2 Pieces of the same kind mutually attacked are immobilized.
5 Two pieces of the same kind which both attack the other are paralysed.
6 They cannot move and they don't give check.
7 This rule also applies to kings, which would then stay in the same position
8 until the end of the game.
10 figure.diagram-container
12 | fen:bN2kq1r/p1pp4/2n2Qpr/4RpNp/1pPb1P1P/P2K2P1/1P1R1B2/7B:
13 figcaption e5 rook is safe and give check. 1...Kd8 is possible.
16 The diagram look like a checkmate because both black knight and bishop are
17 immobilized, but since the queens are paralysed the king can escape to d8.
22 | This variant appears on a number of web pages, like
23 a(href="https://echekk.fr/spip.php?page=article&id_article=1") this one
25 a(href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madrasi_chess") Wikipedia page
28 p Inventor: Abdul J. Karwathar (1979)