1 Replace underscore by lodash (or better: ES6)
2 Replace socket.io by Websockets ( https://www.npmjs.com/package/websocket )
4 time per question (in mode "one question at a time" from server...)
5 compute grades after exam (in teacher's view)
6 factorize redundant code in course.js, monitor.js and (TOWRITE) grade.js
7 (showing students list + grades or papers)
8 monitoring: main teacher should not be asked for pwd, and button "send feedback" hidden for others
12 TODO: format général TXT: (compilé en JSON)
16 Introduction (multiline, from third line ; \n --> <br>)
22 answer q1 (multiline txt)
35 answer (integer array, one line)
41 answer (html multiline)
43 Conclusion (last block)
47 Seems that GUI would be easier, then summary in YAML file + parse from YAML