Fix parseInt() usage, rename Doubleorda --> Ordamirror, implement Clorange variant
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Ordamirror / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Pieces move generally like a knight, and capture differently.
4 figure.diagram-container
5 .diagram
6 | fen:lhafkahl/8/pppppppp/8/8/PPPPPPPP/8/LHAFKAHL:
7 figcaption Deterministic initial position
9 p
10 | Most pieces move and capture as described in
11 a(href="/#/variants/Orda") Orda
12 | . They all belong to the Mongolian army: let's say a rebellion occured :)
14 p The new piece is a falcon, moving like a queen and capturing like a knight.
16 figure.diagram-container
17 .diagram
18 | fen:8/1P6/8/3F2p1/3Pp3/2p1p3/8/8 d6,d7,d8,a5,b5,c5,a2,b3,c4,e5,f5,c6,e6,f7,g8,c3,e3:
19 figcaption Movements of the falcon
21 p.
22 Same as in Orda, win by checkmate or "campmate" when the king reaches
23 the last rank.