| 1 | extends withQuestions |
| 2 | |
| 3 | //TODO: step 1: ask password (client side, store hash) |
| 4 | // step 2: when got hash, send request (with hash) to get monitoring page: |
| 5 | // array with results + quiz details (displayed in another tab) + init socket (with hash too) |
| 6 | // buttons "start quiz" and "stop quiz" for teacher only: trigger actions (impacting sockets) |
| 7 | |
| 8 | // TODO: data = papers (modified after socket messages + retrived at start) |
| 9 | // But get examName by server at loading |
| 10 | |
| 11 | block content |
| 12 | .container#assessment |
| 13 | .row |
| 14 | .col.s12.m10.offset-m1.l8.offset-l2.xl6.offset-xl3 |
| 15 | h4= examName |
| 16 | #stage0(v-show="stage==0") |
| 17 | .card |
| 18 | .input-field.inline.on-left |
| 19 | label(for="password") Password |
| 20 | input#password(type="password" v-model="password" @keyup.enter="startMonitoring()") |
| 21 | button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(@click="startMonitoring()") Send |
| 22 | #stage1(v-show="stage==1") |
| 23 | .card |
| 24 | .introduction(v-html="assessment.introduction") |
| 25 | .card |
| 26 | statements(:questions="assessment.questions" :answers:"answers") |
| 27 | .card |
| 28 | .conclusion(v-html="assessment.conclusion") |
| 29 | |
| 30 | block append javascripts |
| 31 | script. |
| 32 | const monitoring = true; |
| 33 | script(src="/javascripts/components/statements.js") |
| 34 | script(src="/javascripts/monitor.js") |