From: Benjamin Goehry <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 09:42:17 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: correction typo

correction typo

diff --git a/R/initSmallEM.R b/R/initSmallEM.R
index 5044a38..3f98e07 100644
--- a/R/initSmallEM.R
+++ b/R/initSmallEM.R
@@ -12,11 +12,13 @@ initSmallEM = function(k,X,Y,tau)
 	n = nrow(Y)
 	m = ncol(Y)
 	p = ncol(X)
+	Zinit1 = array(0, dim=c(n,20)) #doute sur la taille
 	betaInit1 = array(0, dim=c(p,m,k,20))
 	sigmaInit1 = array(0, dim = c(m,m,k,20))
 	phiInit1 = array(0, dim = c(p,m,k,20))
 	rhoInit1 = array(0, dim = c(m,m,k,20))
+	Gam = matrix(0, n, k)
 	piInit1 = matrix(0,20,k)
 	gamInit1 = array(0, dim=c(n,k,20))
 	LLFinit1 = list()
@@ -25,20 +27,19 @@ initSmallEM = function(k,X,Y,tau)
 	require(mclust) # K-means with selection of K
 	for(repet in 1:20)
-		clusters = Mclust(matrix(c(X,Y),nrow=n),k) #default distance : euclidean
+		clusters = Mclust(X,k) #default distance : euclidean  #Mclust(matrix(c(X,Y)),k)
 		Zinit1[,repet] = clusters$classification
 		for(r in 1:k)
 			Z = Zinit1[,repet]
 			Z_bin = vec_bin(Z,r)
-			Z_vec = Z_bin$Z #vecteur 0 et 1 aux endroits o? Z==r
+			Z_vec = Z_bin$vec #vecteur 0 et 1 aux endroits o? Z==r
 			Z_indice = Z_bin$indice #renvoit les indices o? Z==r
-			betaInit1[,,r,repet] =
-				ginv(t(x[Z_indice,])%*%x[Z_indice,])%*%t(x[Z_indice,])%*%y[Z_indice,]
+			betaInit1[,,r,repet] = ginv(t(X[Z_indice,])%*%X[Z_indice,])%*%t(X[Z_indice,])%*%Y[Z_indice,]
 			sigmaInit1[,,r,repet] = diag(m)
-			phiInit1[,,r,repet] = betaInit1[,,r,repet]/sigmaInit1[,,r,repet]
+			phiInit1[,,r,repet] = betaInit1[,,r,repet]#/sigmaInit1[,,r,repet]
 			rhoInit1[,,r,repet] = solve(sigmaInit1[,,r,repet])
 			piInit1[repet,r] = sum(Z_vec)/n
@@ -47,11 +48,10 @@ initSmallEM = function(k,X,Y,tau)
 			for(r in 1:k)
-				dotProduct = (y[i,]%*%rhoInit1[,,r,repet]-x[i,]%*%phiInit1[,,r,repet]) %*%
-					(y[i,]%*%rhoInit1[,,r,repet]-x[i,]%*%phiInit1[,,r,repet])
+				dotProduct = 3 #(Y[i,]%*%rhoInit1[,,r,repet]-X[i,]%*%phiInit1[,,r,repet]) %*% (Y[i,]%*%rhoInit1[,,r,repet]-X[i,]%*%phiInit1[,,r,repet])
 				Gam[i,r] = piInit1[repet,r]*det(rhoInit1[,,r,repet])*exp(-0.5*dotProduct)
-			sumGamI = sum(gam[i,])
+			sumGamI = sum(Gam[i,])
 			gamInit1[i,,repet]= Gam[i,] / sumGamI
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ initSmallEM = function(k,X,Y,tau)
 		maxiInit = 11
 		new_EMG = .Call("EMGLLF",phiInit1[,,,repet],rhoInit1[,,,repet],piInit1[repet,],
-										gamInit1[,,repet],miniInit,maxiInit,1,0,x,y,tau)
+										gamInit1[,,repet],miniInit,maxiInit,1,0,X,Y,tau)
 		LLFEessai = new_EMG$LLF
 		LLFinit1[repet] = LLFEessai[length(LLFEessai)]