Add Capablanca + Musketeer Chess
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Antiking1 / en.pug
1 p.boxed.
2 You have a king and an antiking. King cannot be let in check, but antiking
3 must always stay under check. Antiking captures his own kind.
5 p.
6 A new piece is introduced: the antiking, noted by the letter 'A'.
7 This piece must always remain under (orthodox) check: it is
8 considered in (anti-)check when not attacked by any enemy piece. In such a
9 situation, the antiking must move immediately to an attacked square.
11 p.
12 The antiking is a royal figure, and thus cannot be captured.
13 It captures only the pieces of his color.
14 Antikings don't give check, and kings do not attack antikings.
16 figure.diagram-container
17 .diagram
18 | fen:2prbkqA/2p1nnbr/2pppppp/8/8/PPPPPP2/RBNN1P2/aQKBRP2:
19 figcaption Initial setup: antikings stand in the corners.
21 h3 Unusual moves
23 ul
24 li.
25 Pawns are Berolina Pawns, which move diagonally forward one square
26 without capturing, or move one square straight forward to capture.
27 li.
28 If a King or Anti-King has not yet moved, it may make as its first
29 move a Knight's leap to an empty square.
31 h3 End of the game
33 p There are three ways to win:
34 ol
35 li Checkmate opponent king
36 li Anti-checkmate opponent antiking
37 li Give a double check, as on the following diagram
39 figure.diagram-container
40 .diagram
41 | fen:2pr3A/2pb1qbr/2p1pkQp/2pnp1n1/1PPN4/PPB1PPN1/1K2RP2/a2BRP2:
42 figcaption After Qb1xg6#
44 h3 More information
46 p
47 a(href="")
48 | Antiking chess
49 |  on
51 p Inventor: Peter Aronson (2002)