| 1 | Package: epclust |
| 2 | Title: Clustering individual electricity power curves |
| 3 | Description: EPCLUST: Electric Power curves CLUSTering, through their wavelets |
| 4 | decomposition. The main method 'epclust' takes (usually long) time-series |
| 5 | in input, and return as many clusters centers as requested, along with their |
| 6 | identifiers (if aplicable). Several parameters can be tuned: please refer to the |
| 7 | package vignette. |
| 8 | Version: 0.1-0 |
| 9 | Author: Benjamin Auder <Benjamin.Auder@math.u-psud.fr> [aut,cre], |
| 10 | Jairo Cugliari <Jairo.Cugliari@univ-lyon2.fr> [aut], |
| 11 | Yannig Goude <Yannig.Goude@edf.fr> [ctb], |
| 12 | Jean-Michel Poggi <Jean-Michel.Poggi@math.u-psud.fr> [ctb] |
| 13 | Maintainer: Benjamin Auder <Benjamin.Auder@math.u-psud.fr> |
| 14 | Depends: |
| 15 | R (>= 3.0.0) |
| 16 | Imports: |
| 17 | methods, |
| 18 | parallel, |
| 19 | cluster, |
| 20 | wavelets, |
| 21 | bigmemory, |
| 22 | Rwave, |
| 23 | Rcpp |
| 24 | LinkingTo: |
| 25 | Rcpp, |
| 26 | BH, |
| 27 | bigmemory |
| 28 | Suggests: |
| 29 | synchronicity, |
| 30 | devtools, |
| 31 | testthat, |
| 32 | MASS, |
| 33 | clue, |
| 34 | wmtsa, |
| 35 | DBI |
| 36 | License: MIT + file LICENSE |
| 37 | RoxygenNote: 6.0.1 |
| 38 | Collate: |
| 39 | 'RcppExports.R' |
| 40 | 'main.R' |
| 41 | 'clustering.R' |
| 42 | 'de_serialize.R' |
| 43 | 'a_NAMESPACE.R' |
| 44 | 'plot.R' |