myid: "", //our ID, always set
oppid: "", //opponent ID in case of HH game
gameId: "", //useful if opponent started other human games after we disconnected
- myname: getCookie("username","anonymous"),
+ myname: localStorage["username"] || "anonymous",
oppName: "anonymous", //opponent name, revealed after a game (if provided)
chats: [], //chat messages after human game
oppConnected: false,
fenStart: "",
incheck: [],
pgnTxt: "",
- hints: (getCookie("hints") === "1" ? true : false),
- color: getCookie("color", "lichess"), //lichess, chesscom or chesstempo
+ hints: (!localStorage["hints"] ? true : localStorage["hints"] === "1"),
+ color: localStorage["color"] || "lichess", //lichess, chesscom or chesstempo
// sound level: 0 = no sound, 1 = sound only on newgame, 2 = always
- sound: parseInt(getCookie("sound", "2")),
+ sound: parseInt(localStorage["sound"] || "2"),
// Web worker to play computer moves without freezing interface:
compWorker: new Worker('/javascripts/playCompMove.js'),
timeStart: undefined, //time when computer starts thinking
elementArray = elementArray.concat(modalEog);
- // NOTE: this modal could be in Pug view (no usage of Vue functions or variables)
- const modalNewgame = [
- h('input',
- {
- attrs: { "id": "modal-newgame", type: "checkbox" },
- "class": { "modal": true },
- }),
- h('div',
- {
- attrs: { "role": "dialog", "aria-labelledby": "newGameTxt" },
- },
- [
- h('div',
- {
- "class": { "card": true, "smallpad": true },
- },
- [
- h('label',
- {
- attrs: { "id": "close-newgame", "for": "modal-newgame" },
- "class": { "modal-close": true },
- }
- ),
- h('h3',
- {
- attrs: { "id": "newGameTxt" },
- "class": { "section": true },
- domProps: { innerHTML: "New game" },
- }
- ),
- h('p',
- {
- "class": { "section": true },
- domProps: { innerHTML: "Waiting for opponent..." },
- }
- )
- ]
- )
- ]
- )
- ];
- elementArray = elementArray.concat(modalNewgame);
const modalFenEdit = [
methods: {
setMyname: function(e) {
this.myname =;
- setCookie("username",this.myname);
+ localStorage["username"] = this.myname;
trySendChat: function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) //'enter' key
toggleHints: function() {
this.hints = !this.hints;
- setCookie("hints", this.hints ? "1" : "0");
+ localStorage["hints"] = (this.hints ? "1" : "0");
setColor: function(e) {
this.color =[].value;
- setCookie("color", this.color);
+ localStorage["color"] = this.color;
setSound: function(e) {
this.sound = parseInt([].value);
- setCookie("sound", this.sound);
+ localStorage["sound"] = this.sound;
clickGameSeek: function(e) {
// Not programmatic, or animation is over
if (this.mode == "human" && this.vr.turn == this.mycolor)
this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"newmove", move:move, oppid:this.oppid}));
- if (this.sound == 2)
- new Audio("/sounds/chessmove1.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
if (!["idle","chat"].includes(this.mode))
// Emergency check, if human game started "at the same time"
this.incheck = this.vr.getCheckSquares(move); //is opponent in check?, "ingame");
+ if (this.sound == 2)
+ new Audio("/sounds/move.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
if (this.mode == "computer")
// Send the move to web worker (TODO: including his own moves?!)
if (!!lm)
+ if (this.sound == 2)
+ new Audio("/sounds/undo.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
const lmBefore = this.vr.lastMove;
if (!!lmBefore)
setCookie('visited', '1');
document.getElementById('modalWelcome').checked = false;
- setLanguage: function(e) {
- setCookie("lang",;
- location.reload(); //to include the right .pug file
- },
return ( + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 7))
+// Used both on index and variant page, to switch language
+function setLanguage(e)
+ console.log(e);
+ setCookie("lang",;
+ location.reload(); //to include the right .pug file
problem: undefined, //current problem in view
methods: {
- toggleDisplay: function(elt) {
- this.display = elt; //show
- },
showProblem: function(problemTxt) {
this.problem = JSON.parse(problemTxt);
this.display = "game";
+ setDisplay: function(elt) {
+ this.display = elt;
+ document.getElementById("drawer-control").checked = false;
+ },
--- /dev/null
+#$# git-fat 527d57bf4f0c83bbfdcfc18d2f9503c28b8e3cc5 8305
- padding: 0
- div
- padding: 0
width: 100%
background: linear-gradient(#e66465, #9198e5)
@media screen and (max-width: 767px)
margin-top: 0
- max-width: 320px
margin-top: 0
color: var(--a-link-color)
padding: 0
min-width: 320px
+ padding: 0
+ div
+ padding: 0
+ .section-content
+ *
+ margin-left: 0
+ margin-right: 0
+ @media screen and (max-width: 767px)
+ padding: 0 5px
text-decoration: underline
[type="checkbox"].modal+div .card
max-width: 767px
max-height: 100vh
+[type="checkbox"].modal+div .card.small-modal
+ max-width: 320px
+[type="checkbox"].modal+div .card.big-modal
+ max-width: 90vw
- padding: 0
-@media screen and (max-width: 767px)
- .col-sm-12
- padding: 0
- h4
- margin: 0 0 10px 0
- p
- margin-left: 0
- margin-right: 0
- padding: 0 3px
font-style: italic
background: linear-gradient(#e66465, #9198e5)
height: 48px
-//TODO: taille modal au cas par cas. standard == 767. Can be larger (welcome, fen...)
padding: 3px
color: red
.section-title > h4
padding: 5px
- padding: 0 5px
ol, ul:not(.browser-default)
padding-left: 20px
title: vname + ' Variant',
variant: vname,
problemArray: problems,
+ lang: selectLanguage(req, res),
+ languages: supportedLang,
- // TODO: flags, translations
img(src="/images/flags/" + lang + ".svg")
my-variant-summary(v-for="(v,idx) in sortedCounts"
v-bind:vobj="v" v-bind:index="idx" v-bind:key="")
// Modals:
- input#modalHelp.modal(type="checkbox")
- div(role="dialog")
- #help.card
- label.modal-close(for="modalHelp")
- .section
- p.emphasis.bigfont First: watch #[a(href="/demo.webm") demo video] !
- p Then click on a variant... Reminder:
- ul
- li All games start with a random assymetric position.
- li Games are untimed, and played anonymously.
- li No chat while playing, to focus on the moves.
- .section
- Bug report
- p
- | Please send an email to
- a(href="[] bug report")
- |
- | .
- input#modalLang.modal(type="checkbox")
- div(role="dialog")
- #language.card
- label.modal-close(for="modalLang")
- .section
- fieldset
- -
- var langName = {
- "fr": "French",
- "en": "English",
- }
- label(for="langSelect") Preferred language?
- select#langSelect(@change="setLanguage")
- each langCode in languages
- option(value=langCode selected=(lang==langCode))
- =langName[langCode]
- .section
- Contribute
- p
- | Browse the
- a(href="")
- | github repository
- | : welcome/en.pug and all files rules/*/en.pug
- | should be translated. When it's done, send me the files:
- a(href="[] translation")
- |
- | . Thanks!
+ include modal-lang.pug
+ include modal-help.pug
- #b4welcome.card.text-center
+ #b4welcome.card.text-center.small-modal First visit?
p#readThis(@click="showWelcomeMsg") >>> Please read this <<<
case lang
--- /dev/null
+ #help.card
+ label.modal-close(for="modalHelp")
+ .section
+ p.emphasis.bigfont First: watch #[a(href="/demo.webm") demo video] !
+ p Then click on a variant... Reminder:
+ ul
+ li All games start with a random assymetric position.
+ li Games are untimed, and played anonymously.
+ li No chat while playing, to focus on the moves.
+ .section
+ Bug report
+ p
+ | Please send an email to
+ a(href="[] bug report")
+ |
+ | .
--- /dev/null
+ #language.card
+ label.modal-close(for="modalLang")
+ .section
+ fieldset
+ -
+ var langName = {
+ "fr": "French",
+ "en": "English",
+ }
+ label(for="langSelect") Preferred language?
+ select#langSelect(onChange="setLanguage(event)")
+ each langCode in languages
+ option(value=langCode selected=(lang==langCode))
+ =langName[langCode]
+ .section
+ Contribute
+ p
+ | Browse the
+ a(href="")
+ | github repository
+ | : welcome/en.pug and all files rules/*/en.pug
+ | should be translated. When it's done, send me the files:
+ a(href="[] translation")
+ |
+ | . Thanks!
block content
- .row //TODO: this thing + game/problems/rules iin variant page. Here just h1
+ .row
- img(src="/images/index/unicorn.svg")
- span
- img(src="/images/index/wildebeest.svg")
- a(href="#") Home222
- .row
- .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
- label.drawer-toggle(for="drawer-control")
- input#drawer-control.drawer(type="checkbox")
- div
- label.drawer-close(for="drawer-control")
- a(href="#") Home
- a(href="#") Home222
+ i.material-icons home
+ a(href="#rules" @click="setDisplay('rules')") Rules
+ a(href="#play" @click="setDisplay('game')") Play!
+ a(href="#problems" @click="setDisplay('problems')") Problems
+ #flagMenu(onClick="document.getElementById('modalLang').checked=true")
+ img(src="/images/flags/" + lang + ".svg")
+ #helpMenu(onClick="document.getElementById('modalHelp').checked=true")
+ .info-container
+ p Help
- .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
- h4.variantpage-title.text-center(v-on:click="toggleDisplay('rules')")
- | #{variant} Rules
- my-rules(v-show="display=='rules'")
- .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
- h4.variantpage-title.text-center(v-on:click="toggleDisplay('game')")
- | #{variant} Game
- my-game(v-show="display=='game'" v-bind:problem="problem")
- .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
- h4.variantpage-title.text-center(v-on:click="toggleDisplay('problems')")
- | #{variant} Problems
- my-problems(v-show="display=='problems'"
- v-on:show-problem="showProblem($event)")
+ .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2(
+ v-show="display=='rules'")
+ my-rules
+ .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2(
+ v-show="display=='game'")
+ my-game(v-bind:problem="problem")
+ .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2(
+ v-show="display=='problems'")
+ my-problems(v-on:show-problem="showProblem($event)")
+ // (Some) Modals:
+ include modal-help.pug
+ include modal-lang.pug
+ input#modal-newgame.modal(type="checkbox")
+ div(role="dialog" aria-labelledby="newGameTxt")
+ .card.smallpad.small-modal
+ label#close-newgame.modal-close(for="modal-newgame")
+ h3#newGameTxt New game
+ p Waiting for opponent...
block javascripts