From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 17:13:19 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Fix Antiking

Fix Antiking

diff --git a/base_rules.js b/base_rules.js
index e3a34fb..b98c724 100644
--- a/base_rules.js
+++ b/base_rules.js
@@ -2162,10 +2162,11 @@ export default class ChessRules {
+  // Argument is (very generally) an array of squares (= arrays)
   underCheck(square_s, oppCol) {
     if (this.options["taking"] || this.options["dark"])
       return false;
-    if (!Array.isArray(square_s))
+    if (!Array.isArray(square_s[0]))
       square_s = [square_s];
     return square_s.some(sq => this.underAttack(sq, oppCol));
@@ -2196,19 +2197,21 @@ export default class ChessRules {
         let newKingPP = null,
             sqIdx = 0,
             res = true; //a priori valid
-        const oldKingPP = m.vanish.find(v => this.isKing(0, 0, v.p) && v.c == color);
+        const oldKingPP =
+          m.vanish.find(v => this.isKing(0, 0, v.p) && v.c == color);
         if (oldKingPP) {
           // Search king in appear array:
           newKingPP =
             m.appear.find(a => this.isKing(0, 0, a.p) && a.c == color);
           if (newKingPP) {
-            sqIdx = kingPos.findIndex(kp => kp[0] == oldKingPP.x && kp[1] == oldKingPP[.y);
+            sqIdx = kingPos.findIndex(kp =>
+              kp[0] == oldKingPP.x && kp[1] == oldKingPP.y);
             kingPos[sqIdx] = [newKingPP.x, newKingPP.y];
             res = false; //king vanished
-        res &&= !this.underCheck(square_s, oppCol);
+        res &&= !this.underCheck(kingPos, oppCol);
         if (oldKingPP && newKingPP)
           kingPos[sqIdx] = [oldKingPP.x, oldKingPP.y];
diff --git a/pieces/Antiking/black_antiking.svg b/pieces/Antiking/black_antiking.svg
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diff --git a/pieces/Berolina/CREDITS b/pieces/Berolina/CREDITS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5067a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pieces/Berolina/CREDITS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/pieces/Berolina/black_pawn.svg b/pieces/Berolina/black_pawn.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b2df98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pieces/Berolina/black_pawn.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+	Berolina-gyalog (fekete)
+	Készült: a pawn-b.svg felhasználásával
+	Felhasználási feltételek: Nevezd meg! - Így add tovább! (Creative Commons)
+	Uray M. János
+	2014-2018
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
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+			C 15.41,27.09 11,31.58 11,39.5
+			L 34,39.5
+			C 34,31.58 29.59,27.09 27,25.83
+			C 28.62,24.52 29.65,22.53 29.65,20.3 C 29.65,18.71 29.12,17.27 28.17,16.09
+			A 4,4,0 1,0 22.5,11.41
+		"/>
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index 0000000..e25862f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pieces/Berolina/white_pawn.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+	Berolina-gyalog (fehér)
+	Készült: a pawn-w.svg felhasználásával
+	Felhasználási feltételek: Nevezd meg! - Így add tovább! (Creative Commons)
+	Uray M. János
+	2014-2018
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
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+			A 4,4,0 1,0 16.83,16.09
+			C 15.88,17.27 15.35,18.71 15.35,20.3 C 15.35,22.53 16.38,24.52 18,25.83
+			C 15.41,27.09 11,31.58 11,39.5
+			L 34,39.5
+			C 34,31.58 29.59,27.09 27,25.83
+			C 28.62,24.52 29.65,22.53 29.65,20.3 C 29.65,18.71 29.12,17.27 28.17,16.09
+			A 4,4,0 1,0 22.5,11.41
+		"/>
+	</g>
diff --git a/variants.js b/variants.js
index 18d5891..3705c59 100644
--- a/variants.js
+++ b/variants.js
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ const variants = [
   {name: 'Align4', desc: 'Align four pawns'},
   {name: 'Allmate', desc: 'Mate any piece'},
   {name: 'Ambiguous', desc: "Play opponent's pieces"},
-//  {name: 'Antiking1', desc: 'Keep antiking in check', disp: 'Anti-King'},
+  {name: 'Antiking1', desc: 'Keep antiking in check', disp: 'Anti-King I'},
+  {name: 'Antiking2', desc: 'Keep antiking in check', disp: 'Anti-King II'},
 //  {name: 'Antimatter', desc: 'Dangerous collisions'},
 //  {name: 'Apocalypse', desc: 'The end of the world'},
 //  {name: 'Arena', desc: 'Middle battle'},
diff --git a/variants/AbstractAntiking.js b/variants/AbstractAntiking.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7846add..0000000
--- a/variants/AbstractAntiking.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-import ChessRules from "/base_rules.js";
-export class AbstractAntikingRules extends ChessRules {
-  static get Options() {
-    return {
-      styles: [
-        "atomic",
-        "balance",
-        "cannibal",
-        "capture",
-        "crazyhouse",
-        "doublemove",
-        "madrasi",
-        "progressive",
-        "recycle",
-        "rifle",
-        "teleport",
-        "zen"
-      ]
-    };
-  }
-  pieces(color, x, y) {
-    "a": {
-      // Move like a king, no attacks
-      "class": "antiking",
-      moves: super.pieces(color, x, y)['k'].moves,
-      attack: []
-    }
-  }
-  isKing(x, y, p) {
-    if (!p)
-      p = this.getPiece(x, y);
-    return ['k', 'a'].includes(p);
-  }
-  canTake([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) {
-    const piece1 = this.getPiece(x1, y1);
-    const piece2 = this.getPiece(x2, y2);
-    const color1 = this.getColor(x1, y1);
-    const color2 = this.getColor(x2, y2);
-    return (
-      piece2 != 'a' &&
-      (
-        (piece1 != 'a' && color1 != color2) ||
-        (piece1 == 'a' && color1 == color2)
-      )
-    );
-  }
-  underCheck(squares, color) {
-    const oppCol = C.GetOppCol(color);
-    let res = false;
-    squares.forEach(sq => {
-      switch (this.getPiece(sq[0], sq[1])) {
-        case 'k':
-          res ||= super.underAttack(sq, oppCol);
-          break;
-        case 'a':
-          res ||= !super.underAttack(sq, oppCol);
-          break;
-      }
-    });
-    return res;
-  }
diff --git a/variants/Alapo/class.js b/variants/Alapo/class.js
index 881671f..4836413 100644
--- a/variants/Alapo/class.js
+++ b/variants/Alapo/class.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import ChessRules from "/base_rules.js";
-import { ArrayFun } from "/utils/array.js";
-import { Random } from "/utils/alea.js";
+import {ArrayFun} from "/utils/array.js";
+import {Random} from "/utils/alea.js";
 export default class AlapoRules extends ChessRules {
diff --git a/variants/Alice/class.js b/variants/Alice/class.js
index e755b56..e6d37b2 100644
--- a/variants/Alice/class.js
+++ b/variants/Alice/class.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import ChessRules from "/base_rules.js";
-import { ArrayFun } from "/utils/array.js";
+import {ArrayFun} from "/utils/array.js";
 export default class AliceRules extends ChessRules {
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ export default class AliceRules extends ChessRules {
   filterValid(moves) {
     const color = this.turn;
     const oppCol = C.GetOppCol(color);
-    const kingPos = this.searchKingPos(color);
+    const kingPos = this.searchKingPos(color)[0];
     const kingPiece = this.getPiece(kingPos[0], kingPos[1]);
     return super.filterValid(moves).filter(m => {
       // A move must also be legal on the board it is played:
diff --git a/variants/Allmate/class.js b/variants/Allmate/class.js
index 8d31649..5b237c0 100644
--- a/variants/Allmate/class.js
+++ b/variants/Allmate/class.js
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ export default class AllmateRules extends ChessRules {
     return true;
-  underCheck([x, y], oppCol) {
+  underCheck() {
     return false; //not relevant here
diff --git a/variants/Ambiguous/class.js b/variants/Ambiguous/class.js
index 58458b6..db24d0e 100644
--- a/variants/Ambiguous/class.js
+++ b/variants/Ambiguous/class.js
@@ -149,15 +149,14 @@ export default class AmbiguousRules extends ChessRules {
   getCurrentScore() {
     // This function is only called at subTurn 1
     const color = C.GetOppCol(this.turn);
-    const kingPos = this.searchKingPos(color);
-    if (kingPos[0] < 0)
+    if (this.searchKingPos(color).length == 0)
       return (color == 'w' ? "0-1" : "1-0");
     return "*";
   postPlay(move) {
     const color = this.turn;
-    if (this.subTurn == 2 || this.searchKingPos(color)[0] < 0) {
+    if (this.subTurn == 2 || this.searchKingPos(color).length == 0) {
       this.turn = C.GetOppCol(color);
diff --git a/variants/Antiking1/class.js b/variants/Antiking1/class.js
index f8406b7..9b8af78 100644
--- a/variants/Antiking1/class.js
+++ b/variants/Antiking1/class.js
@@ -1,30 +1,14 @@
 import ChessRules from "/base_rules.js";
-import AbstractAntikingRules from "/variants/AbstractAntiking.js";
+import AbstractAntikingRules from "/variants/_Antiking/class.js";
-export class Antiking1Rules extends AbstractAntikingRules {
-  static get Options() {
-    return {
-      styles: [
-        "atomic",
-        "balance",
-        "cannibal",
-        "capture",
-        "crazyhouse",
-        "doublemove",
-        "madrasi",
-        "progressive",
-        "recycle",
-        "rifle",
-        "teleport",
-        "zen"
-      ]
-    };
-  }
+export default class Antiking1Rules extends AbstractAntikingRules {
   get hasCastle() {
     return false;
+  get hasEnpassant() {
+    return false;
+  }
   pieces(color, x, y) {
     const pawnShift = (color == "w" ? -1 : 1);
@@ -53,11 +37,11 @@ export class Antiking1Rules extends AbstractAntikingRules {
   // (Anti)King flags at 1 (true) if they can knight-jump
-  setFlags(fenflags) {
+  setFlags(fenFlags) {
     this.kingFlags = { w: {}, b: {} };
     for (let i=0; i<fenFlags.length; i++) {
       const white = fenFlags.charCodeAt(i) <= 90;
-      const curChar = fenFlags.charCodeAt(i).toLowerCase();
+      const curChar = fenFlags.charAt(i).toLowerCase();
       this.kingFlags[white ? 'w' : 'b'][curChar] = true;
@@ -73,11 +57,11 @@ export class Antiking1Rules extends AbstractAntikingRules {
   getPotentialMovesFrom([x, y]) {
     const color = this.turn;
     let moves = super.getPotentialMovesFrom([x, y]);
-    if (this.kingFlags[color][piece]) {
+    if (this.kingFlags[color][this.getPiece(x, y)]) {
       // Allow knight jump (king or antiking)
       const knightMoves = super.getPotentialMovesOf('n', [x, y]);
       // Remove captures (TODO: could be done more efficiently...)
-      moves = moves.concat(knightJumps.filter(m => m.vanish.length == 1));
+      moves = moves.concat(knightMoves.filter(m => m.vanish.length == 1));
     return moves;
diff --git a/variants/Antiking1/rules.html b/variants/Antiking1/rules.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fee723a..0000000
--- a/variants/Antiking1/rules.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/variants/Antiking1/rules.html b/variants/Antiking1/rules.html
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..68d15a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variants/Antiking1/rules.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/variants/Antiking1/style.css b/variants/Antiking1/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6ffda1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variants/Antiking1/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@import url("/variants/_Antiking/style.css");
+ {
+  background-image: url('/pieces/Berolina/black_pawn.svg');
+piece.white.pawn {
+  background-image: url('/pieces/Berolina/white_pawn.svg');
diff --git a/variants/Antiking2/class.js b/variants/Antiking2/class.js
index 0e6a3e5..ee1030a 100644
--- a/variants/Antiking2/class.js
+++ b/variants/Antiking2/class.js
@@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
 import ChessRules from "/base_rules.js";
-import AbstractAntikingRules from "/variants/AbstractAntiking.js";
-import { Random } from "/utils/alea.js";
+import AbstractAntikingRules from "/variants/_Antiking/class.js";
+import {Random} from "/utils/alea.js";
-export class Antiking2Rules extends AbstractAntikingRules {
-  static get Aliases() {
-    return Object.assign({'A': AbstractAntikingRules}, ChessRules.Aliases);
-  }
+export default class Antiking2Rules extends AbstractAntikingRules {
   static get Options() {
     return {
+      select:,
       styles: A.Options.styles.concat("cylinder")
@@ -25,9 +22,19 @@ export class Antiking2Rules extends AbstractAntikingRules {
         akPos[1] = akPos[0];
-    const whiteLine = (akPos[0] > 0 ? akPos[0] : "") + 'A' + (akPos < this.size.y - 1 ? ...);
-    const blackLine = ...
-    return baseFen.replace(...)
+    const antikingLine = (color) => {
+      const [idx, symbol] = (color == 'w' ? [0, 'a'] : [1, 'A']);
+      return (
+        (akPos[idx] > 0 ? akPos[idx] : "") + symbol +
+        (akPos[idx] < this.size.y - 1
+          ? C.FenEmptySquares(this.size.y - 1 - akPos[idx])
+          : "")
+      );
+    };
+    return (
+      baseFen.replace("p/8", "p/" + antikingLine('b'))
+             .replace("8/P", antikingLine('w') + "/P")
+    );
diff --git a/variants/Antiking2/rules.html b/variants/Antiking2/rules.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fee723a..0000000
--- a/variants/Antiking2/rules.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/variants/Antiking2/rules.html b/variants/Antiking2/rules.html
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..68d15a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variants/Antiking2/rules.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/variants/Antiking2/style.css b/variants/Antiking2/style.css
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..aee569a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variants/Antiking2/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/variants/Chakart/class.js b/variants/Chakart/class.js
index 9a1cc6d..02dd16e 100644
--- a/variants/Chakart/class.js
+++ b/variants/Chakart/class.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import ChessRules from "/base_rules.js";
 import GiveawayRules from "/variants/Giveaway/class.js";
-import { ArrayFun } from "/utils/array.js";
-import { Random } from "/utils/alea.js";
+import {ArrayFun} from "/utils/array.js";
+import {Random} from "/utils/alea.js";
 import PiPo from "/utils/PiPo.js";
 import Move from "/utils/Move.js";
diff --git a/variants/Giveaway/class.js b/variants/Giveaway/class.js
index 71f70be..69addf2 100644
--- a/variants/Giveaway/class.js
+++ b/variants/Giveaway/class.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import ChessRules from "/base_rules.js";
-import { ArrayFun } from "/utils/array.js";
-import { Random } from "/utils/alea.js";
+import {ArrayFun} from "/utils/array.js";
+import {Random} from "/utils/alea.js";
 export default class GiveawayRules extends ChessRules {
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ export default class GiveawayRules extends ChessRules {
-  underCheck([x, y], oppCol) {
+  underCheck(square, oppCol) {
     if (this.options["mode"] == "suicide")
       return false;
-    return super.underCheck([x, y], oppCol);
+    return super.underCheck(square, oppCol);
   getCurrentScore() {
diff --git a/variants/Madrasi/class.js b/variants/Madrasi/class.js
index bbec80a..ac5ccff 100644
--- a/variants/Madrasi/class.js
+++ b/variants/Madrasi/class.js
@@ -22,18 +22,16 @@ export default class MadrasiRules extends ChessRules {
-  underCheck([x, y], color) {
-    if (this.options["rexincl"]) {
-      // If Rex Inclusive, kings do not check each other:
-      // we just replace it very temporarily.
-      const [ox, oy] = this.searchKingPos(color);
-      const saveOppKing = this.board[ox][oy];
-      this.board[ox][oy] = C.GetOppCol(color) + "q"; //arbitrary
-      const res = super.underCheck([x, y], color);
-      this.board[ox][oy] = saveOppKing;
-      return res;
-    }
-    return super.underCheck([x, y], color);
+  canTake([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) {
+    return (
+      (
+        !this.options["rexincl"] ||
+        this.getPiece(x1, y1) != 'k' ||
+        this.getPiece(x2, y2) != 'k'
+      )
+      &&
+      super.canTake([x1, y1], [x2, y2])
+    );
diff --git a/variants/Suction/class.js b/variants/Suction/class.js
index a66855d..cf5ae16 100644
--- a/variants/Suction/class.js
+++ b/variants/Suction/class.js
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ export default class SuctionRules extends ChessRules {
   getCurrentScore() {
     const color = this.turn;
     const kingPos = super.searchKingPos(color);
-    if (color == "w" && kingPos[0] == 0) return "0-1";
-    if (color == "b" && kingPos[0] == this.size.x - 1) return "1-0";
+    if (color == "w" && kingPos[0][0] == 0) return "0-1";
+    if (color == "b" && kingPos[0][0] == this.size.x - 1) return "1-0";
     // King is not on the opposite edge: game not over
     return "*";
diff --git a/variants/_Antiking/class.js b/variants/_Antiking/class.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e92edab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variants/_Antiking/class.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import ChessRules from "/base_rules.js";
+export default class AbstractAntikingRules extends ChessRules {
+  static get Aliases() {
+    return Object.assign({'A': AbstractAntikingRules}, ChessRules.Aliases);
+  }
+  static get Options() {
+    return {
+      styles: [
+        "atomic",
+        "balance",
+        "cannibal",
+        "capture",
+        "crazyhouse",
+        "doublemove",
+        "madrasi",
+        "progressive",
+        "recycle",
+        "rifle",
+        "teleport",
+        "zen"
+      ]
+    };
+  }
+  pieces(color, x, y) {
+    return Object.assign(
+      {
+        'a': {
+          // Move like a king, no attacks
+          "class": "antiking",
+          moves: super.pieces(color, x, y)['k'].moves,
+          attack: []
+        }
+      },
+      super.pieces(color, x, y)
+    );
+  }
+  isKing(x, y, p) {
+    if (!p)
+      p = this.getPiece(x, y);
+    return ['k', 'a'].includes(p);
+  }
+  // NOTE: canTake includes (wrong) captures of antiking,
+  // to not go to low-level using findDestSquares()
+  canTake([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) {
+    const piece1 = this.getPiece(x1, y1);
+    const color1 = this.getColor(x1, y1);
+    const color2 = this.getColor(x2, y2);
+    return (
+      (piece1 != 'a' && color1 != color2) ||
+      (piece1 == 'a' && color1 == color2)
+    );
+  }
+  // Remove captures of antiking (see above)
+  getPotentialMovesFrom([x, y]) {
+    return super.getPotentialMovesFrom([x, y]).filter(m =>
+      m.vanish.length == 1 || m.vanish[1].p != 'a');
+  }
+  underCheck(squares, color) {
+    let res = false;
+    squares.forEach(sq => {
+      switch (this.getPiece(sq[0], sq[1])) {
+        case 'k':
+          res ||= super.underAttack(sq, color);
+          break;
+        case 'a':
+          res ||= !super.underAttack(sq, color);
+          break;
+      }
+    });
+    return res;
+  }
diff --git a/variants/_Antiking/rules.html b/variants/_Antiking/rules.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee723a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variants/_Antiking/rules.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/variants/_Antiking/style.css b/variants/_Antiking/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dfe37e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variants/_Antiking/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@import url("/base_pieces.css");
+ {
+  background-image: url('/pieces/Antiking/black_antiking.svg');
+piece.white.antiking {
+  background-image: url('/pieces/Antiking/white_antiking.svg');