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[synclust.git] / src / adapters / a.kmeansClustering.c
1 #include <R.h>
2 #include <Rdefines.h>
3 #include "sources/kmeansClustering.h"
4 #include <cgds/Vector.h>
6 // k-means based on a distance matrix (nstart=10, maxiter=100)
7 SEXP kmeansWithDistances(
8 SEXP distances_,
9 SEXP K_,
10 SEXP nstart_,
11 SEXP maxiter_
12 ) {
13 // get scalar arguments
14 int K = INTEGER_VALUE(K_);
15 int nstart = NUMERIC_VALUE(nstart_);
16 int maxiter = INTEGER_VALUE(maxiter_);
18 // extract infos from M and get associate pointer
19 SEXP dim = getAttrib(distances_, R_DimSymbol);
20 int n = INTEGER(dim)[0];
21 double* pDistances = REAL(distances_);
23 // Main call to core algorithm
24 int* clusters = kmeansWithDistances_core(pDistances, n, K, nstart, maxiter);
26 // allocations and recopies to R vector object
27 SEXP bestClusts;
28 PROTECT(bestClusts = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
29 int* pBestClusts = INTEGER(bestClusts);
30 for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
31 pBestClusts[i] = clusters[i] + 1; // add 1 to start labels at 1
32 free(clusters);
34 // and return clusters
36 return bestClusts;
37 }