2 | Pieces attacked by the Mesmerist can be controlled.
5 A new piece — the Mesmerist — has the power of mind control,
6 and may elect to move any enemy piece which he observes.
7 The Mesmerist moves like an orthodox queen, but cannot capture (except
8 through mind control). His victim is said to be mesmerized.
10 p The Mesmerist is represented by an upside-down queen for now.
12 figure.diagram-container
14 | fen:rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/3m4/8/8/3M4/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR:
15 figcaption Deterministic initial position.
18 The mesmerized piece is temporarily frozen and thus cannot be moved by its
19 owner on the next turn.
21 p The game is won by capturing the enemy King or Mesmerist.
27 a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/mvopponent.dir/mesmer-chess.html")
31 p Inventor: W. D. Troyka (2003)