| 1 | p.boxed |
| 2 | | Captured pieces are stunned. They disappear if you capture them again. |
| 3 | |
| 4 | p |
| 5 | | This variant is inspired by the |
| 6 | a(href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario") Super Mario |
| 7 | | universe. |
| 8 | | When a piece captures another, it "bounce" on it until the next square in |
| 9 | | the movement's direction. If this next square is occupied, then it keeps |
| 10 | | bouncing and reach the following square, until either a free square or the |
| 11 | | edge of the board is met. In this last case, the capturer is lost. |
| 12 | |
| 13 | p. |
| 14 | Pieces bounced over are then "stunned" for two moves (four half-moves): |
| 15 | they cannot move during this period. If they get captured again while being |
| 16 | stunned, they are "kicked" out of the board, and all pieces standing on their |
| 17 | way vanish as well. |
| 18 | |
| 19 | figure.diagram-container |
| 20 | .diagram.diag12 |
| 21 | | fen:nrkqnrbb/ppp2ppp/3p4/4p3/1P3P2/8/P1PPP1PP/BNQRNBKR: |
| 22 | .diagram.diag22 |
| 23 | | fen:nukqnrbb/pps2ppp/3s4/4s3/1P6/8/P1PPP1PP/BNQRNBKR: |
| 24 | figcaption Before and after 1.fxe5 |
| 25 | |
| 26 | p. |
| 27 | After the move 1.fxe5 on the diagram, the red pieces are stunned for two |
| 28 | moves. So white can then play 2.Bxe5, kicking the pawn and capturing (for |
| 29 | real) at least the h8 bishop. An option for black may be 1...Qg5, such |
| 30 | that after 2.Bxe5 Qxe5 black threaten to kick the white stunned bishop out. |
| 31 | |
| 32 | figure.diagram-container |
| 33 | .diagram.diag12 |
| 34 | | fen:nuk1nrb1/pps2p1p/3s4/4B1q1/1P6/8/P1PPP1PP/1NQRNBKR: |
| 35 | .diagram.diag22 |
| 36 | | fen:nuk1nrb1/pps2p1p/3s4/3qC3/1P6/8/P1PPP1PP/1NQRNBKR: |
| 37 | figcaption After 1...Qg5 2.Bxe5 Qxe5: white bishop is stunned. |
| 38 | |
| 39 | p. |
| 40 | The goal is to capture the enemy king. Moves which kick your own king |
| 41 | out are forbidden, but stunning him is allowed. |
| 42 | |
| 43 | h3 Source |
| 44 | |
| 45 | p |
| 46 | a(href="https://www.jsbeasley.co.uk/encyc.htm") |
| 47 | | The Classified Encyclopedia of Chess Variants |
| 48 | | , section 3.6. This variant is also listed on chessvariants.com: |
| 49 | a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/crossover.dir/koopachess.html") |
| 50 | | Koopa chess |
| 51 | | . |