// "Modèle conceptuel des données". TODO: option for graph size
+ // NOTE: randomizing helps to obtain better graphs (sometimes)
drawMcd(id, mcdStyle) //mcdStyle: bubble, or compact
let element = document.getElementById(id);
// Build dot graph input
let mcdDot = 'graph {\n';
+ mcdDot += 'rankdir="LR";\n';
// Nodes:
- Object.keys(this.entities).forEach( name => {
+ if (mcdStyle == "compact")
+ mcdDot += "node [shape=plaintext];\n";
+ _.shuffle(Object.keys(this.entities)).forEach( name => {
if (mcdStyle == "bubble")
mcdDot += name + '[shape=rectangle, label="' + name + '"';
mcdDot += '];\n';
if (!!this.entities[name].attributes)
- this.entities[name].attributes.forEach( a => {
+ _.shuffle(this.entities[name].attributes).forEach( a => {
let label = (a.isKey ? '#' : '') + a.name;
- mcdDot += name + '_' + a.name + '[shape=ellipse, label="' + label + '"];\n';
- mcdDot += name + '_' + a.name + ' -- ' + name + ';\n';
+ let attrName = name + '_' + a.name;
+ mcdDot += attrName + '[shape=ellipse, label="' + label + '"];\n';
+ if (Math.random() < 0.5)
+ mcdDot += attrName + ' -- ' + name + ';\n';
+ else
+ mcdDot += name + ' -- ' + attrName + ';\n';
- mcdDot += name + '[shape=plaintext, label=<';
+ mcdDot += name + '[label=<';
if (this.entities[name].weak)
mcdDot += '<table port="name" BORDER="1" ALIGN="LEFT" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="3" CELLBORDER="0">' +
// Inheritances:
this.inheritances.forEach( i => {
- i.children.forEach( c => {
- mcdDot += c + ':name -- ' + i.parent + ':name [len="1.00", dir="forward", arrowhead="vee", style="dashed"];\n';
+ _.shuffle(i.children).forEach( c => {
+ if (Math.random() < 0.5)
+ mcdDot += c + ':name -- ' + i.parent;
+ else
+ mcdDot += i.parent + ':name -- ' + c;
+ mcdDot += ':name [dir="forward", arrowhead="vee", style="dashed"];\n';
// Relationships:
let assoceCounter = 0;
- this.associations.forEach( a => {
+ _.shuffle(this.associations).forEach( a => {
let name = !!a.name && a.name.length > 0
? a.name
: '_assoce' + assoceCounter++;
if (a.weak)
mcdDot += ', peripheries=2';
mcdDot += '];\n';
- a.entities.forEach( e => {
- mcdDot += e.name + ':name -- ' + name + '[len="1.00", label="' + ErDiags.CARDINAL[e.card] + '"];\n';
+ _.shuffle(a.entities).forEach( e => {
+ if (Math.random() < 0.5)
+ mcdDot += e.name + ':name -- ' + name;
+ else
+ mcdDot += name + ':name -- ' + e.name;
+ mcdDot += '[label="' + ErDiags.CARDINAL[e.card] + '"];\n';
if (!!a.attributes)
- a.attributes.forEach( attr => {
+ _.shuffle(a.attributes).forEach( attr => {
let label = (attr.isKey ? '#' : '') + attr.name;
- mcdDot += name + '_' + attr.name + '[len="1.00", shape=ellipse, label="' + label + '"];\n';
- mcdDot += name + '_' + attr.name + ' -- ' + name + ';\n';
+ mcdDot += name + '_' + attr.name + '[shape=ellipse, label="' + label + '"];\n';
+ let attrName = name + '_' + attr.name;
+ if (Math.random() < 0.5)
+ mcdDot += attrName + ' -- ' + name + ';\n';
+ else
+ mcdDot += name + ' -- ' + attrName + ';\n';
mcdDot += '}';
- //console.log(mcdDot);
+ console.log(mcdDot);
ErDiags.AjaxGet(mcdDot, graphSvg => {
this.mcdGraph = graphSvg;
element.innerHTML = graphSvg;
// "Modèle logique des données"
+ // TODO: this one should draw links from foreign keys to keys (port=... in <TD>)
let element = document.getElementById(id);