Fix typo in Chakart getComputerMove()
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Chakart / en.pug
1 p.boxed.
2 Some moves have random effects. The goal is to capture the enemy king.
4 p
5 | Pieces move as usual, but they all hide a special "power" inspired by
6 a(href="") Mario Kart
7 | :
8 ul
9 li.
10 The pawn (Toad) leaves a "turbo" mushroom one square before its
11 destination. This corresponds to its initial square, except after the
12 potential initial two squares move.
13 li.
14 The knight (Yoshi) let an egg on the first intermediate square
15 orthogonally adjacent in the direction of the movement. If this is not
16 possible, then the egg stays on the initial square.
17 li.
18 The rook (Donkey) put a banana on a square diagonally adjacent to the
19 arrival one, at random, if possible.
20 li.
21 The bishop (Wario) put a bomb on a square orthogonally adjacent to the
22 arrival one, at random, if possible.
23 li.
24 The queen (Mario) can play a stealth move once in the game: choose the
25 empty square when the queen is going to an empty square. After this move,
26 the opponent will know that a queen moved but not where.
27 A promoted queen also has this power if not already used.
28 li.
29 The king (Peach) can "throw a shell" on an enemy reachable by a queen,
30 once in the game. A promoted king also has this power, if not already used.
31 The capture is done remotely without moving.
32 p The king cannot castle, and pawns don't capture en passant.
34 figure.diagram-container
35 .diagram
36 | fen:qbbrrnek/pppppppp/5n2/8/1BwP4/3m4/PPP1PPPP/QBNN1KRR:
37 figcaption After 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bb4 (put a bomb on c4).
39 p.
40 So the goal is to capture Peach :)
41 If pawns promoted into king, then all of them must be captured.
42 Since it still looked too easy '^^ the 4 mentioned objects
43 alter the played move, generally at random:
44 ul
45 li.
46 A king or a pawn arriving on a mushroom advance one square further
47 (two if the pawn just moved two squares), while a knight jump another
48 time in the same direction, if possible.
49 Pawns can "eat" objects diagonally too.
50 li.
51 A rook, bishop or queen arriving on a mushroom can jump over the very next
52 piece in the movement direction, if the square right after isn't occupied
53 by a piece of its color.
54 If the opponent stands there, he is captured.
55 li.
56 A piece arriving on a banana (resp. bomb) is redirected at random by one
57 square in an orthogonal (resp. diagonal) direction, if possible.
58 p.
59 The effects can cumulate, as illustrated on the diagram:
60 the bishop "captures" the banana on e4, and is then redirected twoard e5:
61 mushroom, it jumps over the black pawn to ends on the bomb on e7, which
62 sends it on d6 (f6 and f8 were possible too).
63 A bomb is finally put on c6 which is the only eligible square.
64 A piece may ends on its initial square, move back, and so on.
65 That being said, a given object can only be used once on the path.
67 figure.diagram-container
68 .diagram.diag12
69 | fen:rn1b2qk/pbppwppp/1w2p3/1p1Rm3/3PdnPr/4P1d1/PPP1mP1P/NNB1KRQB:
70 .diagram.diag22
71 | fen:rn1b2qk/pbpp1ppp/1wwBp3/1p1R4/3P1nPr/4P1d1/PPP1mP1P/NNB1KRQ1:
72 figcaption Left: before 1.Bxe4. Right: after the move, ending on d6.
74 p.
75 The egg case is more complex: a move ending on an egg triggers an effect
76 chosen at random, positive or negative.
77 There are four bonus and four penalties. They are introduced in a dual form:
78 first the positive, then the negative.
79 ul
80 li.
81 King Boo (*B) let you exchange the position of the playing piece with any
82 of the pieces of the board.
83 li Koopa (*K) drives the piece back onto its initial square.
84 li.
85 Toadette (*T) allows to place a captured piece on the board (on an empty
86 square or an object; if it's a banana or a bomb, the effect is applied
87 and may propagate).
88 li.
89 Chomp (*C) eats the piece, which is thus captured. If it's Peach,
90 then you have lost :)
91 li Daisy (*D) allows to play again with the same piece.
92 li.
93 Bowser (*M) immobilizes the piece (which turns into yellow or red).
94 It won't be allowed to move on next turn.
95 li Luigi (*L) change the color of an enemy piece.
96 li Waluigi (*W) change the color of one of your pieces.
98 figure.diagram-container
99 .diagram.diag12
100 | fen:erk2rq1/1m2e1m1/mppmne1m/p1BpppPp/mm1P1QbP/1Nmnw1dm/e1mP2d1/1BwR1RKN:
101 .diagram.diag22
102 | fen:erk3Q1/1m2e1d1/mppmnr1m/p1BpppPp/mm1P1QbP/1Nmnw1dm/e1mP2d1/1BwR1RKN:
103 figcaption.
104 1...Rxf6*W: Waluigi turns the g8 queen into white.
105 She can capture the king. Bad luck :(
107 p.
108 Note: some bonus might not be applicable. In particular, if no piece was
109 captured "Toadette" cannot be applied.
111 h3 Source
113 p.
114 Rules invented by Charlotte Blard, and developed by Benjamin Auder (2020).
115 These are likely to evolve :)