| 1 | extends withQuestions |
| 2 | |
| 3 | block append stylesheets |
| 4 | link(rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/statements.css") |
| 5 | link(rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/course.css") |
| 6 | |
| 7 | block content |
| 8 | .container#course |
| 9 | if teacher |
| 10 | #newEvaluation.modal |
| 11 | .modal-content |
| 12 | form(@submit.prevent="addEvaluation") |
| 13 | .input-field |
| 14 | input#evaluationName(type="text" v-model="newEvaluation.name" required) |
| 15 | label(for="evaluationName") Name |
| 16 | .modal-footer |
| 17 | .center-align |
| 18 | a.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(href="#!" @click="addEvaluation()") |
| 19 | span Submit |
| 20 | i.material-icons.right send |
| 21 | .row(style="margin-bottom:0") |
| 22 | .col.s12.m10.offset-m1 |
| 23 | h4.title(@click="toggleDisplay('students')") Students |
| 24 | .card(v-show="display=='students'") |
| 25 | .center-align |
| 26 | input.hide#upload(type="file" @change="upload") |
| 27 | button.on-left.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(@click="uploadTrigger()") Import |
| 28 | table |
| 29 | thead |
| 30 | tr |
| 31 | th Number |
| 32 | th Name |
| 33 | th Group |
| 34 | tbody |
| 35 | tr.student(v-for="student in studentList(0)") |
| 36 | td {{ student.number }} |
| 37 | td {{ student.name }} |
| 38 | td {{ student.group }} |
| 39 | .row(style="margin-bottom:0") |
| 40 | .col.s12.m10.offset-m1 |
| 41 | h4.title(@click="toggleDisplay('evaluations')") Evaluations |
| 42 | .card(v-show="display=='evaluations'") |
| 43 | if teacher |
| 44 | .center-align |
| 45 | a.on-left.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.modal-trigger(href="#newEvaluation") New evaluation |
| 46 | input#password(type="password" v-model="monitorPwd" @keyup.enter="setPassword" |
| 47 | placeholder="Password" title="Monitoring password") |
| 48 | table |
| 49 | thead |
| 50 | tr |
| 51 | th Name |
| 52 | th Mode |
| 53 | th #Questions |
| 54 | tbody |
| 55 | tr.evaluation(v-for="(evaluation,i) in evaluationArray" :class="{idle:!evaluation.active}" |
| 56 | @click.left="actionEvaluation(i)" @contextmenu.prevent="deleteEvaluation(evaluation)") |
| 57 | td {{ evaluation.name }} |
| 58 | td {{ evaluation.mode }} |
| 59 | td {{ evaluation.questions.length }} |
| 60 | if teacher |
| 61 | div(v-show="evaluationIndex >= 0") |
| 62 | h4 {{ evaluation.name }} |
| 63 | .card(v-show="mode=='view'") |
| 64 | .center-align |
| 65 | button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.on-left(@click="mode='edit'") Edit |
| 66 | button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(@click="redirect(evaluation.name)") View |
| 67 | div |
| 68 | .introduction(v-html="evaluation.introduction") |
| 69 | statements(:questions="evaluation.questions" :answers="evaluation.answers" :display="'solution'") |
| 70 | .card(v-show="mode=='edit'") |
| 71 | form(@submit.prevent) |
| 72 | p |
| 73 | input#active(type="checkbox" v-model="evaluation.active") |
| 74 | label(for="active") evaluation is active |
| 75 | div |
| 76 | h4 Questions mode: |
| 77 | span(title="Exam mode, secured (class only): students cannot lose focus or exit fullscreen") |
| 78 | input#secure(name="status" type="radio" value="secure" v-model="evaluation.mode") |
| 79 | label(for="secure") secure |
| 80 | span(title="Exam mode, watched (class only): teachers are notified when students lose focus or resize window") |
| 81 | input#watch(name="status" type="radio" value="watch" v-model="evaluation.mode") |
| 82 | label(for="watch") watch |
| 83 | span(title="Exam mode, unwatched: students can browse the web freely") |
| 84 | input#exam(name="status" type="radio" value="exam" v-model="evaluation.mode") |
| 85 | label(for="exam") exam |
| 86 | span(title="Questions list open to the world (useful mode after an exam, or for a 'questions bank'") |
| 87 | input#open(name="status" type="radio" value="open" v-model="evaluation.mode") |
| 88 | label(for="open") open |
| 89 | p |
| 90 | input#fixed(type="checkbox" v-model="evaluation.fixed") |
| 91 | label(for="fixed") Fixed questions order |
| 92 | div |
| 93 | h4 Display type: |
| 94 | span(title="Show only one question at a time (with potential sub-questions)") |
| 95 | input#displayOne(name="display" type="radio" value="one" v-model="evaluation.display") |
| 96 | label(for="displayOne") one |
| 97 | span(title="Always show all questions (with an optional navigator)") |
| 98 | input#displayAll(name="display" type="radio" value="all" v-model="evaluation.display") |
| 99 | label(for="displayAll") all |
| 100 | .input-field |
| 101 | input#time(type="number" v-model.number="evaluation.time") |
| 102 | label(for="time") Time (minutes) |
| 103 | .input-field |
| 104 | textarea#introduction.materialize-textarea(v-model="evaluation.introduction") |
| 105 | label(for="introduction") Introduction |
| 106 | .input-field |
| 107 | textarea#evaluationEdition.materialize-textarea(v-model="questionsText") |
| 108 | label(for="evaluationEdition") evaluation in text format |
| 109 | .center-align |
| 110 | button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.on-left(@click="updateEvaluation()") Send |
| 111 | button.waves-effect.waves-light.btn(@click="mode='view'") Cancel |
| 112 | |
| 113 | block append javascripts |
| 114 | script(src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/PapaParse/4.3.6/papaparse.min.js") |
| 115 | script. |
| 116 | let evaluationArray = !{JSON.stringify(evaluationArray)}; |
| 117 | const course = !{JSON.stringify(course)}; |
| 118 | const initials = "#{initials}"; |
| 119 | const admin = #{teacher}; |
| 120 | script(src="/javascripts/utils/sha1.js") |
| 121 | script(src="/javascripts/utils/validation.js") |
| 122 | script(src="/javascripts/utils/libsRefresh.js") |
| 123 | script(src="/javascripts/components/statements.js") |
| 124 | script(src="/javascripts/course.js") |