Merge branch 'simu'
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Losers / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Win by losing all your pieces except the king. Capture is mandatory.
4 p.
5 The goal is to lose all pieces except the king, or get stalemated
6 or checkmated like on the following diagram.
7 All usual chess rules apply, but captures are mandatory.
8 When several captures are possible you can choose: from the
9 diagram position 1.Nf3?? and 1.g4?! allow respectively 1...Qxf3 and 1...Nxg4.
11 figure.diagram-container
12 .diagram
13 | fen:r1b1kb1r/p2ppp1p/2q2np1/8/7P/7R/PP1PPPP1/RNB1KBN1:
14 figcaption 1.g3 forces 1...Qxc1# checkmate
16 h3 More information
18 p
19 | This variant can be played
20 a(href="") on FICS
21 | . We follow their naming choice.