From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2018 17:29:32 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: 'update'


diff --git a/public/javascripts/components/statements.js b/public/javascripts/components/statements.js
index 6e12eb6..65bab5f 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/components/statements.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/components/statements.js
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ Vue.component("statements", {
 			const dotPos = q.index.indexOf(".");
 			return dotPos === -1 ? q.index : q.index.substring(0,dotPos);
-		let domTree = (qg,i) => {
+		let domTree = Object.keys(questionGroups).map( idx => {
+			let qg = questionGroups[idx];
+			const i = parseInt(idx);
 			// Re-order questions 1.1.1 then 1.1.2 then...
 			const orderedQg = qg.sort( (a,b) => {
 				let aParts = a.split('.').map(Number);
diff --git a/public/javascripts/course.js b/public/javascripts/course.js
index 781424a..7006933 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/course.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/course.js
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ new Vue({
 		newEvaluation: { name: "" },
 		evaluationArray: evaluationArray,
 		mode: "view", //or "edit" (some evaluation)
-		evaluationIndex: 0, //current edited evaluation index
+		evaluationIndex: -1, //current edited evaluation index
 		evaluation: { }, //copy of evaluation at editing index in array
 		questionsText: "", //questions in an evaluation, in text format
 	mounted: function() {
-		Materialize.updateTextFields(); //textareas, time field...
+		//Materialize.updateTextFields(); //textareas, time field...
 	methods: {
 		// GENERAL:
diff --git a/views/course.pug b/views/course.pug
index cfe56a4..4e44ec7 100644
--- a/views/course.pug
+++ b/views/course.pug
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ block content
 						a.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(href="#!" @click="addEvaluation()")
 							span Submit
 							i.material-icons.right send
-			.row
+			.row(style="margin-bottom:0")
 					h4.title(@click="toggleDisplay('students')") Students
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ block content
 									td {{ student.number }}
 									td {{ }}
 									td {{ }}
-		.row
+		.row(style="margin-bottom:0")
 				h4.title(@click="toggleDisplay('evaluations')") Evaluations
@@ -57,59 +57,58 @@ block content
 								td {{ }}
 								td {{ evaluation.mode }}
 								td {{ evaluation.questions.length }}
-		if teacher
-			.row
-				.col.s12.m10.offset-m1
-					h4 {{ }}
-					.card(v-show="mode=='view'")
-						.center-align
-							button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.on-left(@click="mode='edit'") Edit
-							button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(@click="redirect(") View
-						div
-							.introduction(v-html="evaluation.introduction")
-							statements(:questions="evaluation.questions" :display="solution")
-					.card(v-show="mode=='edit'")
-						form(@submit.prevent)
-							p
-								input#active(type="checkbox" v-model="")
-								label(for="active") evaluation is active
-							div
-								h4 Questions mode:
-								span(title="Exam mode, secured (class only): students cannot lose focus or exit fullscreen")
-									input#secure(name="status" type="radio" value="secure" v-model="evaluation.mode")
-									label(for="secure") secure
-								span(title="Exam mode, watched (class only): teachers are notified when students lose focus or resize window")
-									input#watch(name="status" type="radio" value="watch" v-model="evaluation.mode")
-									label(for="watch") watch
-								span(title="Exam mode, unwatched: students can browse the web freely")
-									input#exam(name="status" type="radio" value="exam" v-model="evaluation.mode")
-									label(for="exam") exam
-								span(title="Questions list open to the world (useful mode after an exam, or for a 'questions bank'")
-									input#open(name="status" type="radio" value="open" v-model="evaluation.mode")
-									label(for="open") open
-							p
-								input#fixed(type="checkbox" v-model="evaluation.fixed")
-								label(for="fixed") Fixed questions order
-							div
-								h4 Display type:
-								span(title="Show only one question at a time (with potential sub-questions)")
-									input#displayOne(name="display" type="radio" value="one" v-model="evaluation.display")
-									label(for="displayOne") one
-								span(title="Always show all questions (with an optional navigator)")
-									input#displayAll(name="display" type="radio" value="all" v-model="evaluation.display")
-									label(for="displayAll") all
-							.input-field
-								input#time(type="number" v-model.number="evaluation.time")
-								label(for="time") Time (minutes)
-							.input-field
-								textarea#introduction.materialize-textarea(v-model="evaluation.introduction")
-								label(for="introduction") Introduction
-							.input-field
-								textarea#evaluationEdition.materialize-textarea(v-model="evaluationText")
-								label(for="evaluationEdition") evaluation in text format
-							.center-align
-								button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.on-left(@click="updateEvaluation()") Send
-								button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(@click="mode='view'") Cancel
+					if teacher
+						div(v-show="evaluationIndex >= 0")
+							h4 {{ }}
+							.card(v-show="mode=='view'")
+								.center-align
+									button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.on-left(@click="mode='edit'") Edit
+									button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(@click="redirect(") View
+								div
+									.introduction(v-html="evaluation.introduction")
+									statements(:questions="evaluation.questions" :display="'solution'")
+							.card(v-show="mode=='edit'")
+								form(@submit.prevent)
+									p
+										input#active(type="checkbox" v-model="")
+										label(for="active") evaluation is active
+									div
+										h4 Questions mode:
+										span(title="Exam mode, secured (class only): students cannot lose focus or exit fullscreen")
+											input#secure(name="status" type="radio" value="secure" v-model="evaluation.mode")
+											label(for="secure") secure
+										span(title="Exam mode, watched (class only): teachers are notified when students lose focus or resize window")
+											input#watch(name="status" type="radio" value="watch" v-model="evaluation.mode")
+											label(for="watch") watch
+										span(title="Exam mode, unwatched: students can browse the web freely")
+											input#exam(name="status" type="radio" value="exam" v-model="evaluation.mode")
+											label(for="exam") exam
+										span(title="Questions list open to the world (useful mode after an exam, or for a 'questions bank'")
+											input#open(name="status" type="radio" value="open" v-model="evaluation.mode")
+											label(for="open") open
+									p
+										input#fixed(type="checkbox" v-model="evaluation.fixed")
+										label(for="fixed") Fixed questions order
+									div
+										h4 Display type:
+										span(title="Show only one question at a time (with potential sub-questions)")
+											input#displayOne(name="display" type="radio" value="one" v-model="evaluation.display")
+											label(for="displayOne") one
+										span(title="Always show all questions (with an optional navigator)")
+											input#displayAll(name="display" type="radio" value="all" v-model="evaluation.display")
+											label(for="displayAll") all
+									.input-field
+										input#time(type="number" v-model.number="evaluation.time")
+										label(for="time") Time (minutes)
+									.input-field
+										textarea#introduction.materialize-textarea(v-model="evaluation.introduction")
+										label(for="introduction") Introduction
+									.input-field
+										textarea#evaluationEdition.materialize-textarea(v-model="questionsText")
+										label(for="evaluationEdition") evaluation in text format
+									.center-align
+										button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.on-left(@click="updateEvaluation()") Send
+										button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(@click="mode='view'") Cancel
 block append javascripts
@@ -120,5 +119,6 @@ block append javascripts
 		const admin = #{teacher};
+	script(src="/javascripts/utils/libsRefresh.js")