From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2019 18:32:06 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Small fix in rules rendering

Small fix in rules rendering

diff --git a/client/src/main.js b/client/src/main.js
index 28b7f86c..22fe0cd1 100644
--- a/client/src/main.js
+++ b/client/src/main.js
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ new Vue({
 //  },
   created: function() {
     window.doClick = (elemId) => { document.getElementById(elemId).click() };
+    store.initialize();
     // TODO: AJAX call get corr games (all variants)
 		// si dernier lastMove sur serveur n'est pas le mien et nextColor == moi, alors background orange
@@ -34,13 +35,6 @@ new Vue({
 //    if (!!localStorage["variant"])
 //      location.hash = "#game?id=" + localStorage["gameId"];
-  // Later, for icons (if using feather):
-//  mounted: function() {
-//    feather.replace();
-//  },
-  created: function() {
-    store.initialize();
-  },
 // TODO: get rules, dynamic import
diff --git a/client/src/rules/Alice/en.pug b/client/src/rules/Alice/en.pug
index 8f5dc3dc..5ef85f6e 100644
--- a/client/src/rules/Alice/en.pug
+++ b/client/src/rules/Alice/en.pug
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-	Every move played ends up on another board (the "other side of the mirror").
-	There are two boards. All pieces start on board 1.
+  Every move played ends up on another board (the "other side of the mirror").
+  There are two boards. All pieces start on board 1.
-	Two boards are used in this variant (represented on only one).
-	Upside-down pieces appear at every "normal" pieces moves: they live on
-	another board. When moved, they return to the initial board.
-	Orthodox rules apply on each board.
-	In addition, the final square should not be occupied by a piece from the
-	other board (thus allowing to represent all on one board).
+  Two boards are used in this variant (represented on only one).
+  Upside-down pieces appear at every "normal" pieces moves: they live on
+  another board. When moved, they return to the initial board.
+  Orthodox rules apply on each board.
+  In addition, the final square should not be occupied by a piece from the
+  other board (thus allowing to represent all on one board).
 p Notation for Alice pieces was chosen as follow:
-	li Pawn : S
-	li Rook : U
-	li Knight : O
-	li Bishop : C
-	li Queen : T
-	li King : L
+  li Pawn : S
+  li Rook : U
+  li Knight : O
+  li Bishop : C
+  li Queen : T
+  li King : L
-	.diagram
-		| fen:rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/8/8/2p5/5O2/PP1PPPPP/RNBQKB1R:
-	figcaption After the moves 1.Nf3 Pd5 2.Pc4 Sxc4
+  .diagram
+    | fen:rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/8/8/2p5/5O2/PP1PPPPP/RNBQKB1R:
+  figcaption After the moves 1.Nf3 Pd5 2.Pc4 Sxc4
-	En-passant and castle occur as they do in the standard game.
-	More specifically, en-passant is possible regardless of the worlds pawns
-	are in. This is justified because pawns "go through the mirror" while moving,
-	and can thus be captured either right after or just before they pass the
-	mirror.
-	Castling should be legal according to orthodox rules on the board 1 (it
-	cannot occur on board 2, because it would mean king and rook moved).
-	Moreover, the king cannot be in check on board 2 after castling.
+  En-passant and castle occur as they do in the standard game.
+  More specifically, en-passant is possible regardless of the worlds pawns
+  are in. This is justified because pawns "go through the mirror" while moving,
+  and can thus be captured either right after or just before they pass the
+  mirror.
+  Castling should be legal according to orthodox rules on the board 1 (it
+  cannot occur on board 2, because it would mean king and rook moved).
+  Moreover, the king cannot be in check on board 2 after castling.
 h3 End of the game
-	As in the orthodox game, win by checkmating the king.
-	It shouldn't be able to escape the check, not even by moving to the other
-	board.
+  As in the orthodox game, win by checkmating the king.
+  It shouldn't be able to escape the check, not even by moving to the other
+  board.
 h3 More information
-	| See the Alice chess pages on 
-	a(href="")
-		|
-	| &nbsp;and on 
-	a(href="")
-		|
-	| .
+  | See the Alice chess pages on 
+  a(href="")
+    |
+  | &nbsp;and on 
+  a(href="")
+    |
+  | .
diff --git a/client/src/rules/Baroque/en.pug b/client/src/rules/Baroque/en.pug
index fb781641..58a0e4c3 100644
--- a/client/src/rules/Baroque/en.pug
+++ b/client/src/rules/Baroque/en.pug
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ figure.diagram-container
 h3 More information
 	| A good starting point is the 
 	a(href="") Wikipedia page
 	| , which also gives pointers to other interesting pages (including
diff --git a/client/src/views/Rules.vue b/client/src/views/Rules.vue
index 1702b509..b9f51279 100644
--- a/client/src/views/Rules.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/Rules.vue
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
       button(v-show="gameInProgress" @click="stopGame")
         | Stop game
     div(v-show="display=='rules'" v-html="content" class="section-content")
-    Game(v-show="display=='computer'" :mycolor="mycolor" :gid-or-fen="fen"
+    Game(v-show="display=='computer'" :gid-or-fen="fen"
       :mode="mode" :sub-mode="subMode" :variant="variant"
       @computer-think="gameInProgress=false" @game-over="stopGame")
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ export default {
       fen: "",
+  // TODO: variant is initialized before store initializes, so remain null (I think)
   created: function() {
     const vname = this.$route.params["vname"];
     const idxOfVar = => == vname);
@@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ export default {
     // (AJAX) Request to get rules content (plain text, HTML)
     this.content =
-      require("raw-loader!pug-plain-loader!@/rules/" +
+      // TODO: why doesn't this work? require("raw-loader!pug-plain-loader!@/rules/"...)
+      require("raw-loader!@/rules/" +
         this.$route.params["vname"] + "/" + + ".pug")
       .replace(/(fen:)([^:]*):/g, replaceByDiag);