From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 13:43:57 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Improve Spartan, Avalam + Emergo pieces

Improve Spartan, Avalam + Emergo pieces

diff --git a/client/public/images/pieces/Avalam/ b/client/public/images/pieces/Avalam/
index 8d526787..746a2be6 100755
--- a/client/public/images/pieces/Avalam/
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+            f.write("\n")
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index 1e37f2b6..85726d57 100755
--- a/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
+++ b/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ black_bottom = '<circle cx="115" cy="115" r="100" fill="black"/>'
 digits = {
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-        # 1
+        # 1 (unused here)
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         # 2
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@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ digits = {
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-        # 1
+        # 1 (unused here)
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         # 2
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@@ -88,9 +88,11 @@ for colorTop in ["white", "black"]:
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-            f.write(digits["top"][top] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="5" ' + ('stroke="red"' if colorTop == "white" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
-            f.write("\n")
-            f.write(digits["bottom"][bottom] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="5" ' + ('stroke="red"' if colorTop == "black" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
-            f.write("\n")
+            if top >= 1:
+                f.write(digits["top"][top] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="5" ' + ('stroke="red"' if colorTop == "white" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
+                f.write("\n")
+            if bottom >= 1:
+                f.write(digits["bottom"][bottom] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="5" ' + ('stroke="red"' if colorTop == "black" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
+                f.write("\n")
diff --git a/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/ b/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
index fd397af2..c8ef8261 100755
--- a/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
+++ b/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ black = '<circle cx="115" cy="115" r="100" fill="black"/>'
 white = '<circle cx="115" cy="115" r="100" fill="whitesmoke" stroke="saddlebrown"/>'
 digits = [
-    # 1
+    # 1 (unused)
     '<path d="M130,85 v60"',
     # 2
     '<path d="M100,85 h30 v30 h-30 v30 h30"',
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ for color in ["white", "black"]:
         f.write(white if color == "white" else black)
-        f.write(digits[number] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="5" ' + ('stroke="red"' if color == "white" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
-        f.write("\n")
+        if number >= 1:
+            f.write(digits[number] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="5" ' + ('stroke="red"' if color == "white" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
+            f.write("\n")
diff --git a/client/public/images/pieces/Spartan/SOURCE b/client/public/images/pieces/Spartan/SOURCE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c34f13ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/public/images/pieces/Spartan/SOURCE
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Hoplite pawn drawn from:
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deleted file mode 120000
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diff --git a/client/src/variants/Spartan.js b/client/src/variants/Spartan.js
index 3b4fc771..acab8ad3 100644
--- a/client/src/variants/Spartan.js
+++ b/client/src/variants/Spartan.js
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ export class SpartanRules extends ChessRules {
   getPpath(b) {
-    if ([V.LIEUTENANT, V.GENERAL, V.CAPTAIN, V.WARLORD].includes(b[1]))
-      return "Spartan/" + b;
+    if (b[0] == 'b' && b[1] != 'k') return "Spartan/" + b;
     return b;
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index c1720902..6b8d5a13 100644
--- a/server/db/queryGameStat.sql
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
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   join variants v on g.vid =
-where total > 0;
+where total > 0
+order by total desc;