From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2020 00:04:40 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Add Xiangqi

Add Xiangqi

diff --git a/client/package-lock.json b/client/package-lock.json
index 22ed9bc4..355a62e0 100644
--- a/client/package-lock.json
+++ b/client/package-lock.json
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diff --git a/client/public/images/pieces/Shogi/LICENSE b/client/public/images/pieces/Shogi/LICENSE
index 997500b0..3bdba9d5 100644
--- a/client/public/images/pieces/Shogi/LICENSE
+++ b/client/public/images/pieces/Shogi/LICENSE
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Permission of author (Daniel Lee) --> TODO: ask him.
+Permission of author (Daniel Lee).
 Pieces also in use on pychess-variants.
diff --git a/client/public/images/pieces/Xiangqi/SOURCE b/client/public/images/pieces/Xiangqi/SOURCE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..856214a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/public/images/pieces/Xiangqi/SOURCE
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+(With author's permission).
diff --git a/client/public/images/pieces/Xiangqi/ba.svg b/client/public/images/pieces/Xiangqi/ba.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55f99256
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index 3cde6ed6..57dcd898 100644
--- a/client/src/translations/en.js
+++ b/client/src/translations/en.js
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ export const translations = {
   "Bishop versus pawns": "Bishop versus pawns",
   "Board upside down": "Board upside down",
   "Both sides of the mirror": "Both sides of the mirror",
-  "Burmese chess": "Burmese chess",
+  "Burmese Chess": "Burmese Chess",
   "Capture all of a kind": "Capture all of a kind",
   "Capture both colors": "Capture both colors",
   "Capture en passant": "Capture en passant",
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ export const translations = {
   "Capture the princess": "Capture the princess",
   "Captures reborn": "Captures reborn",
   "Change colors": "Change colors",
+  "Chinese Chess": "Chinese Chess",
   "Convert & support (v1)": "Convert & support (v1)",
   "Convert & support (v2)": "Convert & support (v2)",
   "Dangerous captures": "Dangerous captures",
diff --git a/client/src/translations/es.js b/client/src/translations/es.js
index 612b0e35..a7e3c9d4 100644
--- a/client/src/translations/es.js
+++ b/client/src/translations/es.js
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ export const translations = {
   "Bishop versus pawns": "Alfil contra peones",
   "Board upside down": "Tablero al revés",
   "Both sides of the mirror": "Ambos lados del espejo",
-  "Burmese chess": "Ajedrez birmano",
+  "Burmese Chess": "Ajedrez birmano",
   "Capture all of a kind": "Capturar todo del mismo tipo",
   "Capture both colors": "Captura ambos colores",
   "Capture en passant": "Capturar en passant",
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ export const translations = {
   "Capture the princess": "Capturar a la princesa",
   "Captures reborn": "Las capturas renacen",
   "Change colors": "Cambiar colores",
+  "Chinese Chess": "Ajedrez chino",
   "Convert & support (v1)": "Convertir & apoyar (v1)",
   "Convert & support (v2)": "Convertir & apoyar (v2)",
   "Dangerous captures": "Capturas peligrosas",
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--- a/client/src/translations/fr.js
+++ b/client/src/translations/fr.js
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ export const translations = {
   "Bishop versus pawns": "Fou contre pions",
   "Board upside down": "Échiquier à l'envers",
   "Both sides of the mirror": "Les deux côté du miroir",
-  "Burmese chess": "Échecs birmans",
+  "Burmese Chess": "Échecs birmans",
   "Capture all of a kind": "Capturez tout d'un même type",
   "Capture both colors": "Capturer les deux couleurs",
   "Capture en passant": "Capturer en passant",
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ export const translations = {
   "Capture the princess": "Capturer la princesse",
   "Captures reborn": "Les captures renaissent",
   "Change colors": "Changer les couleurs",
+  "Chinese Chess": "Échecs chinois",
   "Convert & support (v1)": "Convertir & soutenir (v1)",
   "Convert & support (v2)": "Convertir & soutenir (v2)",
   "Dangerous captures": "Captures dangeureuses",
diff --git a/client/src/translations/rules/Xiangqi/en.pug b/client/src/translations/rules/Xiangqi/en.pug
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06e01086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/translations/rules/Xiangqi/en.pug
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+  Chinese chess, with different pieces behaving
+  differently than orthodox chess.
+  Pieces stand on intersections rather than squares: this is purely aesthetic,
+  and doesn't affect movements' descriptions.
+  img.img-center(src="/variants/Xiangqi/Boards.png")
+  figcaption
+    | Xiangqi boards borrowed from 
+    a(href="") pychess-variants
+    | . Chinese pieces on the right, international ones on the left.
+  The central area between rows 5 and 6 is called the "river".
+  It affects some pieces behavior.
+  Only the rooks behave exactly as in standard chess.
+  All other pieces are quite different:
+  li.
+    The King moves orthogonaly by one square, and cannot leave the "palace"
+    consisting of the nine intersections of the grey rectangles
+    on the diagram above.
+  li.
+    The pieces surrounding the king are Advisors: they move by one square
+    at a time, diagonally only. They are also restricted to the palace.
+  li.
+    The pawns ("Soldiers") move - and capture - by going up one intersection.
+    After they reach the second half of the board, they can then also move
+    (and capture) by one square lateraly.
+  li.
+    The Elephant moves by two intersections diagonally. It cannot jump over
+    obstacles: the midpoint intersection should be vacant.
+    The elephants cannot cross the river.
+  li.
+    The knights ("Horses") also cannot jump over obstacles, although they
+    appear to move as in orthodox chess. They make an orthogonal step first,
+    and then a diagonal step so that they are at a regular "knight distance"
+    from the initial intersection.
+    However, the square after first step must be empty.
+  li.
+    The Cannons move like a rook but capture by jumping first over an
+    obstacle (friendly or enemy). After such a jump the cannon can only
+    capture (no normal moves).
+  .diagram.diag12
+    img(src="/variants/Xiangqi/ElephantDiagram.png")
+  .diagram.diag22
+    img(src="/variants/Xiangqi/HorseDiagram.png")
+  figcaption
+    | Elephant and Horse moves illustrated, from 
+    a(href="") pychess-variants
+    | .
+h3 More information
+  | Many resources are available online: just search with keywords Xiangqi
+  | or Chinese chess. You can play it on 
+  a(href="") pychess-variants
+  | , against humans or a (basic) bot.
diff --git a/client/src/translations/rules/Xiangqi/es.pug b/client/src/translations/rules/Xiangqi/es.pug
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e62a07c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/translations/rules/Xiangqi/es.pug
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+  Ajedrez chino, con diferentes piezas comportándose
+  diferente al ajedrez ortodoxo.
+  Las piezas se colocan en las intersecciones en lugar de en el centro de
+  las casillas. El efecto es solo estético, no hay impacto en la descripción
+  de los desplazamientos.
+  img.img-center(src="/variants/Xiangqi/Boards.png")
+  figcaption
+    | Meseta Xiangqi tomado de 
+    a(href="") pychess-variants
+    | . Piezas chinas a la derecha, internacionales a la izquierda.
+  La parte central entre las filas 5 y 6 se llama "río".
+  Afecta el comportamiento de ciertas piezas.
+  Solo las torres se comportan como en el ajedrez estándar.
+  Todas las demás piezas son bastante diferentes:
+  li.
+    El Rey se mueve ortogonalmente una casilla y no puede salir
+    el "palacio" que consta de las nueve intersecciones de rectángulos grises
+    en el diagrama de arriba.
+  li.
+    Las piezas que rodean al rey son los Consejeros: mueven una
+    casilla a la vez, solo en diagonal.
+    Ellos también están restringidos al palacio.
+  li.
+    Los peones ("Soldados") se mueven y capturan subiendo uno
+    intersección. Una vez que cruzan el río, también pueden
+    mover (y capturar) un cuadrado de lado.
+  li.
+    El Elefante se mueve desde dos intersecciones diagonales. No puede
+    saltar obstáculos: la intersección en el punto central debe
+    ser libre. Los elefantes no pueden cruzar el río.
+    Los Caballos tampoco pueden saltar obstáculos,
+    aunque parecen moverse como los caballos ortodoxos.
+    Ellos primero dar un paso ortogonal, luego un paso diagonal de
+    para estar a una distancia de caballo "estándar" de la intersección
+    inicial. Sin embargo, la casilla después del primer paso debe estar vacía.
+  li.
+    Los Cañones se mueven como una torre pero capturan saltando primero
+    sobre un obstáculo (amigo o enemigo). Después de tal salto el cañón
+    solo puede capturar (sin movimientos normales).
+  .diagram.diag12
+    img(src="/variants/Xiangqi/ElephantDiagram.png")
+  .diagram.diag22
+    img(src="/variants/Xiangqi/HorseDiagram.png")
+  figcaption
+    | Jugadas del Elefante y del Caballo illustradas, de 
+    a(href="") pychess-variants
+    | .
+h3 Más información
+  | Hay muchos recursos disponibles en línea, solo busque
+  | con las palabras clave Xiangqi o Ajedrez chino. Puedes jugarlo en 
+  a(href="") pychess-variants
+  | , contra humanos o un programa (básico).
diff --git a/client/src/translations/rules/Xiangqi/fr.pug b/client/src/translations/rules/Xiangqi/fr.pug
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05f8a402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/translations/rules/Xiangqi/fr.pug
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+  Échecs chinois, avec différentes pièces se comportant
+  différemment des échecs orthodoxes.
+  Les pièces se positionnent sur les intersections plutôt qu'au centre des
+  cases. L'effet n'est qu'esthétique, il n'y a pas d'impact sur la description
+  des déplacements.
+  img.img-center(src="/variants/Xiangqi/Boards.png")
+  figcaption
+    | Plateau de Xiangqi empruntés à 
+    a(href="") pychess-variants
+    | . Pièces chinoises à droite, internationales à gauche.
+  La partie centrale entre les rangées 5 et 6 est appelée la "rivière".
+  Elle affecte le comportement de certaines pièces.
+  Seules les tours se comportent comme aux échecs standards.
+  Toutes les autres pièces sont plutôt différentes :
+  li.
+    Le Roi se déplace orthogonalement d'une case, et ne peut pas quitter
+    le "palais" consistant en les neuf intersections des rectangles gris
+    sur le diagramme ci-dessus.
+  li.
+    Les pièces entourant le roi sont les Conseillers : ils se déplacent d'une
+    case à la fois, en diagonale seulement.
+    Ils sont eux-aussi restreints au palais.
+  li.
+    Les pions ("Soldats") se déplacent - et capturent - en montant d'une
+    intersection. Une fois qu'ils on franchi la rivière, ils peuvent aussi
+    se déplacer (et capturer) d'une case latéralement.
+  li.
+    L'Éléphant se déplacent de deux intersections en diagonale. Il ne peut pas
+    sauter par dessus les obstacles : l'intersection au point central doit
+    être libre. Les éléphants ne peuvent traverser la rivière.
+  li.
+    Les cavaliers ("Chevaux") ne peuvent pas non plus sauter les obstacles,
+    bien qu'ils paraissent se déplacer comme les cavaliers orthodoxes. Ils
+    effecuent d'abord un pas orthogonal, puis ensuite un en diagonale de
+    manière à se retrouver à distance de cavalier "standard" de l'intersection
+    initiale. Cependant, la case après le premier pas doit être vide.
+  li.
+    Les Canons se déplacent comme une tour mais capturent en sautant d'abord
+    par dessus un obstacle (ami ou ennemi). Après un tel saut le canon
+    ne peut que capturer (pas de coups normaux).
+  .diagram.diag12
+    img(src="/variants/Xiangqi/ElephantDiagram.png")
+  .diagram.diag22
+    img(src="/variants/Xiangqi/HorseDiagram.png")
+  figcaption
+    | Coups de l'Élephant et du Cheval illustrés, depuis 
+    a(href="") pychess-variants
+    | .
+h3 Plus d'information
+  | Beaucoup de ressources sont disponibles en ligne : cherchez simplement
+  avec les mots-clé Xiangqi ou Échecs chinois. Vous pouvez y jouer sur 
+  a(href="") pychess-variants
+  | , contre des humains ou un programme (basique).
diff --git a/client/src/variants/Xiangqi.js b/client/src/variants/Xiangqi.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3889b20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/variants/Xiangqi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+import { ChessRules } from "@/base_rules";
+export class XiangqiRules extends ChessRules {
+  static get Monochrome() {
+    return true;
+  }
+  static get Notoodark() {
+    return true;
+  }
+  static get Lines() {
+    let lines = [];
+    // Draw all inter-squares lines, shifted:
+    for (let i = 0; i < V.size.x; i++)
+      lines.push([[i+0.5, 0.5], [i+0.5, V.size.y-0.5]]);
+    for (let j = 0; j < V.size.y; j++)
+      lines.push([[0.5, j+0.5], [V.size.x-0.5, j+0.5]]);
+    // Add palaces:
+    lines.push([[0.5, 3.5], [2.5, 5.5]]);
+    lines.push([[0.5, 5.5], [2.5, 3.5]]);
+    lines.push([[9.5, 3.5], [7.5, 5.5]]);
+    lines.push([[9.5, 5.5], [7.5, 3.5]]);
+    // Show river:
+    lines.push([[4.5, 0.5], [5.5, 8.5]]);
+    lines.push([[5.5, 0.5], [4.5, 8.5]]);
+    return lines;
+  }
+  static get HasFlags() {
+    return false;
+  }
+  static get HasEnpassant() {
+    return false;
+  }
+  static get ELEPHANT() {
+    return "e";
+  }
+  static get CANNON() {
+    return "c";
+  }
+  static get ADVISOR() {
+    return "a";
+  }
+  static get PIECES() {
+  }
+  getPpath(b) {
+    return "Xiangqi/" + b;
+  }
+  static get size() {
+    return { x: 10, y: 9};
+  }
+  getPotentialMovesFrom(sq) {
+    switch (this.getPiece(sq[0], sq[1])) {
+      case V.PAWN: return this.getPotentialPawnMoves(sq);
+      case V.ROOK: return super.getPotentialRookMoves(sq);
+      case V.KNIGHT: return this.getPotentialKnightMoves(sq);
+      case V.ELEPHANT: return this.getPotentialElephantMoves(sq);
+      case V.ADVISOR: return this.getPotentialAdvisorMoves(sq);
+      case V.KING: return this.getPotentialKingMoves(sq);
+      case V.CANNON: return this.getPotentialCannonMoves(sq);
+    }
+    return []; //never reached
+  }
+  getPotentialPawnMoves([x, y]) {
+    const c = this.getColor(x, y);
+    const shiftX = (c == 'w' ? -1 : 1);
+    const crossedRiver = (c == 'w' && x <= 4 || c == 'b' && x >= 5);
+    const lastRank = (c == 'w' && x == 0 || c == 'b' && x == 9);
+    let steps = [];
+    if (!lastRank) steps.push([shiftX, 0]);
+    if (crossedRiver) {
+      if (y > 0) steps.push([0, -1]);
+      if (y < 9) steps.push([0, 1]);
+    }
+    return super.getSlideNJumpMoves([x, y], steps, "oneStep");
+  }
+  knightStepsFromRookStep(step) {
+    if (step[0] == 0) return [ [1, 2*step[1]], [-1, 2*step[1]] ];
+    return [ [2*step[0], 1], [2*step[0], -1] ];
+  }
+  getPotentialKnightMoves([x, y]) {
+    let steps = [];
+    for (let rookStep of ChessRules.steps[V.ROOK]) {
+      const [i, j] = [x + rookStep[0], y + rookStep[1]];
+      if (V.OnBoard(i, j) && this.board[i][j] == V.EMPTY) {
+        Array.prototype.push.apply(steps,
+          // These moves might be impossible, but need to be checked:
+          this.knightStepsFromRookStep(rookStep));
+      }
+    }
+    return super.getSlideNJumpMoves([x, y], steps, "oneStep");
+  }
+  getPotentialElephantMoves([x, y]) {
+    let steps = [];
+    const c = this.getColor(x, y);
+    for (let bishopStep of ChessRules.steps[V.BISHOP]) {
+      const [i, j] = [x + bishopStep[0], y + bishopStep[1]];
+      if (V.OnBoard(i, j) && this.board[i][j] == V.EMPTY) {
+        const [newX, newY] = [x + 2*bishopStep[0], y + 2*bishopStep[1]];
+        if ((c == 'w' && newX >= 5) || (c == 'b' && newX <= 4))
+          // A priori valid (elephant don't cross the river)
+          steps.push( => 2*s));
+          // "out of board" checks delayed to next method
+      }
+    }
+    return super.getSlideNJumpMoves([x, y], steps, "oneStep");
+  }
+  insidePalace(x, y, c) {
+    return (
+      (y >= 3 && y <= 5) &&
+      (
+        (c == 'w' && x >= 7) ||
+        (c == 'b' && x <= 2)
+      )
+    );
+  }
+  getPotentialAdvisorMoves([x, y]) {
+    // Diagonal steps inside palace
+    let steps = [];
+    const c = this.getColor(x, y);
+    for (let s of ChessRules.steps[V.BISHOP]) {
+      if (this.insidePalace(x + s[0], y + s[1], c)) steps.push(s);
+    }
+    return super.getSlideNJumpMoves([x, y], steps, "oneStep");
+  }
+  getPotentialKingMoves([x, y]) {
+    // Orthogonal steps inside palace
+    let steps = [];
+    const c = this.getColor(x, y);
+    for (let s of ChessRules.steps[V.ROOK]) {
+      if (this.insidePalace(x + s[0], y + s[1], c)) steps.push(s);
+    }
+    return super.getSlideNJumpMoves([x, y], steps, "oneStep");
+  }
+  // NOTE: duplicated from Shako (TODO?)
+  getPotentialCannonMoves([x, y]) {
+    const oppCol = V.GetOppCol(this.turn);
+    let moves = [];
+    // Look in every direction until an obstacle (to jump) is met
+    for (const step of V.steps[V.ROOK]) {
+      let i = x + step[0];
+      let j = y + step[1];
+      while (V.OnBoard(i, j) && this.board[i][j] == V.EMPTY) {
+        moves.push(this.getBasicMove([x, y], [i, j]));
+        i += step[0];
+        j += step[1];
+      }
+      // Then, search for an enemy
+      i += step[0];
+      j += step[1];
+      while (V.OnBoard(i, j) && this.board[i][j] == V.EMPTY) {
+        i += step[0];
+        j += step[1];
+      }
+      if (V.OnBoard(i, j) && this.getColor(i, j) == oppCol)
+        moves.push(this.getBasicMove([x, y], [i, j]));
+    }
+    return moves;
+  }
+  // (King) Never attacked by advisor, since it stays in the palace
+  // Also, never attacked by elephants since they don't cross the river.
+  isAttacked(sq, color) {
+    return (
+      this.isAttackedByPawn(sq, color) ||
+      super.isAttackedByRook(sq, color) ||
+      this.isAttackedByKnight(sq, color) ||
+      this.isAttackedByCannon(sq, color)
+    );
+  }
+  isAttackedByPawn([x, y], color) {
+    // The pawn necessarily crossed the river (attack on king)
+    const shiftX = (color == 'w' ? 1 : -1); //shift from king
+    for (let s of [[shiftX, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]]) {
+      const [i, j] = [x + s[0], y + s[1]];
+      if (
+        this.board[i][j] != V.EMPTY &&
+        this.getColor(i, j) == color &&
+        this.getPiece(i, j) == V.PAWN
+      ) {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  knightStepsFromBishopStep(step) {
+    return [ [2*step[0], step[1]], [step[0], 2*step[1]] ];
+  }
+  isAttackedByKnight([x, y], color) {
+    // Check bishop steps: if empty, look continuation knight step
+    let steps = [];
+    for (let s of ChessRules.steps[V.BISHOP]) {
+      const [i, j] = [x + s[0], y + s[1]];
+      if (
+        V.OnBoard(i, j) &&
+        this.board[i][j] == V.EMPTY
+      ) {
+        Array.prototype.push.apply(steps, this.knightStepsFromBishopStep(s));
+      }
+    }
+    return (
+      super.isAttackedBySlideNJump([x, y], color, V.KNIGHT, steps, "oneStep")
+    );
+  }
+  // NOTE: duplicated from Shako (TODO?)
+  isAttackedByCannon([x, y], color) {
+    // Reversed process: is there an obstacle in line,
+    // and a cannon next in the same line?
+    for (const step of V.steps[V.ROOK]) {
+      let [i, j] = [x+step[0], y+step[1]];
+      while (V.OnBoard(i, j) && this.board[i][j] == V.EMPTY) {
+        i += step[0];
+        j += step[1];
+      }
+      if (V.OnBoard(i, j)) {
+        // Keep looking in this direction
+        i += step[0];
+        j += step[1];
+        while (V.OnBoard(i, j) && this.board[i][j] == V.EMPTY) {
+          i += step[0];
+          j += step[1];
+        }
+        if (
+          V.OnBoard(i, j) &&
+          this.getPiece(i, j) == V.CANNON &&
+          this.getColor(i, j) == color
+        ) {
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  static get VALUES() {
+    return {
+      p: 1,
+      r: 9,
+      n: 4,
+      e: 2.5,
+      a: 2,
+      c: 4.5,
+      k: 1000
+    };
+  }
+  evalPosition() {
+    let evaluation = 0;
+    for (let i = 0; i < V.size.x; i++) {
+      for (let j = 0; j < V.size.y; j++) {
+        if (this.board[i][j] != V.EMPTY) {
+          const c = this.getColor(i, j);
+          const sign = (c == 'w' ? 1 : -1);
+          const piece = this.getPiece(i, j);
+          let pieceEval = V.VALUES[this.getPiece(i, j)];
+          if (
+            piece == V.PAWN &&
+            (
+              (c == 'w' && i <= 4) ||
+              (c == 'b' && i >= 5)
+            )
+          ) {
+            // Pawn crossed the river: higher value
+            pieceEval++;
+          }
+          evaluation += sign * pieceEval;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return evaluation;
+  }
+  static GenRandInitFen() {
+    // No randomization here (TODO?)
+    return "rneakaenr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNEAKAENR w 0";
+  }
diff --git a/server/db/populate.sql b/server/db/populate.sql
index 7def7a62..b0596058 100644
--- a/server/db/populate.sql
+++ b/server/db/populate.sql
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ insert or ignore into Variants (name, description) values
   ('Shako', 'Non-conformism and utopia'),
   ('Shatranj', 'Ancient rules'),
   ('Shogi', 'Japanese Chess'),
-  ('Sittuyin', 'Burmese chess'),
+  ('Sittuyin', 'Burmese Chess'),
   ('Suicide', 'Lose all pieces'),
   ('Suction', 'Attract opposite king'),
   ('Swap', 'Dangerous captures'),
@@ -119,4 +119,5 @@ insert or ignore into Variants (name, description) values
   ('Vchess', 'Pawns capture backward'),
   ('Wildebeest', 'Balanced sliders & leapers'),
   ('Wormhole', 'Squares disappear'),
+  ('Xiangqi', 'Chinese Chess'),
   ('Zen', 'Reverse captures');