTurn == 1)
- this.firstMove.pop();
this.subTurn = move.subTurn;
- this.toOldKingPos(move);