+++ /dev/null
-mixstore utilise Symfony2 ; organisation des répertoires :
- app/: La configuration de l'application,
- src/: Le code PHP du projet,
- vendor/: Les bibliothèques tierces,
- web/: Le répertoire Web racine.
-Le répertoire web racine est l'endroit ou se situent tous les fichiers statiques
-et publics comme les images, les feuilles de styles et les fichiers javascript.
-C'est aussi le dossier contenant le point d'entrée web/app.php
-[Voir http://symfony.com/fr/doc/current/quick_tour/the_architecture.html]
--- /dev/null
+<span>Website which gather packages using mixture models, for any purpose like</span>
+ <li>Density estimation;</li>
+ <li>Classification, supervised or not;</li>
+ <li>Regression, ...</li>
+<p>The packages can be written in any language (please contact me if your favorite is missing from the list).</p>
+<p>mixstore.org is powered by Symfony2. See <a href="http://symfony.com/fr/doc/current/quick_tour/the_architecture.html">this page</a>
+to understand folders structure.</p>
+<p>As a visitor you can browse the store (main button on top of the screen), and sort packages by name or language.</p>
+<span>As a registered user (follow the link in upper-right corner):</span>
+ <li>you can give feedback on any published package (through the button "new feedback" on every package page);</li>
+ <li>you can publish pages for new packages, whether you are the author or not.</li>
+<p>A banner image can be uploaded when sending a new package. This image will be included in the carousel on welcome page.</p>