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[epclust.git] / epclust / src / filter.cpp
1 #include <Rcpp.h>
3 using namespace Rcpp;
5 //' filter
6 //'
7 //' Filter time-series
8 //'
9 //' @param cwt Continuous wavelets transform
10 //'
11 //' @return The filtered CWT
12 // [[Rcpp::export]]
13 NumericMatrix epclustFilter(NumericMatrix cwt)
14 {
15 int L = cwt.nrow(),
16 D = cwt.ncol();
17 NumericMatrix fcwt(L, D); //fill with 0... TODO: back to SEXP C-style?
18 double *cwt_c = cwt.begin(),
19 *fcwt_c = fcwt.begin();
21 //TODO: coding style is terrible... no time for now.
22 for (int col=0; col<D; col++)
23 {
24 double v1 = cwt_c[0];
25 double ma = v1 + cwt[1] + cwt_c[2];
26 for (int i=1; i<L-2; i++)
27 {
28 fcwt_c[i] = ma / 3.;
29 ma = ma - v1 + cwt_c[i+2];
30 v1 = cwt_c[i];
31 }
32 fcwt_c[0] = cwt_c[0];
33 fcwt_c[L-2] = ma / 3.;
34 fcwt_c[L-1] = cwt_c[L-1];
35 cwt_c = cwt_c + L;
36 fcwt_c = fcwt_c + L;
37 }
39 return fcwt;
40 }