Fix ublock spelling and add link
[qomet.git] / views / assessment.pug
... / ...
1extends withQuestions
3block append stylesheets
4 link(rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/assessment.css")
5 noscript
6 meta(http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=/enablejs")
8block rightMenu
9 a#rightButton.btn-floating.btn-large.grey( + "/monitor")
10 i.material-icons video_label
12block content
13 .container#assessment
14 .row
15 #warning.modal
16 .modal-content
17 p Your answer to the current question was sent to the server.
18 p To avoid future unpleasant surprises, please don't
19 ul
20 li resize the window, or
21 li lose window focus.
22 .modal-footer
23 .center-align
24 a.modal-action.modal-close.waves-effect.waves-light.btn-flat(href="#!") Got it!
25 .row
26 .col.s12.m10.offset-m1.l8.offset-l2.xl6.offset-xl3
27 h4=
28 #stage0(v-if="stage==0")
29 .card
30 .input-field.inline.on-left
31 label(for="number") Number
32 input#number(type="text" v-model="student.number" @keyup.enter="getStudent()")
33 button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(@click="getStudent()") Send
34 #stage1(v-if="stage==1")
35 .card
36 if assessment.mode != "open"
37 .input-field.inline.on-left
38 label(for="forename") Forename
39 input#forename(type="text" v-model="student.forename" disabled)
40 .input-field.inline
41 label(for="name") Name
42 input#name(type="text" v-model="" disabled)
43 p
44 if assessment.mode != "open"
45 button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.on-left(@click="cancelStudent") Cancel
46 button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(@click="startAssessment") Start!
47 #stage1_2_4(v-if="stage==1 || stage==2 || stage == 4")
48 .card
49 .introduction(v-html="assessment.introduction")
50 #stage2_4(v-if="stage==2 || stage==4")
51 if assessment.time > 0
52 .card
53"stage==2") {{ countdown }}
54 .card
55 statements(:assessment="assessment" :student="student" :stage="stage" :inputs="inputs" @gameover="endAssessment")
56 #stage3(v-if="stage==3")
57 .card
58 .finish Exam completed ☺ ...don't close the window!
59 #stage3_4(v-if="stage==3 || stage==4")
60 .card
61 .conclusion(v-html="assessment.conclusion")
63block append javascripts
64 script.
65 let assessment = !{JSON.stringify(assessment)};
66 script(src="/javascripts/assessment.js")