From f5a31ba0f98d215d432b7d3c86388af749df33a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 18:08:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update TODO + server update page

 TODO                           | 39 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 server/while_update/index.html |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 8ac83a08..51e8e48c 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -2,6 +2,21 @@
 8-pieces "Eightpieces"
+"Ball" Chess: 9x9 board, ball on center square. 2 queens ?
+To take the ball when it's free you need to capture it.
+To take the ball when it's used, u need to take the piece.
+Goal: bring ball to final rank.
+Possibles passes : soit à une pièce, soit sur une case.
+  --> remplace un déplacement de pièce. Par exemple pion a2 passe à cavalier a4 = 1 coup.
+  --> selon le mode de déplacement standard (donc tout droit pour les pions)
+Pas de notion d'échec ou de mat (?)
+Si une pièce est mat elle donne le ballon (?)
+Landing pieces from empty board:
 "Capture" Chess (idea of opperwezen, maybe not new): captures are forced,
 but the goal is still to checkmate (not lose all material).
@@ -11,7 +26,9 @@ Knightrelay: implement "official" version as Knightrelay v1
 Antiking: implement v1 (deterministic)
-Generator vatiant, called "Matrix" ?
+Generator variant, called "Matrix" ?
 Peces on first rank never move but generate new pieces. Pawn don't generate.
 A generator captured and replaced by a similar piece does not generate.
 King does not generate. No castling. En passant possible?
@@ -20,22 +37,8 @@ Goal is still checkmate.
 Take(a)n(d)make : if capture a piece, take its power for the last of the turn and make a move like it.
 If a pawn taken: direction of the capturer.
-+ Maxima, Interweave, Roccoco, Dynamo, Synchrone
-Synchrone Chess: allow to anticipate en-passant capture as well :)
+Maxima, Interweave, Roccoco
-"Ball" Chess: 9x9 board, ball on center square. 2 queens ?
-To take the ball when it's free you need to capture it.
-To take the ball when it's used, u need to take the piece.
-Goal: bring ball to final rank.
-Possibles passes : soit à une pièce, soit sur une case.
-  --> remplace un déplacement de pièce. Par exemple pion a2 passe à cavalier a4 = 1 coup.
-  --> selon le mode de déplacement standard (donc tout droit pour les pions)
-Pas de notion d'échec ou de mat (?)
-Si une pièce est mat elle donne le ballon (?)
-Landing pieces from empty board:
+Synchrone Chess: allow to anticipate en-passant capture as well :)
+Dynamo chess
diff --git a/server/while_update/index.html b/server/while_update/index.html
index bee7392a..db6b0c7f 100644
--- a/server/while_update/index.html
+++ b/server/while_update/index.html
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
     <div id="container">
-      <p>Website update in progress!</p>
+      <p>Website update in progress !</p>
       <p>It won't be long. Don't worry :)</p>