merge with remote
[aggexp.git] / R / m_GeneralizedAdditive.R
1 #' @include b_Algorithm.R
3 #' @title Generalized Additive Model
4 #'
5 #' @description Generalized Additive Model using the \code{gam} package.
6 #' Inherits \code{\link{Algorithm}}
7 #'
8 #' @field family Family of the distribution to be used. Default: gaussian().
9 #'
10 GeneralizedAdditive = setRefClass(
11 Class = "GeneralizedAdditive",
13 fields = c(
14 "family" #class "family"
15 ),
17 contains = "Algorithm",
19 methods = list(
20 initialize = function(...)
21 {
22 callSuper(...)
23 if (class(family) == "uninitializedField")
24 family <<- gaussian()
25 },
26 predict_noNA = function(XY, x)
27 {
28 #GAM need some data to provide reliable results
29 if (nrow(XY) < 30)
30 {
31 X = XY[,names(XY) != "Measure"]
32 Y = XY[,"Measure"]
33 weight = ridgeSolve(X, Y, LAMBDA)
34 return (matricize(x) %*% weight)
35 }
37 suppressPackageStartupMessages( require(gam) )
38 g = gam(Measure ~ ., data=XY, family=family)
39 return (stats::predict(g, x))
40 }
41 )
42 )