Attempt to resurrect qomet code - need some rewrite
[qomet.git] / javascripts / grade.js
1 //TODO: compute grades after exam (in teacher's view)
3 new Vue({
4 el: '#grade',
5 data: {
6 evaluationArray: evaluationArray,
7 settings: {
8 totalPoints: 20,
9 halfPoints: false,
10 zeroSum: false,
11 },
12 group: 1, //for detailed grades tables
13 grades: { }, //computed
14 },
15 mounted: function() {
16 // TODO
17 $('ul.tabs').tabs(); //--> migrate to grade.js
18 },
19 methods: {
20 // GRADES:
21 gradeSettings: function() {
22 $("#gradeSettings").modal("open");
23 Materialize.updateTextFields(); //total points field in grade settings overlap
24 },
25 download: function() {
26 // Download (all) grades as a CSV file
27 let data = [ ];
28 this.studentList(0).forEach( s => {
29 let finalGrade = 0.;
30 let gradesCount = 0;
31 if (!!this.grades[s.number])
32 {
33 Object.keys(this.grades[s.number]).forEach( evaluationName => {
34 s[evaluationName] = this.grades[s.number][evaluationName];
35 if (_.isNumeric(s[evaluationName]) && !isNaN(s[evaluationName]))
36 {
37 finalGrade += s[evaluationName];
38 gradesCount++;
39 }
40 if (gradesCount >= 1)
41 finalGrade /= gradesCount;
42 s["final"] = finalGrade; //TODO: forbid "final" as evaluation name
43 });
44 }
45 data.push(s); //number,name,group,assessName1...assessNameN,final
46 });
47 let csv = Papa.unparse(data, {
48 quotes: true,
49 header: true,
50 });
51 let downloadAnchor = $("#download");
52 downloadAnchor.attr("download", this.course.code + "_results.csv");
53 downloadAnchor.attr("href", "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(csv));
54 this.$
55 //; //fails
56 },
57 showDetails: function(group) {
58 = group;
59 $("#detailedGrades").modal("open");
60 },
61 groupList: function() {
62 let maxGrp = 1;
63 this.course.students.forEach( s => {
64 if ( > maxGrp)
65 maxGrp =;
66 });
67 return _.range(1,maxGrp+1);
68 },
69 grade: function(evaluationIndex, studentNumber) {
70 if (!this.grades[evaluationIndex] || !this.grades[evaluationIndex][studentNumber])
71 return ""; //no grade yet
72 return this.grades[evaluationIndex][studentNumber];
73 },
74 groupId: function(group, prefix) {
75 return (prefix || "") + "group" + group;
76 },
77 togglePresence: function(number, index) {
79 // TODO: if no grade (thus automatic 0), toggle "exempt" state on student for current exam
80 // --> automatic update of grades view (just a few number to change)
81 },
82 computeGrades: function() {
84 // TODO: compute all grades using settings (points, coefficients, bonus/malus...).
85 // If some questions with free answers (open), display answers and ask teacher action.
86 // TODO: need a setting for that too (by student, by exercice, by question)
87 },
88 },
89 });