A few fixes + remove debug traces (Eightpieces variant)
[vchess.git] / client / src / views / MyGames.vue
1 <template lang="pug">
2 main
3 .row
4 .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
5 .button-group
6 button.tabbtn#liveGames(@click="setDisplay('live',$event)")
7 | {{ st.tr["Live games"] }}
8 button.tabbtn#corrGames(@click="setDisplay('corr',$event)")
9 | {{ st.tr["Correspondance games"] }}
10 GameList(
11 v-show="display=='live'"
12 :games="liveGames"
13 @show-game="showGame"
14 @abortgame="abortGame"
15 )
16 GameList(
17 v-show="display=='corr'"
18 :games="corrGames"
19 @show-game="showGame"
20 @abortgame="abortGame"
21 )
22 </template>
24 <script>
25 import { store } from "@/store";
26 import { GameStorage } from "@/utils/gameStorage";
27 import { ajax } from "@/utils/ajax";
28 import { getScoreMessage } from "@/utils/scoring";
29 import params from "@/parameters";
30 import { getRandString } from "@/utils/alea";
31 import GameList from "@/components/GameList.vue";
32 export default {
33 name: "my-my-games",
34 components: {
35 GameList
36 },
37 data: function() {
38 return {
39 st: store.state,
40 display: "live",
41 liveGames: [],
42 corrGames: [],
43 conn: null,
44 connexionString: ""
45 };
46 },
47 created: function() {
48 GameStorage.getAll(localGames => {
49 localGames.forEach(g => g.type = "live");
50 this.decorate(localGames);
51 this.liveGames = localGames;
52 });
53 if (this.st.user.id > 0) {
54 ajax(
55 "/games",
56 "GET",
57 {
58 data: { uid: this.st.user.id },
59 success: (res) => {
60 let serverGames = res.games.filter(g => {
61 const mySide =
62 g.players[0].uid == this.st.user.id
63 ? "White"
64 : "Black";
65 return !g["deletedBy" + mySide];
66 });
67 serverGames.forEach(g => g.type = "corr");
68 this.decorate(serverGames);
69 this.corrGames = serverGames;
70 }
71 }
72 );
73 }
74 // Initialize connection
75 this.connexionString =
76 params.socketUrl +
77 "/?sid=" +
78 this.st.user.sid +
79 "&id=" +
80 this.st.user.id +
81 "&tmpId=" +
82 getRandString() +
83 "&page=" +
84 encodeURIComponent(this.$route.path);
85 this.conn = new WebSocket(this.connexionString);
86 this.conn.onmessage = this.socketMessageListener;
87 this.conn.onclose = this.socketCloseListener;
88 },
89 mounted: function() {
90 const showType = localStorage.getItem("type-myGames") || "live";
91 this.setDisplay(showType);
92 },
93 beforeDestroy: function() {
94 this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code: "disconnect"}));
95 },
96 methods: {
97 setDisplay: function(type, e) {
98 this.display = type;
99 localStorage.setItem("type-myGames", type);
100 let elt = e ? e.target : document.getElementById(type + "Games");
101 elt.classList.add("active");
102 elt.classList.remove("somethingnew"); //in case of
103 if (elt.previousElementSibling)
104 elt.previousElementSibling.classList.remove("active");
105 else elt.nextElementSibling.classList.remove("active");
106 },
107 tryShowNewsIndicator: function(type) {
108 if (
109 (type == "live" && this.display == "corr") ||
110 (type == "corr" && this.display == "live")
111 ) {
112 document
113 .getElementById(type + "Games")
114 .classList.add("somethingnew");
115 }
116 },
117 // Called at loading to augment games with myColor + myTurn infos
118 decorate: function(games) {
119 games.forEach(g => {
120 g.myColor =
121 (g.type == "corr" && g.players[0].uid == this.st.user.id) ||
122 (g.type == "live" && g.players[0].sid == this.st.user.sid)
123 ? 'w'
124 : 'b';
125 // If game is over, myTurn doesn't exist:
126 if (g.score == "*") {
127 const rem = g.movesCount % 2;
128 if ((rem == 0 && g.myColor == 'w') || (rem == 1 && g.myColor == 'b'))
129 g.myTurn = true;
130 }
131 });
132 },
133 socketMessageListener: function(msg) {
134 const data = JSON.parse(msg.data);
135 let gamesArrays = {
136 "corr": this.corrGames,
137 "live": this.liveGames
138 };
139 switch (data.code) {
140 case "notifyturn":
141 case "notifyscore": {
142 const info = data.data;
143 const type = (!!parseInt(info.gid) ? "corr" : "live");
144 let game = gamesArrays[type].find(g => g.id == info.gid);
145 // "notifything" --> "thing":
146 const thing = data.code.substr(6);
147 game[thing] = info[thing];
148 if (thing == "turn") game.myTurn = !game.myTurn;
149 this.$forceUpdate();
150 this.tryShowNewsIndicator(type);
151 break;
152 }
153 case "notifynewgame": {
154 const gameInfo = data.data;
155 // st.variants might be uninitialized,
156 // if unlucky and newgame right after connect:
157 const v = this.st.variants.find(v => v.id == gameInfo.vid);
158 const vname = !!v ? v.name : "";
159 const type = (gameInfo.cadence.indexOf('d') >= 0 ? "corr": "live");
160 let game = Object.assign(
161 {
162 vname: vname,
163 type: type,
164 score: "*",
165 created: Date.now()
166 },
167 gameInfo
168 );
169 game.myTurn =
170 (type == "corr" && game.players[0].uid == this.st.user.id) ||
171 (type == "live" && game.players[0].sid == this.st.user.sid);
172 gamesArrays[type].push(game);
173 this.$forceUpdate();
174 this.tryShowNewsIndicator(type);
175 break;
176 }
177 }
178 },
179 socketCloseListener: function() {
180 this.conn = new WebSocket(this.connexionString);
181 this.conn.addEventListener("message", this.socketMessageListener);
182 this.conn.addEventListener("close", this.socketCloseListener);
183 },
184 showGame: function(game) {
185 if (game.type == "live" || !game.myTurn) {
186 this.$router.push("/game/" + game.id);
187 return;
188 }
189 // It's my turn in this game. Are there others?
190 let nextIds = "";
191 let otherCorrGamesMyTurn = this.corrGames.filter(g =>
192 g.id != game.id && !!g.myTurn);
193 if (otherCorrGamesMyTurn.length > 0) {
194 nextIds += "/?next=[";
195 otherCorrGamesMyTurn.forEach(g => { nextIds += g.id + ","; });
196 // Remove last comma and close array:
197 nextIds = nextIds.slice(0, -1) + "]";
198 }
199 this.$router.push("/game/" + game.id + nextIds);
200 },
201 abortGame: function(game) {
202 // Special "trans-pages" case: from MyGames to Game
203 // TODO: also for corr games? (It's less important)
204 if (game.type == "live") {
205 const oppsid =
206 game.players[0].sid == this.st.user.sid
207 ? game.players[1].sid
208 : game.players[0].sid;
209 this.conn.send(
210 JSON.stringify(
211 {
212 code: "mabort",
213 gid: game.id,
214 // NOTE: target might not be online
215 target: oppsid
216 }
217 )
218 );
219 }
220 else if (!game.deletedByWhite || !game.deletedByBlack) {
221 // Set score if game isn't deleted on server:
222 ajax(
223 "/games",
224 "PUT",
225 {
226 data: {
227 gid: game.id,
228 newObj: {
229 score: "?",
230 scoreMsg: getScoreMessage("?")
231 }
232 }
233 }
234 );
235 }
236 }
237 }
238 };
239 </script>
241 <style lang="sass">
242 .active
243 color: #42a983
245 .tabbtn
246 background-color: #f9faee
248 table.game-list
249 max-height: 100%
251 .somethingnew
252 background-color: #c5fefe !important
253 </style>