Improve Bario rules' description
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Enpassant / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | All pieces can be captured en passant, by any piece.
4 p More precisely:
5 ul
6 li.
7 A piece making a multistep move can be captured by an opponent's piece
8 guarding a square on its way; this capture is only possible right after
9 the move (same condition as for en passant pawns captures).
10 li.
11 Even if the capturer gets captured en passant on next turn,
12 the initial captured piece does not return to the board.
14 p.
15 This is a generalisation of en passant capture with the pawn, which is
16 still possible. It leads to some unexpected situations,
17 like on the following diagram after 1...Rb2-d2+: this is not a mate
18 since the king can capture the rook en passant on c2: 2.Kxc2 e.p.
20 figure.diagram-container
21 .diagram
22 | fen:6k1/1p1p4/6p1/4P3/2n5/3nP1b1/3r1BP1/R2K1R1B:
23 figcaption After 1...Rb2-d2+: not a mate!
25 h3 Special moves
27 ul
28 li.
29 Knights become knightriders, which may make multi knight-steps in the
30 same direction. For example in the standard initial position,
31 the knightrider on g1 can go to e5 or could capture on d7 in addition
32 to the knight moves (see diagram below).
33 li The king can capture a piece en passant by making a knight move.
35 figure.diagram-container
36 .diagram
37 | fen:rnbqk1nr/ppppppbp/6p1/8/8/2NP5/PPP1PPPP/R1BQKBNR h3,f3,e5,d7:
38 figcaption.
39 Possible knightrider moves after 1.d3 g6 2.Nc3 Bg7.
40 If 3.Nxd7, 3...Bxe5 e.p. is possible.
42 p.
43 Due to the extended knight movement, a capture, check or even checkmate
44 could be played at move 1. On the following diagram 1.Nxe7 is mate,
45 and black in turn could play 1...Nxg2 trapping the queen.
46 Consequently, captures are disabled at move 1.
48 figure.diagram-container
49 .diagram
50 | fen:nbqnbrkr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNKBQNBR:
51 figcaption 1.Nxe7# and 1...Nxg2: "knightriders' anomalies".
53 h3 Source
55 p
56 a(href="")
57 | En Passant chess
58 |  on
60 p Inventor: Andy Kurnia (1998)