From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 16:43:56 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Fix R6 classes

Fix R6 classes

diff --git a/pkg/R/Data.R b/pkg/R/Data.R
index 677d906..e33e480 100644
--- a/pkg/R/Data.R
+++ b/pkg/R/Data.R
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 #' \item{\code{getExo(index)}}
 #'   {Get exogenous variables at specified index.}
 #' \item{\code{getExoHat(index)}}
-#'   {Get estimated exogenous variables at specified index.} }
+#'   {Get estimated exogenous variables at specified index.}}
 Data = R6::R6Class("Data",
 	private = list(
 		.data = list()
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Data = R6::R6Class("Data",
 		getStdHorizon = function()
 			24 - as.POSIXlt( private$.data[[1]]$time[1] )$hour + 1
-		append = function(
+		append = function(new_time, new_centered_serie, new_level, new_exo, new_exo_hat)
 			private$.data[[length(private$.data)+1]] <- list(
 				"time"=new_time, "centered_serie"=new_centered_serie, "level"=new_level,
diff --git a/pkg/R/Forecast.R b/pkg/R/Forecast.R
index f1b92ce..783e352 100644
--- a/pkg/R/Forecast.R
+++ b/pkg/R/Forecast.R
@@ -14,14 +14,19 @@
 #' @section Methods: \describe{
 #' \item{\code{initialize(dates)}}
 #'   {Initialize a Forecast object with a series of date indices.}
-#' \item{\code{predictSerie(today,memory,horizon,...)}}
-#'   {Predict a new serie of \code{horizon} values at day index \code{today} using \code{memory}
-#'   days in the past.} TODO: continue #######################################
-#' \item{\code{predictShape(today,memory,horizon,...)}}
-#'   {Predict a new shape of \code{horizon} values at day index \code{today} using \code{memory}
-#'   days in the past.}
-#' \item{\code{getParameters()}}
-#'   {Return (internal) parameters.} }
+#' \item{\code{getSize()}}
+#'   {Return number of individual forecasts.}
+#' \item{\code{append(new_serie, new_params, new_index_in_data)}}
+#'   {Acquire a new individual forecast, with its (optimized) parameters and the corresponding
+#'   index in the dataset.}
+#' \item{\code{getDates()}}
+#'   {Get dates where forecast occurs.}
+#' \item{\code{getSerie(index)}}
+#'   {Get forecasted serie at specified index.}
+#' \item{\code{getParams(index)}}
+#'   {Get parameters at specified index (for 'Neighbors' method).}
+#' \item{\code{getIndexInData(index)}}
+#'   {Get index in data which corresponds to current forecast.}}
 Forecast = R6::R6Class("Forecast",
 	private = list(
 		.pred = list(),
@@ -29,90 +34,38 @@ Forecast = R6::R6Class("Forecast",
 	public = list(
 		initialize = function(dates)
-			initializeForecast(self, private, dates)
-		,
+		{
+			private$.dates <- dates
+			invisible(self)
+		},
 		getSize = function()
-			getSizeForecast(private)
-		,
-		append = function(new_serie, new_params, new_index)
-			appendForecast(private, new_serie, new_params, new_index)
+			length(private$.pred)
+		append = function(new_serie, new_params, new_index_in_data)
+		{
+			private$.pred[[length(private$.pred)+1]] <-
+				list("serie"=new_serie, "params"=new_params, "index_in_data"=new_index_in_data)
+		},
 		getDates = function()
-			getDatesForecast(private)
+			private$.dates
 		getSerie = function(index)
-			getSerieForecast(private, index)
-		,
+		{
+			if (is(index,"Date"))
+				index = match(index, private$.dates)
+			private$.pred[[index]]$serie
+		},
 		getParams = function(index)
-			getParamsForecast(private, index)
-		,
+		{
+			if (is(index,"Date"))
+				index = match(index, private$.dates)
+			private$.pred[[index]]$params
+		},
 		getIndexInData = function(index)
-			getIndexInDataForecast(private, index)
+		{
+			if (is(index,"Date"))
+				index = match(index, private$.dates)
+			private$.pred[[index]]$index_in_data
+		}
-#' Initialize empty Forecast object
-#' @param o Object of class Forecast
-#' @param private List of private members in o
-#' @param dates vector of dates where forecast occurs
-initializeForecast = function(o, private, dates)
-	private$.dates <- dates
-	invisible(o)
-#' Number of individual forecasts"
-#' @inheritParams initializeForecast
-getSizeForecast = function(private)
-	length(private$.pred)
-#' Obtain a new pair (serie, params)"
-#' @inheritParams initializeForecast
-#' @param new_serie Values of a new serie
-#' @param new_params Associated (optimized) parameters
-#' @param new_index_in_data Corresponding index in data
-appendForecast = function(private, new_serie, new_params, new_index_in_data)
-	private$.pred[[length(private$.pred)+1]] <-
-		list("serie"=new_serie, "params"=new_params, "index_in_data"=new_index_in_data)
-#' Dates where prediction occurs
-#' inheritParams initializeForecast
-getDatesForecast = function(private)
-	private$.dates
-#' Serie values at specified index"
-#' @inheritParams initializeForecast
-#' @param index Return value at this index
-getSerieForecast = function(index)
-	if (is(index,"Date"))
-		index = match(index, private$.dates)
-	private$.pred[[index]]$serie
-#' Params at specified index"
-#' @inheritParams getSerieForecast
-getParamsForecast = function(index)
-	if (is(index,"Date"))
-		index = match(index, private$.dates)
-	private$.pred[[index]]$params
-#' (day) Index in data where prediction took place"
-#' @inheritParams getSerieForecast
-getIndexInDataForecast = function(index)
-	if (is(index,"Date"))
-		index = match(index, private$.dates)
-	private$.pred[[index]]$index_in_data
diff --git a/pkg/R/Forecaster.R b/pkg/R/Forecaster.R
index 2bd2e4e..47160b5 100644
--- a/pkg/R/Forecaster.R
+++ b/pkg/R/Forecaster.R
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #'   {Predict a new shape of \code{horizon} values at day index \code{today} using \code{memory}
 #'   days in the past.}
 #' \item{\code{getParameters()}}
-#'   {Return (internal) parameters.} }
+#'   {Return (internal) parameters.}}
 Forecaster = R6::R6Class("Forecaster",
 	private = list(
 		.params = list(),
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ Forecaster = R6::R6Class("Forecaster",
 		predictSerie = function(today, memory, horizon, ...)
 			# Parameters (potentially) computed during shape prediction stage
-			predicted_shape = o$predictShape(today, memory, horizon, ...)
+			predicted_shape = self$predictShape(today, memory, horizon, ...)
 			predicted_delta = private$.pjump(private$.data,today,memory,horizon,private$.params,...)
 			# Predicted shape is aligned it on the end of current day + jump
 		predictShape = function(today, memory, horizon, ...)
-			#empty default implementation: to implement in inherited classes
+			NULL #empty default implementation: to implement in inherited classes
 		getParameters = function()