Rename route to get variants array to avoid conflicts with variants/ folder
[vchess.git] / client / public / images / pieces / Titan /
1 taille=64
2 convert wn.png -resize "$taille"x"$taille" wn_small.png
3 convert wb.png -resize "$taille"x"$taille" wb_small.png
4 convert bn.png -resize "$taille"x"$taille" bn_small.png
5 convert bb.png -resize "$taille"x"$taille" bb_small.png
6 # GIMP: manual fill by color (yellow/red). Then:
7 for color in w b; do
8 for piece in r n b q k; do
9 convert -composite -gravity center $color$piece.png "$color"n_small.png $color"$piece"_1.png
10 convert -composite -gravity center $color$piece.png "$color"b_small.png $color"$piece"_2.png
11 done
12 done
13 # Finally: manual renaming (TODO)