From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 20:54:13 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: after merge

after merge

diff --git a/reports/report.gj b/reports/report.gj
index 088b43e..3932639 100644
--- a/reports/report.gj
+++ b/reports/report.gj
@@ -24,10 +24,13 @@ list_indices = ['indices_ch', 'indices_ep', 'indices_np']
+P = ${P} #instant de prévision
+H = ${H} #horizon (en heures)
 ts_data = read.csv(system.file("extdata","pm10_mesures_H_loc_report.csv",package="talweg"))
 exo_data = read.csv(system.file("extdata","meteo_extra_noNAs.csv",package="talweg"))
 data = getData(ts_data, exo_data, input_tz = "Europe/Paris", working_tz="Europe/Paris",
-	predict_at=${P}) #predict from P+1 to P+H included
+	predict_at=P) #predict from P+1 to P+H included
 indices_ch = seq(as.Date("2015-01-18"),as.Date("2015-01-24"),"days")
 indices_ep = seq(as.Date("2015-03-15"),as.Date("2015-03-21"),"days")
@@ -38,18 +41,18 @@ indices_np = seq(as.Date("2015-04-26"),as.Date("2015-05-02"),"days")
 <h2 style="color:blue;font-size:2em">${list_titles[i]}</h2>
 p_nn_exo = computeForecast(data, ${list_indices[i]}, "Neighbors", "Neighbors",
-	horizon=${H}, simtype="exo")
+	horizon=H, simtype="exo")
 p_nn_mix = computeForecast(data, ${list_indices[i]}, "Neighbors", "Neighbors",
-	horizon=${H}, simtype="mix")
+	horizon=H, simtype="mix")
 p_az = computeForecast(data, ${list_indices[i]}, "Average", "Zero",
-	horizon=${H})
+	horizon=H)
 p_pz = computeForecast(data, ${list_indices[i]}, "Persistence", "Zero",
 	horizon=${H}, same_day=${'TRUE' if loop.index < 2 else 'FALSE'})
-e_nn_exo = computeError(data, p_nn_exo, ${H})
-e_nn_mix = computeError(data, p_nn_mix, ${H})
-e_az = computeError(data, p_az, ${H})
-e_pz = computeError(data, p_pz, ${H})
+e_nn_exo = computeError(data, p_nn_exo, H)
+e_nn_mix = computeError(data, p_nn_mix, H)
+e_az = computeError(data, p_az, H)
+e_pz = computeError(data, p_pz, H)
 options(repr.plot.width=9, repr.plot.height=7)
 plotError(list(e_nn_mix, e_pz, e_az, e_nn_exo), cols=c(1,2,colors()[258], 4))