[valse.git] / constructionModelesLassoMLE.R
1 #' constructionModelesLassoMLE
2 #'
3 #' Construct a collection of models with the Lasso-MLE procedure.
4 #'
5 #' @param phiInit an initialization for phi, get by initSmallEM.R
6 #' @param rhoInit an initialization for rho, get by initSmallEM.R
7 #' @param piInit an initialization for pi, get by initSmallEM.R
8 #' @param gamInit an initialization for gam, get by initSmallEM.R
9 #' @param mini integer, minimum number of iterations in the EM algorithm, by default = 10
10 #' @param maxi integer, maximum number of iterations in the EM algorithm, by default = 100
11 #' @param gamma integer for the power in the penaly, by default = 1
12 #' @param X matrix of covariates (of size n*p)
13 #' @param Y matrix of responses (of size n*m)
14 #' @param eps real, threshold to say the EM algorithm converges, by default = 1e-4
15 #' @param S output of selectVariables.R
16 #' @param ncores Number of cores, by default = 3
17 #' @param fast TRUE to use compiled C code, FALSE for R code only
18 #' @param verbose TRUE to show some execution traces
19 #'
20 #' @return a list with several models, defined by phi, rho, pi, llh
21 #'
22 #' @export
23 constructionModelesLassoMLE = function( phiInit, rhoInit, piInit, gamInit, mini, maxi,gamma, X, Y,
24 eps, S, ncores=3, fast=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
25 {
26 if (ncores > 1)
27 {
28 cl = parallel::makeCluster(ncores, outfile='')
29 parallel::clusterExport( cl, envir=environment(),
30 varlist=c("phiInit","rhoInit","gamInit","mini","maxi","gamma","X","Y","eps",
31 "S","ncores","fast","verbose") )
32 }
34 # Individual model computation
35 computeAtLambda <- function(lambda)
36 {
37 if (ncores > 1)
38 require("valse") #nodes start with an empty environment
40 if (verbose)
41 print(paste("Computations for lambda=",lambda))
43 n = dim(X)[1]
44 p = dim(phiInit)[1]
45 m = dim(phiInit)[2]
46 k = dim(phiInit)[3]
47 sel.lambda = S[[lambda]]$selected
48 # col.sel = which(colSums(sel.lambda)!=0) #if boolean matrix
49 col.sel <- which( sapply(sel.lambda,length) > 0 ) #if list of selected vars
50 if (length(col.sel) == 0)
51 return (NULL)
53 # lambda == 0 because we compute the EMV: no penalization here
54 res = EMGLLF(phiInit[col.sel,,],rhoInit,piInit,gamInit,mini,maxi,gamma,0,
55 X[,col.sel], Y, eps, fast)
57 # Eval dimension from the result + selected
58 phiLambda2 = res$phi
59 rhoLambda = res$rho
60 piLambda = res$pi
61 phiLambda = array(0, dim = c(p,m,k))
62 for (j in seq_along(col.sel))
63 phiLambda[col.sel[j],sel.lambda[[j]],] = phiLambda2[j,sel.lambda[[j]],]
64 dimension = length(unlist(sel.lambda))
66 # Computation of the loglikelihood
67 densite = vector("double",n)
68 for (r in 1:k)
69 {
70 if (length(col.sel)==1){
71 delta = (Y%*%rhoLambda[,,r] - (X[, col.sel]%*%t(phiLambda[col.sel,,r])))
72 } else delta = (Y%*%rhoLambda[,,r] - (X[, col.sel]%*%phiLambda[col.sel,,r]))
73 densite = densite + piLambda[r] *
74 det(rhoLambda[,,r])/(sqrt(2*base::pi))^m * exp(-diag(tcrossprod(delta))/2.0)
75 }
76 llhLambda = c( sum(log(densite)), (dimension+m+1)*k-1 )
77 list("phi"= phiLambda, "rho"= rhoLambda, "pi"= piLambda, "llh" = llhLambda)
78 }
80 # For each lambda, computation of the parameters
81 out =
82 if (ncores > 1)
83 parLapply(cl, 1:length(S), computeAtLambda)
84 else
85 lapply(1:length(S), computeAtLambda)
87 if (ncores > 1)
88 parallel::stopCluster(cl)
90 out
91 }