#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
-// TODO: don't recompute indexes every time......
+// TODO: don't recompute indexes ai(...) and mi(...) when possible
void EMGLLF_core(
// IN parameters
const Real* phiInit, // parametre initial de moyenne renormalisé
zeroArray(LLF, maxi);
//S is already allocated, and doesn't need to be 'zeroed'
- //Other local variables
+ //Other local variables: same as in R
Real* gam = (Real*)malloc(n*k*sizeof(Real));
copyArray(gamInit, gam, n*k);
+ Real* Gram2 = (Real*)malloc(p*p*k*sizeof(Real));
+ Real* ps2 = (Real*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(Real));
Real* b = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
- Real* Phi = (Real*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(Real));
- Real* Rho = (Real*)malloc(m*m*k*sizeof(Real));
- Real* Pi = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
- Real* gam2 = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
+ Real* X2 = (Real*)malloc(n*p*k*sizeof(Real));
+ Real* Y2 = (Real*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+ Real dist = 0.;
+ Real dist2 = 0.;
+ int ite = 0;
Real* pi2 = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
- Real* Gram2 = (Real*)malloc(p*p*k*sizeof(Real));
Real* ps = (Real*)malloc(m*k*sizeof(Real));
Real* nY2 = (Real*)malloc(m*k*sizeof(Real));
Real* ps1 = (Real*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(Real));
- Real* ps2 = (Real*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(Real));
- Real* nY21 = (Real*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(Real));
Real* Gam = (Real*)malloc(n*k*sizeof(Real));
- Real* X2 = (Real*)malloc(n*p*k*sizeof(Real));
- Real* Y2 = (Real*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+ const Real EPS = 1e-15;
+ // Additional (not at this place, in R file)
+ Real* gam2 = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
+ Real* nY21 = (Real*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(Real));
Real* sqNorm2 = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
gsl_matrix* matrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(m, m);
gsl_permutation* permutation = gsl_permutation_alloc(m);
Real* YiRhoR = (Real*)malloc(m*sizeof(Real));
Real* XiPhiR = (Real*)malloc(m*sizeof(Real));
- Real dist = 0.;
- Real dist2 = 0.;
- int ite = 0;
- const Real EPS = 1e-15;
const Real gaussConstM = pow(2.*M_PI,m/2.);
+ Real* Phi = (Real*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+ Real* Rho = (Real*)malloc(m*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+ Real* Pi = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
while (ite < mini || (ite < maxi && (dist >= tau || dist2 >= sqrt(tau))))
for (int mm=0; mm<m; mm++)
- //sum(phi[1:(j-1),mm,r] * Gram2[j,1:(j-1),r])
+ //sum(phi[-j,mm,r] * Gram2[j, setdiff(1:p,j),r])
Real dotPhiGram2 = 0.0;
- for (int u=0; u<j; u++)
- dotPhiGram2 += phi[ai(u,mm,r,p,m,k)] * Gram2[ai(j,u,r,p,p,k)];
- //sum(phi[(j+1):p,mm,r] * Gram2[j,(j+1):p,r])
- for (int u=j+1; u<p; u++)
- dotPhiGram2 += phi[ai(u,mm,r,p,m,k)] * Gram2[ai(j,u,r,p,p,k)];
- //S[j,mm,r] = -rho[mm,mm,r]*ps2[j,mm,r] +
- // (if(j>1) sum(phi[1:(j-1),mm,r] * Gram2[j,1:(j-1),r]) else 0) +
- // (if(j<p) sum(phi[(j+1):p,mm,r] * Gram2[j,(j+1):p,r]) else 0)
+ for (int u=0; u<p; u++)
+ {
+ if (u != j)
+ dotPhiGram2 += phi[ai(u,mm,r,p,m,k)] * Gram2[ai(j,u,r,p,p,k)];
+ }
+ //S[j,mm,r] = -rho[mm,mm,r]*ps2[j,mm,r] + sum(phi[-j,mm,r] * Gram2[j, setdiff(1:p,j),r])
S[ai(j,mm,r,p,m,k)] = -rho[ai(mm,mm,r,m,m,k)] * ps2[ai(j,mm,r,p,m,k)] + dotPhiGram2;
Real pow_pir_gamma = pow(pi[r],gamma);
if (fabs(S[ai(j,mm,r,p,m,k)]) <= n*lambda*pow_pir_gamma)
int signum;
- Real sumLogLLF2 = 0.0;
+ Real sumLogLLF2 = 0.;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
- Real minSqNorm2 = INFINITY;
for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
//compute Y[i,]%*%rho[,,r]
for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
- YiRhoR[u] = 0.0;
+ YiRhoR[u] = 0.;
for (int v=0; v<m; v++)
YiRhoR[u] += Y[mi(i,v,n,m)] * rho[ai(v,u,r,m,m,k)];
//compute X(i,:)*phi(:,:,r)
for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
- XiPhiR[u] = 0.0;
+ XiPhiR[u] = 0.;
for (int v=0; v<p; v++)
XiPhiR[u] += X[mi(i,v,n,p)] * phi[ai(v,u,r,p,m,k)];
//compute sq norm || Y(:,i)*rho(:,:,r)-X(i,:)*phi(:,:,r) ||_2^2
- sqNorm2[r] = 0.0;
+ sqNorm2[r] = 0.;
for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
sqNorm2[r] += (YiRhoR[u]-XiPhiR[u]) * (YiRhoR[u]-XiPhiR[u]);
- if (sqNorm2[r] < minSqNorm2)
- minSqNorm2 = sqNorm2[r];
- Real shift = 0.5*minSqNorm2;
- Real sumLLF1 = 0.0;
- Real sumGamI = 0.0;
+ Real sumLLF1 = 0.;
+ Real sumGamI = 0.;
for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
//compute det(rho[,,r]) [TODO: avoid re-computations]
gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(matrix, permutation, &signum);
Real detRhoR = gsl_linalg_LU_det(matrix, signum);
- //FIXME: det(rho[,,r]) too small(?!). See EMGLLF.R
- Gam[mi(i,r,n,k)] = pi[r] * exp(-0.5*sqNorm2[r] + shift) ; //* detRhoR;
+ Gam[mi(i,r,n,k)] = pi[r] * exp(-.5*sqNorm2[r]) * detRhoR;
sumLLF1 += Gam[mi(i,r,n,k)] / gaussConstM;
sumGamI += Gam[mi(i,r,n,k)];
//sumPen = sum(pi^gamma * b)
- Real sumPen = 0.0;
+ Real sumPen = 0.;
for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
sumPen += pow(pi[r],gamma) * b[r];
//LLF[ite] = -sumLogLLF2/n + lambda*sumPen
LLF[ite] = -invN * sumLogLLF2 + lambda * sumPen;
- dist = ite==0 ? LLF[ite] : (LLF[ite] - LLF[ite-1]) / (1.0 + fabs(LLF[ite]));
+ dist = ite==0 ? LLF[ite] : (LLF[ite] - LLF[ite-1]) / (1. + fabs(LLF[ite]));
//Dist1 = max( abs(phi-Phi) / (1+abs(phi)) )
- Real Dist1 = 0.0;
+ Real Dist1 = 0.;
for (int u=0; u<p; u++)
for (int v=0; v<m; v++)
for (int w=0; w<k; w++)
- Real tmpDist = fabs(phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)]-Phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)])
- / (1.0+fabs(phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)]));
+ Real tmpDist = fabs(phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)]-Phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)])
+ / (1.+fabs(phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)]));
if (tmpDist > Dist1)
Dist1 = tmpDist;
//Dist2 = max( (abs(rho-Rho)) / (1+abs(rho)) )
- Real Dist2 = 0.0;
+ Real Dist2 = 0.;
for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
for (int v=0; v<m; v++)
for (int w=0; w<k; w++)
- Real tmpDist = fabs(rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)]-Rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)])
- / (1.0+fabs(rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)]));
+ Real tmpDist = fabs(rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)]-Rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)])
+ / (1.+fabs(rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)]));
if (tmpDist > Dist2)
Dist2 = tmpDist;
//Dist3 = max( (abs(pi-Pi)) / (1+abs(Pi)))
- Real Dist3 = 0.0;
+ Real Dist3 = 0.;
for (int u=0; u<n; u++)
for (int v=0; v<k; v++)
- Real tmpDist = fabs(pi[v]-Pi[v]) / (1.0+fabs(pi[v]));
+ Real tmpDist = fabs(pi[v]-Pi[v]) / (1.+fabs(pi[v]));
if (tmpDist > Dist3)
Dist3 = tmpDist;