merge with remote
[aggexp.git] / R / z_getData.R
1 expertsArray = c(
2 "CLM", #1
3 "GAM", #2
4 "CLM1", #3
5 "CLM2", #4
6 "S_AIRPARIF", #5
7 "S_INERIS", #6
9 "D_PREVAIR", #8
10 "D_PREVAIR2", #9
11 "PERSIST", #10
12 #new additions only for PQV_2014
13 #TODO: default behavior on station != PQV_2014 ?
14 "GAM_sepMar", #11
15 "GAM_aprAug", #12
16 "GAM_highPollution", #13
17 "GAM_lowPollution", #14
18 "GAM_hotTemperature", #15
19 "GAM_coldTemperature", #16
20 "GAM_eastWind", #17
21 "GAM_westWind", #18
22 "GAM_noRain", #19
23 "GAM_rain" #20
24 )
26 stationsArray = c(
27 "AIL", #1
28 "ALE", #2
29 "CAE", #3
30 "CHD", #4
31 "EVT", #5
32 "HRI", #6
33 "IFS", #7
34 "JUS", #8
35 "LIS", #9
36 "MAS", #10
37 "MRA", #11
38 "NEI", #12
39 "POS", #13
40 "PQV", #14
41 "SLO", #15
42 "HRI_2014", #16
43 "LIS_2014", #17
44 "PQV_2014", #18
45 "PQV2" #19
46 )
48 #' @title Get forecasts + observations
49 #'
50 #' @description Get forecasts of all specified experts for all specified stations, also with (ordered) dates and (unordered) stations indices.
51 #'
52 #' @param experts Names of the experts. Default: all
53 #' @param station Names of the stations. Default: all
54 #'
55 #' @export
56 getData = function(experts=expertsArray, stations=stationsArray)
57 {
58 #no need because of "LazyData: true" in DESCRIPTION
59 #data(list=stations, package="aggexp")
60 data =, ncol=1 + length(experts) + 2))
61 names(data) = c("Date", experts, "Measure", "Station")
62 for (i in 1:length(stations))
63 {
64 stationInfo = get(stations[i])
65 #date index is sufficient; also add station index
66 stationInfo = cbind(Date = 1:nrow(stationInfo), stationInfo[,names(stationInfo) %in% experts], Measure = stationInfo[,"Measure"], Station = i)
67 data = rbind(data, stationInfo)
68 }
70 #extra step: order by date (would be a DB request)
71 data = data[order(data[,"Date"]),]
73 return (data)
74 }