White and black pieces are replaced by different armies.
Pawns and kings move as usual, but the other pieces generally do not.
Indeed, before the game start you must select two armies, defining
new movements for "rooks", "knights", "bishops" and "queens".
Pieces movements are described using these simple pieces:
Dabbabah = jump two squares orthogonally
Alfil = jump two squares diagonally
Wazir = one square orthogonally
Ferz = one square diagonally
Three leaper (L3) = jump three squares orthogonally
Narrow knight = knight without "2+1 lateral moves"
Pawns can be promoted into a piece of any of the two armies playing.
The Colorbound Clobberers
Rook = bishop + dabbabah = "bede" (D),
Knight = wazir + alfil = "waffle" (W),
Bishop = ferz + alfil + dabbabah = "fad" (F),
Queen = bishop + knight = "cardinal" (C).
When castling large, the king and rook arrive respectively on
b1/b8 and c1/c8 so that the rook remains on the same color.
The Nutty Knights
Rook = rook forward and sideways + king backwards = "charging rook" (G),
Knight = narrow knight + ferz = "fibnif" (I),
Bishop = knight forward + king sideways and backwards =
"charging knight" (T),
Queen = rook forward and sideways + knight forward + king = "colonel" (L).