From 706611cda224a682954db6e5603de2cbf73183d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Auder <>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 21:15:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] split README (README.html + HOWTO.html)

 HOWTO.html  | 157 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 README.html | 157 +---------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 154 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 HOWTO.html

diff --git a/HOWTO.html b/HOWTO.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0b580f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HOWTO.html
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>HOWTO</title><style>body{width:80%;margin:15px 10% 15px 10%}</style></head><body>
+<h1>sview : tiny PHP web framework</h1>
+<h2>0. Installation</h2>
+	In the following, I assume your website is located under http\[s\]://domain/topic/ 
+	and is named "website" (adapt to your case). For example, in 
+	domain = and topic = blog.
+Get the source code either with <code>git clone</code> command or using a zip archive. 
+	Copy all folder contents in the website/ folder : 
+    a/
+    f/
+    site/
+    .htaccess
+    common.php
+    defaults.php
+    index.php
+    s.php</pre>
+	<li><b>a/</b> (for "assets") is the folder for CSS files, images and javascript codes. 
+		I like to put them respectively in css/, img/ and js/ folders, but the choice is yours.</li>
+	<li><b>f/</b> (for "files") is the folder for any downloadable (or browsable) file you may upload.</li>
+	<li><b>site/</b> is the main folder containing all your website pages. Three are already there :
+ 	<ul>
+ 		<li><i>404.php</i> : the 404 error page;</li>
+		<li><i>dl.php</i> : a script to download binary files;</li>
+		<li><i>home.php</i> : the specifications for the welcome page.</li>
+	</ul></li>
+	<li><b>.htaccess</b> : its main job consists in routing everything that is not a resource 
+		to the index.php file.</li>
+	<li><b>common.php</b> contains shared variables and functions to be used by at least two different pages.</li>
+	<li><b>defaults.php</b> defines default variables for any web page, like the title or javascripts block.</li>
+	<li><b>index.php</b> contains your website template, which is rendered for any web page 
+		(and filled with specific values defined in pages under site/ folder; anything can be customized).</li>
+	<li><b>s.php</b> consists in the framework code, loaded at the beginning of index.php.</li>
+	Now (online), in the .htaccess file, change the line <code>RewriteBase /</code> to <code>RewriteBase /topic</code>.
+<h2>1. Set default contents</h2>
+<span>Edit the file defaults.php with</span>
+	<li>A global title to your website; this title can later be mixed with a more specific 
+		page-based title, or be replaced.</li>
+	<li>A list of references to CSS style sheets and pre-rendering javascript, like 
+		<code>&lt;link rel="stylesheet" href=""/&gt;</code>. 
+		We will see later how to refer to local style sheets (under a/css).</li>
+	<li>Some javascript code which will be loaded by default after every page loads
+		(e.g. <a href="">jquery</a>).</li>
+	Each variable name is prepended with "b_" to avoid potential conflicts with your own variables.
+<h2>2. Complete main pages</h2>
+	<li>The menu (at commented location)</li>
+	<li>The banner (near the menu, if you want one)</li>
+	<li>The footer (if you don't want one, just drop it).</li>
+	You can also change the &lt;meta&gt; tags if needed.
+	The welcome page. You can choose a title ($s_title) or use the default one 
+	(by not specifying anything). Style sheets and javascripts can be customized, ...etc. 
+	Any default variable can be used to define a specific variable (prepended with "s_"). 
+	Customize it; it is probably viewed more often than you think ;-)
+<h2>3. Write all other pages</h2>
+	All pages are under site/ folder, and you can nest them in any directory tree.
+	<b>Hint</b> : if you don't want to load the main template, just end any site file 
+	with a PHP <code>exit</code> directive.
+	Now we will see how to access pages and resources (images, CSS, files, javascript).
+<h2>How to view a web page ?</h2>
+	The page at physical location site/some_folder/mypage.php is viewed in the web browser at the URL 
+	http\[s\]://domain/topic/website/some_folder/mypage (thanks to URL rewriting defined in 
+	the .htaccess file). 
+	Any page can be linked internally using the <code>r()</code> PHP function ('r' for "resource"), like in 
+	the following : <code>&lt;a href="&lt;?php echo r('some_folder/mypage'); ?&gt;"&gt;</code>. This function determines 
+	the nesting level and output the appropriate path.
+<h2>How to access...</h2>
+	<i>A CSS style sheet</i> : its path is given by the following PHP function call 
+	<code>r('a/css/name_of_the_file.css')</code> from within any site file (assuming you place all CSS files 
+	under a/css/. They may be inside a nested folder structure).
+	<i>An image</i> : same as above, with <code>r('a/img/')</code>.
+	<i>A javascript file</i> : same as above, with <code>r('a/js/name_of_the_file.js')</code>.
+<h2>How to give a download link ?</h2>
+	Just use a regular link pointing to <code>r('dl/?')</code>, anywhere you want.
+<h2>Usual workflow</h2>
+	Just add pages under site/ folder, and potential resources and files under a/ and f/. 
+	All other files will not change a lot.
diff --git a/README.html b/README.html
index df1106c..e180da4 100644
--- a/README.html
+++ b/README.html
@@ -16,158 +16,7 @@
 <h2> How to use it ?</h2>
-	The file sample-website.tar.xz provides a basic but full website example. 
-	Alternatively, here are some details about sview usage.
-<h2>0. Installation</h2>
-	In the following, I assume your website is located under http\[s\]://domain/topic/ 
-	and is named "website" (adapt to your case). For example, in 
-	domain = and topic = blog.
-Get the source code either with <code>git clone</code> command or using a zip archive. 
-	Copy all folder contents in the website/ folder : 
-    a/
-    f/
-    site/
-    .htaccess
-    common.php
-    defaults.php
-    index.php
-    s.php</pre>
-	<li><b>a/</b> (for "assets") is the folder for CSS files, images and javascript codes. 
-		I like to put them respectively in css/, img/ and js/ folders, but the choice is yours.</li>
-	<li><b>f/</b> (for "files") is the folder for any downloadable (or browsable) file you may upload.</li>
-	<li><b>site/</b> is the main folder containing all your website pages. Three are already there :
- 	<ul>
- 		<li><i>404.php</i> : the 404 error page;</li>
-		<li><i>dl.php</i> : a script to download binary files;</li>
-		<li><i>home.php</i> : the specifications for the welcome page.</li>
-	</ul></li>
-	<li><b>.htaccess</b> : its main job consists in routing everything that is not a resource 
-		to the index.php file.</li>
-	<li><b>common.php</b> contains shared variables and functions to be used by at least two different pages.</li>
-	<li><b>defaults.php</b> defines default variables for any web page, like the title or javascripts block.</li>
-	<li><b>index.php</b> contains your website template, which is rendered for any web page 
-		(and filled with specific values defined in pages under site/ folder; anything can be customized).</li>
-	<li><b>s.php</b> consists in the framework code, loaded at the beginning of index.php.</li>
-	Now (online), in the .htaccess file, change the line <code>RewriteBase /</code> to <code>RewriteBase /topic</code>.
-<h2>1. Set default contents</h2>
-<span>Edit the file defaults.php with</span>
-	<li>A global title to your website; this title can later be mixed with a more specific 
-		page-based title, or be replaced.</li>
-	<li>A list of references to CSS style sheets and pre-rendering javascript, like 
-		<code>&lt;link rel="stylesheet" href=""/&gt;</code>. 
-		We will see later how to refer to local style sheets (under a/css).</li>
-	<li>Some javascript code which will be loaded by default after every page loads
-		(e.g. <a href="">jquery</a>).</li>
-	Each variable name is prepended with "b_" to avoid potential conflicts with your own variables.
-<h2>2. Complete main pages</h2>
-	<li>The menu (at commented location)</li>
-	<li>The banner (near the menu, if you want one)</li>
-	<li>The footer (if you don't want one, just drop it).</li>
-	You can also change the &lt;meta&gt; tags if needed.
-	The welcome page. You can choose a title ($s_title) or use the default one 
-	(by not specifying anything). Style sheets and javascripts can be customized, ...etc. 
-	Any default variable can be used to define a specific variable (prepended with "s_"). 
-	Customize it; it is probably viewed more often than you think ;-)
-<h2>3. Write all other pages</h2>
-	All pages are under site/ folder, and you can nest them in any directory tree.
-	<b>Hint</b> : if you don't want to load the main template, just end any site file 
-	with a PHP <code>exit</code> directive.
-	Now we will see how to access pages and resources (images, CSS, files, javascript).
-<h2>How to view a web page ?</h2>
-	The page at physical location site/some_folder/mypage.php is viewed in the web browser at the URL 
-	http\[s\]://domain/topic/website/some_folder/mypage (thanks to URL rewriting defined in 
-	the .htaccess file). 
-	Any page can be linked internally using the <code>r()</code> PHP function ('r' for "resource"), like in 
-	the following : <code>&lt;a href="&lt;?php echo r('some_folder/mypage'); ?&gt;"&gt;</code>. This function determines 
-	the nesting level and output the appropriate path.
-<h2>How to access...</h2>
-	<i>A CSS style sheet</i> : its path is given by the following PHP function call 
-	<code>r('a/css/name_of_the_file.css')</code> from within any site file (assuming you place all CSS files 
-	under a/css/. They may be inside a nested folder structure).
-	<i>An image</i> : same as above, with <code>r('a/img/')</code>.
-	<i>A javascript file</i> : same as above, with <code>r('a/js/name_of_the_file.js')</code>.
-<h2>How to give a download link ?</h2>
-	Just use a regular link pointing to <code>r('dl/?')</code>, anywhere you want.
-<h2>Usual workflow</h2>
-	Just add pages under site/ folder, and potential resources and files under a/ and f/. 
-	All other files will not change a lot.
+	The archive sample-website.tar.xz provides a basic but full website example. 
+	Complementarily, the file <a href=";a=blob_plain;f=README.html;hb=HEAD">HOWTO.html</a> 
+	gives some details about sview usage.