Add Discord link on footer
[vchess.git] / client / src / components / MoveList.vue
1 <template lang="pug">
2 div
3 input#modalAdjust.modal(type="checkbox")
4 div#adjuster(
5 role="dialog"
6 data-checkbox="modalAdjust"
7 )
8 .card.text-center
9 label.modal-close(for="modalAdjust")
10 label(for="boardSize") {{["Board size"] }}
11 input#boardSize.slider(
12 type="range"
13 min="0"
14 max="100"
15 value="50"
16 @input="adjustBoard()"
17 )
18 #aboveMoves
19 // NOTE: variants pages already have a "Rules" link on top
20 span#rulesBtn(
21 v-if="!$route.path.match('/variants/')"
22 @click="$emit('showrules')"
23 )
24 | {{["Rules"] }}
25 button.tooltip(
26 onClick="window.doClick('modalAdjust')"
27 :aria-label="['Resize board']"
28 )
29 img.inline(src="/images/icons/resize.svg")
30 button.tooltip(
31 v-if="canAnalyze"
32 @click="$emit('analyze')"
33 :aria-label="['Analyse']"
34 )
35 img.inline(src="/images/icons/analyse.svg")
36 #downloadDiv(v-if="canDownload")
37 a#download(href="#")
38 button.tooltip(
39 @click="$emit('download')"
40 :aria-label="['Download'] + ' PGN'"
41 )
42 img.inline(src="/images/icons/download.svg")
43 #scoreInfo(v-if="score!='*'")
44 span.score {{ score }}
45 span.score-msg {{[message] }}
46 .moves-list(v-if="!['none','highlight'].includes(show)")
47 .tr(v-for="moveIdx in evenNumbers")
48 .td {{ firstNum + moveIdx / 2 + 1 }}
49 .td(v-if="moveIdx < moves.length-1 || show == 'all'"
50 :class="{'highlight-lm': cursor == moveIdx}"
51 @click="() => gotoMove(moveIdx)"
52 )
53 | {{ notation(moves[moveIdx]) }}
54 .td(
55 v-if="moveIdx < moves.length-1"
56 :class="{'highlight-lm': cursor == moveIdx+1}"
57 @click="() => gotoMove(moveIdx+1)"
58 )
59 | {{ notation(moves[moveIdx+1]) }}
60 </template>
62 <script>
63 import { store } from "@/store";
64 import { getFullNotation } from "@/utils/notation";
65 import { processModalClick } from "@/utils/modalClick";
66 export default {
67 name: "my-move-list",
68 props: [
69 "moves", "show", "canAnalyze", "canDownload",
70 "cursor", "score", "message", "firstNum"],
71 data: function() {
72 return {
73 st: store.state
74 };
75 },
76 mounted: function() {
77 document.getElementById("adjuster").addEventListener(
78 "click",
79 processModalClick);
80 if ("ontouchstart" in window) {
81 // Disable tooltips on smartphones:
82 document.querySelectorAll("#aboveMoves .tooltip").forEach(elt => {
83 elt.classList.remove("tooltip");
84 });
85 }
86 // Take full width on small screens:
87 let boardSize = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("boardSize"));
88 if (!boardSize) {
89 boardSize =
90 window.innerWidth >= 768
91 ? 0.75 * Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
92 : window.innerWidth;
93 }
94 const movesWidth = window.innerWidth >= 768 ? 280 : 0;
95 document.getElementById("boardContainer").style.width = boardSize + "px";
96 let gameContainer = document.getElementById("gameContainer");
97 = boardSize + movesWidth + "px";
98 document.getElementById("boardSize").value =
99 (boardSize * 100) / (window.innerWidth - movesWidth);
100 // timeout to avoid calling too many time the adjust method
101 let timeoutLaunched = false;
102 window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
103 if (!timeoutLaunched) {
104 timeoutLaunched = true;
105 setTimeout(() => {
106 this.adjustBoard();
107 timeoutLaunched = false;
108 }, 500);
109 }
110 });
111 },
112 watch: {
113 cursor: function(newCursor) {
114 if (window.innerWidth <= 767) return; //scrolling would hide chessboard
115 // $nextTick to wait for table > tr to be rendered
116 this.$nextTick(() => {
117 let curMove = document.querySelector(".td.highlight-lm");
118 if (!curMove && this.moves.length > 0)
119 // Cursor is before game beginning, and some moves were made:
120 curMove = document.querySelector(".moves-list > .tr:first-child > .td");
121 if (!!curMove) {
122 curMove.scrollIntoView({
123 behavior: "auto",
124 block: "nearest"
125 });
126 }
127 });
128 }
129 },
130 computed: {
131 evenNumbers: function() {
132 return [...Array(this.moves.length).keys()].filter(i => i%2==0);
133 }
134 },
135 methods: {
136 notation: function(move) {
137 return getFullNotation(move);
138 },
139 gotoMove: function(index) {
140 this.$emit("goto-move", index);
141 },
142 adjustBoard: function() {
143 const boardContainer = document.getElementById("boardContainer");
144 if (!boardContainer) return; //no board on page
145 const k = document.getElementById("boardSize").value;
146 const movesWidth = window.innerWidth >= 768 ? 280 : 0;
147 const minBoardWidth = 240; //TODO: these 240 and 280 are arbitrary...
148 // Value of 0 is board min size; 100 is window.width [- movesWidth]
149 const boardSize =
150 minBoardWidth +
151 (k * (window.innerWidth - (movesWidth + minBoardWidth))) / 100;
152 localStorage.setItem("boardSize", boardSize);
153 = boardSize + "px";
154 document.getElementById("gameContainer").style.width =
155 boardSize + movesWidth + "px";
156 }
157 }
158 };
159 </script>
161 <style lang="sass" scoped>
162 .moves-list
163 user-select: none
164 cursor: pointer
165 min-height: 1px
166 max-height: 500px
167 overflow: auto
168 background-color: white
169 width: 280px
170 & > .tr
171 clear: both
172 border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey
173 & > .td
174 float: left
175 padding: 2% 0 2% 2%
176 &:first-child
177 color: grey
178 width: 13%
179 &:not(first-child)
180 width: 40.5%
182 @media screen and (max-width: 767px)
183 .moves-list
184 width: 100%
186 .td.highlight-lm
187 background-color: plum
189 #boardSizeBtnContainer
190 width: 100%
191 text-align: center
193 [type="checkbox"]#modalAdjust+div .card
194 padding: 5px
196 img.inline
197 height: 24px
198 @media screen and (max-width: 767px)
199 height: 18px
201 #scoreInfo
202 margin: 10px 0
203 @media screen and (max-width: 767px)
204 margin: 5px 0
206 span.score
207 display: inline-block
208 margin-left: 10px
209 font-weight: bold
211 span.score-msg
212 display: inline-block
213 margin-left: 10px
214 font-style: italic
216 #downloadDiv
217 display: inline-block
218 margin: 0
220 span#rulesBtn
221 cursor: pointer
222 display: inline-block
223 margin: 0 10px
224 font-weight: bold
226 button
227 margin: 0
229 button.tooltip
230 padding-bottom: 5px
231 </style>