cleaning - fix getSimilarDaysIndices ; to finish
[talweg.git] / data / scripts / build_testdata.R
1 #Lundi à dimanche, 182 jours
2 dates = seq(as.Date("2007-01-01"),as.Date("2007-07-01"),"days")
3 times = strftime( seq(
4 from=ISOdatetime(2007,1,1,1,0,0,tz="GMT"),
5 to=ISOdatetime(2007,7,2,0,0,0,tz="GMT"),
6 by="hour"), tz="GMT" )
8 # Only one covariable (no need for more; random, to invert cov(M))
9 L = length(dates) #182
10 exo_df = data.frame( "date"=dates, "var"=rnorm(L,1), "var_pred"=rnorm(L,1) )
11 # Series are 1,1,...,1 2,2,...,2 ... 7,7,...,7 1,1,...,1 ...etc
12 # First serie on monday 2007-01-01, there are exactly 26 weeks
13 ts_df = data.frame( "time"=times, "value"=rep(seq_len(7), each=24, times=26) )
15 write.csv(ts_df, file="ts_test.csv", row.names=FALSE)
16 write.csv(exo_df, file="exo_test.csv", row.names=FALSE)