[epclust.git] / R / stage2.R
1 #point avec Jairo:
2 #rentrer dans code C cwt continue Rwave
3 #passer partie sowas à C
4 #fct qui pour deux series (ID, medoides) renvoie distance WER (Rwave ou à moi)
5 #transformee croisee , smoothing lissage 3 composantes , + calcul pour WER
6 #attention : code fait pour des series temps desynchronisees ! (deltat, dt == 1,2 ...)
7 #determiner nvoice noctave (entre octave + petit et + grand)
9 library("Rwave")
11 #Entrée : courbes synchrones, soit après étape 1 itérée, soit après chaqure étape 1
12 #TODO: bout de code qui calcule les courbes synchrones après étapes 1+2 à partir des ID médoïdes
14 #toCWT: (aux)
15 ##NOTE: renvoie une matrice 3D
16 toCWT <- function(X, sw=0, tw=0, swabs=0, nvoice=12, noctave=5, s0=2, w0=2*pi,
17 lt=24, dt=0.5, spectra=FALSE, smooth=TRUE, scaled=FALSE, scalevector)
18 {
19 noctave <- adjust.noctave(lt, dt, s0, tw, noctave)
20 if(missing(scalevector))
21 scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave * nvoice) / nvoice) * s0
22 res <- lapply(1:nrow(X), function(n) {
23 tsX <- ts( X[n,] )
24 tsCent <- tsX - mean(tsX)
25 if(scaled)
26 tsCent <- ts(scale(tsCent))
27 tsCent.cwt <- cwt.ts(tsCent, s0, noctave, nvoice, w0)
28 tsCent.cwt
29 })
30 if( spectra )
31 res <- lapply(res, function(l) Mod(l)^2 )
32 if( smooth )
33 res <- lapply(res, smCWT, swabs = swabs, tw = tw, dt = dt, scalevector = scalevector)
34 resArray <- array(NA, c(nrow(res[[1]]), ncol(res[[1]]), length(res)))
35 for( l in 1:length(res) )
36 resArray[ , , l] <- res[[l]]
37 resArray
38 }
40 #from sowas
41 adjust.noctave <- function(N,dt,s0,tw,noctave)
42 {
43 if (tw>0)
44 {
45 dumno <- as.integer((log(N*dt)-log(2*tw*s0))/log(2))
46 if (dumno<noctave)
47 {
48 cat("# noctave adjusted to time smoothing window \n")
49 noctave <- dumno
50 }
51 }
52 noctave
53 }
55 #from sowas
56 cwt.ts <- function(ts,s0,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi)
57 {
58 if (class(ts)!="ts")
59 stop("# This function needs a time series object as input. You may construct this by using the function ts(data,start,deltat). Try '?ts' for help.\n")
61 t=time(ts)
62 dt=t[2]-t[1]
63 s0unit=s0/dt*w0/(2*pi)
64 s0log=as.integer((log2(s0unit)-1)*nvoice+1.5)
65 if (s0log<1)
66 {
67 cat(paste("# s0unit = ",s0unit,"\n",sep=""))
68 cat(paste("# s0log = ",s0log,"\n",sep=""))
69 cat("# s0 too small for w0! \n")
70 }
71 totnoct=noctave+as.integer(s0log/nvoice)+1
73 #cwt from package Rwave
74 totts.cwt=cwt(ts,totnoct,nvoice,w0,plot=0)
75 ts.cwt=totts.cwt[,s0log:(s0log+noctave*nvoice)]
77 #Normalization
78 sqs <- sqrt(2^(0:(noctave*nvoice)/nvoice)*s0)
79 smat <- matrix(rep(sqs,length(t)),nrow=length(t),byrow=TRUE)
81 ts.cwt*smat
82 }
84 #NOTE: vect2mat = as.matrix ?! (dans aux.R)
85 vect2mat <- function(vect, delta, lscvect)
86 {
87 vect <- as.vector(vect)
88 matrix(vect[-(1:2)], delta, lscvect)
89 }
91 #fonction smCWT (dans aux.R)
92 smCWT <- function(CWT, sw= 0, tw= 0, swabs= 0, nvoice= 12, noctave= 2, s0= 2, w0= 2*pi,
93 lt= 24, dt= 0.5, scalevector )
94 {
95 #noctave <- adjust.noctave(lt, dt, s0, tw, noctave)
96 #scalevector <- 2^(0:(noctave * nvoice) / nvoice) * s0
97 wsp <- Mod(CWT)
98 smwsp <- smooth.matrix(wsp, swabs)
99 smsmwsp <- smooth.time(smwsp, tw, dt, scalevector)
100 smsmwsp
101 }
103 #dans sowas.R (...donc on ne lisse pas à ce niveau ?)
104 smooth.matrix <- function(wt,swabs)
105 {
106 if (swabs != 0)
107 {
108 smwt <- t(filter(t(wt),rep(1,2*swabs+1)/(2*swabs+1)))
109 } else
110 {
111 smwt <- wt
112 }
113 smwt
114 }
116 smooth.time <- function(wt,tw,dt,scalevector)
117 {
118 smwt <- wt
119 if (tw != 0)
120 {
121 for (i in 1:length(scalevector))
122 {
123 twi <- as.integer(scalevector[i]*tw/dt)
124 smwt[,i] <- filter(wt[,i],rep(1,2*twi+1)/(2*twi+1))
125 }
126 }
127 smwt
128 }
130 step2 = function(conso)
131 {
132 #(Benjamin)
133 #à partir de là, "conso" == courbes synchrones
134 n <- nrow(conso)
135 delta <- ncol(conso)
137 #17000 colonnes coeff 1, puis 17000 coeff 2... [non : dans chaque tranche du cube]
138 # #NOTE: delta et lscvect pourraient etre gardés à part (communs)
140 #TODO: automatic tune of these parameters ? (for other users)
141 nvoice <- 4
142 # # noctave4 = 2^13 = 8192 half hours ~ 180 days
143 noctave4 <- adjust.noctave(N = delta, dt = 1, s0 = 2, tw = 0, noctave = 13)
144 # # 4 here represent 2^5 = 32 half-hours ~ 1 day
145 scalevector4 <- 2^(4:(noctave4 * nvoice) / nvoice) * 2
146 lscvect4 <- length(scalevector4)
147 lscvect <- lscvect4 # i should clean my code: werFam demands a lscvect
149 # observations node with CWT
150 Xcwt4 <- toCWT(conso, noctave = noctave4, dt = 1, scalevector = scalevector4, lt = delta,
151 smooth = FALSE, nvoice = nvoice)
153 #matrix:
154 ############Xcwt2 <- matrix(0.0, nrow= n, ncol= 2 + delta * lscvect)
155 Xcwt2 <- matrix(NA_complex_, nrow= n, ncol= 2 + length((c(Xcwt4[,,1]))))
157 #NOTE: delta et lscvect pourraient etre gardés à part (communs)
158 for(i in 1:n)
159 Xcwt2[i,] <- c(delta, lscvect, Xcwt4[,,i] / max(Mod(Xcwt4[,,i])) )
160 #rm(conso, Xcwt4); gc()
162 #Benjamin: FIX is this OK ?
163 lscvect = dim(Xcwt4)[2]
165 ## _.b WER^2 distances ########
166 Xwer_dist <- matrix(0.0, n, n)
167 for(i in 1:(n - 1))
168 {
169 #browser()
170 ##ERROR là sans FIX lscvect :: delta lscvect --> taille ??!
171 mat1 <- vect2mat(Xcwt2[i,], delta, lscvect)
173 for(j in (i + 1):n)
174 {
175 mat2 <- vect2mat(Xcwt2[j,], delta, lscvect)
176 num <- Mod(mat1 * Conj(mat2))
177 WX <- Mod(mat1 * Conj(mat1))
178 WY <- Mod(mat2 * Conj(mat2))
179 smsmnum <- smCWT(num, scalevector = scalevector4)
180 smsmWX <- smCWT(WX, scalevector = scalevector4)
181 smsmWY <- smCWT(WY, scalevector = scalevector4)
182 wer2 <- sum(colSums(smsmnum)^2) /
183 sum( sum(colSums(smsmWX) * colSums(smsmWY)) )
184 Xwer_dist[i, j] <- sqrt(delta * lscvect * (1 - wer2))
185 Xwer_dist[j, i] <- Xwer_dist[i, j]
186 }
187 }
188 diag(Xwer_dist) <- numeric(n)
189 Xwer_dist
190 }