From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2017 12:28:17 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: fix/improve selectVariables.R

fix/improve selectVariables.R

diff --git a/pkg/R/selectVariables.R b/pkg/R/selectVariables.R
index e4ed179..b4fc0ab 100644
--- a/pkg/R/selectVariables.R
+++ b/pkg/R/selectVariables.R
@@ -41,13 +41,10 @@ selectVariables = function(phiInit,rhoInit,piInit,gamInit,mini,maxi,gamma,glambd
 		m = dim(phiInit)[2]
 		#selectedVariables: list where element j contains vector of selected variables in [1,m]
-		selectedVariables = sapply(1:p, function(j) { ## je me suis permise de changer le type, 
-		  ##une liste de liste ca devenait compliqué je trouve pour choper ce qui nous intéresse
+		selectedVariables = lapply(1:p, function(j) {
 			#from boolean matrix mxk of selected variables obtain the corresponding boolean m-vector,
 			#and finally return the corresponding indices
-			#seq_len(m)[ apply( abs(params$phi[j,,]) > thresh, 1, any ) ]
-		  c(seq_len(m)[ apply( abs(params$phi[j,,]) > thresh, 1, any ) ], 
-		    rep(0, m-length(seq_len(m)[ apply( abs(params$phi[j,,]) > thresh, 1, any ) ] ) ))
+		  seq_len(m)[ apply( abs(params$phi[j,,]) > thresh, 1, any ) ]
@@ -55,10 +52,15 @@ selectVariables = function(phiInit,rhoInit,piInit,gamInit,mini,maxi,gamma,glambd
 	# Pour chaque lambda de la grille, on calcule les coefficients
 	out <-
-		if (ncores > 1){
-			parLapply(cl, seq_along(glambda, computeCoefs))}
-		else lapply(seq_along(glambda), computeCoefs)
-	if (ncores > 1){
-		parallel::stopCluster(cl)}
+		if (ncores > 1)
+			parLapply(cl, glambda, computeCoefs)
+		else lapply(glambda, computeCoefs)
+	if (ncores > 1)
+		parallel::stopCluster(cl)
+	# Suppression doublons
+	sha1_array <- lapply(out, digest::sha1)
+	out[ !duplicated(sha1_array) ]