From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 22:57:58 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Add 'display' DB field for nicer variants display. Remove join on Variants table... 

Add 'display' DB field for nicer variants display. Remove join on Variants table in Games SQL requests. Group variants in DB

diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index b13d9b59..d3b62270 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -6,9 +6,18 @@ If new live game starts in background, "new game" notify OK but not first move.
 Will be used for variants with custom non-rectangular board (Hex, at least)
 Or, with other board shapes (see for example)
-Would be nice to display some better variants names (Pacosako -> Paco-Ŝako etc),
-but the "formatted" name with uppercase + all lower cases would still be required.
-(For example in variants list, or tournament variant field).
+Merge variants 1, 2 (3) into one with sub-variant selection when starting a game (New Game + vs engine + analyse)
+E.g. Checkered 1 & 2 into one, and so on.
+Need additional field in variant code... in a generic way (radiobutton or select or checkbox?)
+#New variants:
+ Massacre Chess
+CWDA : need game options (also useful at least for Monster)
+ :-)
diff --git a/client/src/translations/en.js b/client/src/translations/en.js
index 38155cf2..b8c1cd94 100644
--- a/client/src/translations/en.js
+++ b/client/src/translations/en.js
@@ -338,5 +338,74 @@ export const translations = {
   "Walk on a graph": "Walk on a graph",
   "White move twice": "White move twice",
   "Win by castling long": "Win by castling long",
-  "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7"
+  "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7",
+  // Variants by categories:
+  "What is a chess variant?": "What is a chess variant?",
+  "Why play chess variants?": "Why play chess variants?",
+  "chess_v": ": to play under standard rules, with a random (or not) symmetric (or not) initial position.",
+  "vt0": "Simplified games to learn chess",
+  "vg0": "Variants with very few different pieces, and a simplified goal.",
+  "vt1": "Forced captures",
+  "vg1": "In a given position, there are generally less possible moves than in the orthodox games since you must capture.",
+  "vt2": "Transformations",
+  "vg2": "Pieces generally transform when capturing.",
+  "vt3": "Modified boundaries",
+  "vg3": "Boards which communicating sides.",
+  "vt4": "Different pawn movements",
+  "vg4": "Everything is as in the orthodox game, but pawns move unusually.",
+  "vt5": "Different armies",
+  "vg5": "Standard pieces versus a team of different pieces.",
+  "vt6": "Inspired by ball games",
+  "vg6": "Variants involving a ball, abstract or not, which must cross the board.",
+  "vt7": "New pieces",
+  "vg7": "A large variety of fairy pieces can be defined. Some very powerful like the Amazon, others rather weak like the Grasshopper.",
+  "vt8": "Augmenting pieces",
+  "vg8": "In the following variants, fairy (or not) pieces may appear later in the game.",
+  "vt9": "Several royal pieces",
+  "vg9": "In these games you must take care of two or more \"kings\".",
+  "vt10": "Unorthodox captures by replacement",
+  "vg10": "Non-standard captures, but using known mechanisms.",
+  "vt11": "Unorthodox captures - others",
+  "vg11": "Captures are generally achieved without replacement. That is to say, you don't replace the enemy piece on its square to capture it.",
+  "vt12": "Pieces changing side, shared pieces",
+  "vg12": "Pieces' owners (color) may change during the game",
+  "vt13": "Incomplete information",
+  "vg13": "Some speculation is required in these variants, where some game informations are hidden.",
+  "vt14": "Random factors",
+  "vg14": "These games include random effects, which can be funny, frustrating or both :)",
+  "vt15": "Inpired by knight movement",
+  "vg15": "Variants based on the knight move, which augment or transform pieces' abilities.",
+  "vt16": "Unusual initial setup",
+  "vg16": "Initial setup causes a lot of captures early in the game.",
+  "vt17": "\"Easy\" variants: simple rules",
+  "vg17": "Only minor changes are made to the orthodox rules, resulting in a very similar game.",
+  "vt18": "Simple rules, but not so easy",
+  "vg18": "Minor changes to the orthodox rules leading to a very different strategy.",
+  "vt19": "Initially empty board",
+  "vg19": "All pieces are progressively added from an empty board.",
+  "vt20": "Repositioning",
+  "vg20": "Pieces can be dropped on the board, either immediately or later in the game.",
+  "vt21": "Immobilization, hypnotism",
+  "vg21": "Pieces can be paralyzed or controlled under certain circumstances.",
+  "vt22": "Regional and historical variants",
+  "vg22": "(Partial) Game evolution in time and space.",
+  "vt23": "Kings race",
+  "vg23": "The goal is to cross the board with your king.",
+  "vt24": "Several moves in one turn",
+  "vg24": "In these variants, you can play two or more moves per turn.",
+  "vt25": "Single powerful piece versus army",
+  "vg25": "Very few but powerful pieces against a full army.",
+  "vt26": "Exchanging pieces positions",
+  "vg26": "Some or all pieces can be swapped.",
+  "vt27": "Different objective",
+  "vg27": "Orthodox rules, but the goal is not checkmate (or not only).",
+  "vt28": "Non-chess",
+  "vg28": "Some games not chess related.",
+  "vt29": "Change opponent's move",
+  "vg29": "You can change some enemy moves after they are played.",
+  "vt30": "Augmented pieces",
+  "vg30": "Pieces can temporarily borrow powers from others.",
+  "vt31": "Miscelleanous",
+  "vg31": "These variants are not classified yet, generally because they are the only one of their kind on this website.",
diff --git a/client/src/translations/es.js b/client/src/translations/es.js
index 9e8088b9..55dd3045 100644
--- a/client/src/translations/es.js
+++ b/client/src/translations/es.js
@@ -318,7 +318,8 @@ export const translations = {
   "Shogi 5 x 5": "Shogi 5 x 5",
   "Shoot pieces": "Tirar de las piezas",
   "Spartan versus Persians": "Espartanos contra Persas",
-  "Squares disappear": "Las casillas desaparecen",
+  "Squares disappear (v1)": "Las casillas desaparecen (v1)",
+  "Squares disappear (v2)": "Las casillas desaparecen (v2)",
   "Squat last rank (v1)": "Ocupa la última fila (v1)",
   "Squat last rank (v2)": "Ocupa la última fila (v2)",
   "Stacking Checkers variant": "Variante de damas con pilas",
@@ -337,5 +338,74 @@ export const translations = {
   "Walk on a graph": "Camino en un gráfico",
   "White move twice": "Las blancas juegan dos veces",
   "Win by castling long": "Ganar jugando al enroque largo",
-  "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7"
+  "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7",
+  // Variants by categories:
+  "What is a chess variant?": "¿Qué es una variante?",
+  "Why play chess variants?": "¿Por qué jugar las variantes?",
+  "chess_v": ": para jugar con reglas estándar, desde una posición inicial aleatorio (o no) simétrico (o no).",
+  "vt0": "Juegos simplificados para aprender ajedrez",
+  "vg0": "Variantes con muy pocas piezas diferentes y un propósito simplificado.",
+  "vt1": "Capturas obligatorias",
+  "vg1": "En una posición dada, generalmente hay menos movimientos posibles que en juego ortodoxo ya que tienes que capturar.",
+  "vt2": "Transformaciones",
+  "vg2": "En general, las piezas se transforman mediante la captura.",
+  "vt3": "Bordes modificados",
+  "vg3": "Tableros de ajedrez con bordes comunicantes.",
+  "vt4": "Diferentes movimientos de peones",
+  "vg4": "Todo va como en el juego ortodoxo, pero los peones se mueven de una manera inusual.",
+  "vt5": "Diferentes ejércitos",
+  "vg5": "Piezas estándar contra un equipo de diferentes piezas.",
+  "vt6": "Inspirado por juegos de pelota",
+  "vg6": "Variantes que usan un globo, abstracto o no, quien tiene que cruzar el tablero de ajedrez.",
+  "vt7": "Piezas nuevas",
+  "vg7": "Se puede introducir una amplia gama de piezas mágicas. Algunas son muy poderosos como la Amazona, otros bastante débiles como el Saltamontes.",
+  "vt8": "Piezas crecientes",
+  "vg8": "En las siguientes variantes, piezas mágicas (o no) puede aparecer más adelante en el juego.",
+  "vt9": "Varias piezas reales",
+  "vg9": "En estos juegos debes mantener a salvo a dos o más \"reyes\".",
+  "vt10": "Capturas no ortodoxas por reemplazo",
+  "vg10": "Capturas no estándar, pero utilizando mecanismos conocidos.",
+  "vt11": "Capturas no ortodoxas - otras",
+  "vg11": "Las capturas generalmente se realizan sin reemplazo. Es decir que no reemplaces las piezas opuestas en su espacio de captura.",
+  "vt12": "Piezas que cambian de lado, piezas compartidas",
+  "vg12": "Los propietarios (colores) de las piezas pueden cambiar durante el juego.",
+  "vt13": "Información incompleta",
+  "vg13": "Se requiere cierta especulación para estas variantes, donde se oculta alguna información sobre el juego.",
+  "vt14": "Factores aleatorios",
+  "vg14": "Estos juegos incluyen efectos aleatorios, que puede ser divertido, frustrante o ambos :)",
+  "vt15": "Inspiradas por el movimiento del caballo",
+  "vg15": "Variantes basadas en el movimiento del caballo, que aumenta o transforma las capacidades de las piezas.",
+  "vt16": "Disposición inicial inusual",
+  "vg16": "Del diseño inicial resultado muchas capturas al principio del juego.",
+  "vt17": "Variantes \"fáciles\": reglas simples",
+  "vg17": "Las reglas ortodoxas solo cambian ligeramente, lo que da un juego muy similar.",
+  "vt18": "Reglas simples, pero no tanto",
+  "vg18": "Pequeños cambios en las reglas del juego que conducen a estrategias muy diferentes.",
+  "vt19": "Tablero inicialmente vacío",
+  "vg19": "Todas las piezas se agregan gradualmente desde un tablero vacío.",
+  "vt20": "Reposicionamiento",
+  "vg20": "Las piezas se pueden dejar caer en el tablero de ajedrez, ya sea inmediatamente o más tarde en el juego.",
+  "vt21": "Inmovilización",
+  "vg21": "Las piezas pueden paralizarse o controlarse en ciertas circunstancias.",
+  "vt22": "Variantes regionales e históricas",
+  "vg22": "Evolución (parcial) del juego en espacio y tiempo.",
+  "vt23": "Carrera de reyes",
+  "vg23": "El objetivo es cruzar el tablero de ajedrez con tu rey.",
+  "vt24": "Varias jugadas por turno",
+  "vg24": "En estas variantes, puedes jugar dos o más movimientos por turno.",
+  "vt25": "Una sola pieza poderosa contra un ejército",
+  "vg25": "Muy pocas piezas pero muy poderosas contra todo un ejército.",
+  "vt26": "Intercambio de posiciones de piezas",
+  "vg26": "Algunas o todas las piezas pueden intercambiarse.",
+  "vt27": "Objetivo diferente",
+  "vg27": "Reglas ortodoxas, pero el objetivo no es jaque mate (o no solo).",
+  "vt28": "Aparte del Ajedrez",
+  "vg28": "Algunos juegos no están relacionados con el ajedrez.",
+  "vt29": "Cambiar el movimiento del oponente",
+  "vg29": "Puedes cambiar los movimientos de algunas jugadas del oponente después de haberlos jugado",
+  "vt30": "Piezas aumentadas",
+  "vg30": "Las piezas pueden temporalmente tomar prestados poderes de otras",
+  "vt31": "Varios",
+  "vg31": "Estas variantes aún no están clasificadas, en general porque son el único representante de su tipo en este sitio.",
diff --git a/client/src/translations/fr.js b/client/src/translations/fr.js
index c095bb0b..48029dce 100644
--- a/client/src/translations/fr.js
+++ b/client/src/translations/fr.js
@@ -318,7 +318,8 @@ export const translations = {
   "Shogi 5 x 5": "Shogi 5 x 5",
   "Shoot pieces": "Tirez sur les pièces",
   "Spartan versus Persians": "Spartiates contre Perses",
-  "Squares disappear": "Les cases disparaissent",
+  "Squares disappear (v1)": "Les cases disparaissent (v1)",
+  "Squares disappear (v2)": "Les cases disparaissent (v2)",
   "Squat last rank (v1)": "Occupez la dernière rangée (v1)",
   "Squat last rank (v2)": "Occupez la dernière rangée (v2)",
   "Stacking Checkers variant": "Variante des Dames avec empilements",
@@ -337,5 +338,74 @@ export const translations = {
   "Walk on a graph": "Marche sur un graphe",
   "White move twice": "Les blancs jouent deux fois",
   "Win by castling long": "Gagnez en jouant grand roque",
-  "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7"
+  "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7",
+  // Variants by categories:
+  "What is a chess variant?": "Qu'est-ce qu'une variante ?",
+  "Why play chess variants?": "Pourquoi jouer aux variantes ?",
+  "chess_v": "&nbsp;: pour jouer avec les règles standard, depuis une position initiale aléatoire (ou non) symétrique (ou non).",
+  "vt0": "Jeux simplifiés pour apprendre les échecs",
+  "vg0": "Variantes avec très peu de pièces différentes, et un but simplifié.",
+  "vt1": "Captures obligatoires",
+  "vg1": "Dans une position donnée, il y a généralement moins de coups possibles que dans le jeu orthodoxe puisque vous devez capturer.",
+  "vt2": "Transformations",
+  "vg2": "En général les pièces se transforment en capturant.",
+  "vt3": "Frontières modifiées",
+  "vg3": "Échiquiers aux bords communiquants.",
+  "vt4": "Différents coups de pions",
+  "vg4": "Tout se déroule comme au jeu orthodoxe, mais les pions se déplacent d'une manière inhabituelle.",
+  "vt5": "Armées différentes",
+  "vg5": "Pièces standard contre une équipe de pièces différentes.",
+  "vt6": "Inspirées par des jeux de ballon",
+  "vg6": "Variantes utilisant un ballon, abstrait ou non, qui doit traverser l'échiquier.",
+  "vt7": "Nouvelles pièces",
+  "vg7": "Une large gamme de pièces féériques peuvent être introduites. Certaines sont très puissantes comme l'Amazone, d'autres plutôt faibles comme la Sauterelle.",
+  "vt8": "Pièces augmentantes",
+  "vg8": "Dans les variantes suivantes, des pièces féériques (ou non) peuvent apparaître plus tard dans le jeu.",
+  "vt9": "Plusieurs pièces royales",
+  "vg9": "Dans ces jeux vous devez garder à l'abri deux \"rois\" ou plus.",
+  "vt10": "Captures non orthodoxes par remplacement",
+  "vg10": "Captures non-standard, mais utilisant des mécanismes connus.",
+  "vt11": "Captures non orthodoxes - autres",
+  "vg11": "Les captures s'effectuent généralement sans remplacement. C'est-à-dire que vous ne remplacez pas les pièces adverses sur leur case de capture.",
+  "vt12": "Pièces changeant de camp, pièces partagées",
+  "vg12": "Les propriétaires (couleurs) des pièces peuvent changer pendant la partie.",
+  "vt13": "Information incomplète",
+  "vg13": "Une part de spéculation est requise pour ces variantes, où certaines informations sur le jeu sont cachées.",
+  "vt14": "Facteurs aléatoires",
+  "vg14": "Ces jeux incluent des effets aléatoires, qui peuvent être amusants, frustrants ou bien les deux :)",
+  "vt15": "Inspirées par le déplacement du cavalier",
+  "vg15": "Variantes basées sur le coup de cavalier, qui augmente ou transforme les capacités des pièces.",
+  "vt16": "Arrangement initial inhabituel",
+  "vg16": "L'agencement initial entraîne de nombreuses captures tôt dans la partie.",
+  "vt17": "Variantes \"faciles\" : règles simples",
+  "vg17": "Les règles orthodoxes ne sont que légèrement modifiées, ce qui donne un jeu très similaire.",
+  "vt18": "Règles simples, mais pas tant",
+  "vg18": "Changements mineurs dans les règles du jeu menant à des stratégies très différentes.",
+  "vt19": "Échiquier initialement vide",
+  "vg19": "Toutes les pièces sont ajoutées progressivement depuis un échiquier vide.",
+  "vt20": "Repositionnement",
+  "vg20": "Les pièces peuvent être parachutées sur l'échiquier, immédiatement ou bien plus tard dans la partie.",
+  "vt21": "Immobilisation",
+  "vg21": "Les pièces peuvent être paralysées ou contrôlées dans certaines circonstances.",
+  "vt22": "Variantes régionales et historiques",
+  "vg22": "Évolution (partielle) du jeu dans l'espace et le temps.",
+  "vt23": "Course de rois",
+  "vg23": "L'objectif est de traverser l'échiquier avec votre roi.",
+  "vt24": "Plusieurs coups par tour",
+  "vg24": "Dans ces variantes, vous pouvez jouer deux coups ou plus par tour.",
+  "vt25": "Une seule pièce puissante face à une armée",
+  "vg25": "Très peu de pièces mais très puissantes face à une armée entière.",
+  "vt26": "Échange des positions des pièces",
+  "vg26": "Certaines ou toutes les pièces peuvent être échangées.",
+  "vt27": "Objectif différent",
+  "vg27": "Règles orthodoxes, mais le but n'est pas de mater (ou pas seulement).",
+  "vt28": "Hors Échecs",
+  "vg28": "Quelques jeux a priori sans liens avec les échecs.",
+  "vt29": "Changez le coup adverse",
+  "vg29": "Vous pouvez changer certains coups adverses après qu'ils ont été joués",
+  "vt30": "Pièces augmentées",
+  "vg30": "Les pièces peuvent temporairement emprunter des pouvoir aux autres",
+  "vt31": "Divers",
+  "vg31": "Ces variantes ne sont pas encore classées, en général car elles sont l'unique représentant de leur type sur ce site.",
diff --git a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/en.pug b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/en.pug
similarity index 99%
rename from client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/en.pug
rename to client/src/translations/rules/Chess/en.pug
index d46c5a09..e7645eff 100644
--- a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/en.pug
+++ b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/en.pug
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  | Orthodox rules (with shuffled starting position).
+  | Orthodox rules (with potentially shuffled starting position).
   Chess is played between two players, one moving the white pieces and the
diff --git a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/es.pug b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/es.pug
similarity index 99%
rename from client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/es.pug
rename to client/src/translations/rules/Chess/es.pug
index 358bc9b9..b60b7b3c 100644
--- a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/es.pug
+++ b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/es.pug
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  | Juego ortodoxo (con una posición inicial aleatoria).
+  | Juego ortodoxo (con una posición inicial potencialmente aleatoria).
   El ajedrez es un juego entre dos jugadores, uno que mueve las piezas blancas
diff --git a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/fr.pug b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/fr.pug
similarity index 99%
rename from client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/fr.pug
rename to client/src/translations/rules/Chess/fr.pug
index f7436100..9a54a917 100644
--- a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/fr.pug
+++ b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/fr.pug
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  | Jeu orthodoxe (avec une position de départ aléatoire).
+  | Jeu orthodoxe (avec une position de départ potentiellement aléatoire).
   Les échecs sont un jeu entre deux joueurs, l'un déplaçant les pièces blanches
diff --git a/client/src/translations/variants/en.pug b/client/src/translations/variants/en.pug
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da01791..00000000
--- a/client/src/translations/variants/en.pug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-  a(href="") What is a chess variant?
-  | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-  a(href="") Why play chess variants?
-  a(href="/#/variants/Chess960") Chess960
-  | &nbsp;variant allows to play under standard rules, with a random
-  | (or not) symmetric (or not) initial position.
-h3 Simplified games to learn chess
-p Variants with very few different pieces, and a simplified goal.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Bishopawns",
-    "Discoduel",
-    "Dobutsu",
-    "Knightpawns",
-    "Pawns",
-    "Pawnsking",
-    "Queenpawns",
-    "Rookpawns"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Forced captures
-  In a given position, there are generally less possible moves than in the
-  orthodox games since you must capture.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Arena",
-    "Capture",
-    "Losers",
-    "Monocolor",
-    "Suicide"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Transformations
-p Pieces generally transform when capturing.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Absorption",
-    "Cannibal1",
-    "Cannibal2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Modified boundaries
-p Boards which communicating sides.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Circular",
-    "Cylinder"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Different pawn movements
-p Everything is as in the orthodox game, but pawns move unusually.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Berolina",
-    "Diamond",
-    "Vchess"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Different armies
-p Standard pieces versus a team of different pieces.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Colorbound",
-    "Empire",
-    "Horde",
-    "Orda",
-    "Shinobi",
-    "Spartan",
-    "Synochess"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Inspired by ball games
-p Variants involving a ball, abstract or not, which must cross the board.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Ball",
-    "Football",
-    "Rugby"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 New pieces
-  A large variety of fairy pieces can be defined.
-  Some very powerful like the Amazon, some rather weak like the Grasshopper.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Capablanca",
-    "Eightpieces",
-    "Fullcavalry",
-    "Grand",
-    "Grasshopper",
-    "Hoppelpoppel",
-    "Newzealand",
-    "Omega",
-    "Ordamirror",
-    "Perfect",
-    "Shako",
-    "Tencubed",
-    "Wildebeest"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-  In the following variants, fairy (or not) pieces may
-  appear later in the game.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Musketeer",
-    "Schess",
-    "Titan"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Several royal pieces
-p In these games you must take care of two or more "kings".
-  var varlist = [
-    "Coregal",
-    "Twokings",
-    "Antiking1",
-    "Antiking2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Unorthodox captures
-p Non-standard captures, but using known mechanisms.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Enpassant",
-    "Rifle",
-    "Zen"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-  Captures are generally achieved without replacement. That is to say,
-  you don't replace the enemy piece on its square to capture it.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Allmate1",
-    "Allmate2",
-    "Baroque",
-    "Dynamo",
-    "Fugue",
-    "Interweave",
-    "Rococo",
-    "Maxima"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Pieces changing side, shared pieces
-p Pieces' owners (color) may change during the game
-  var varlist = [
-    "Benedict",
-    "Checkered1",
-    "Checkered2",
-    "Otage",
-    "Pacifist1",
-    "Pacifist2",
-    "Pacosako"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Incomplete information
-  Some speculation is required in these variants,
-  where some game informations are hidden.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Apocalypse",
-    "Dark",
-    "Hidden",
-    "Hiddenqueen",
-    "Stealthbomb1",
-    "Stealthbomb2",
-    "Synchrone1",
-    "Synchrone2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Random factors
-  These games include random effects,
-  which can be funny, frustrating or both :)
-  var varlist = [
-    "Chakart",
-    "Dice"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Inpired by knight movement
-  Variants based on the knight move,
-  which augment or transform pieces' abilities.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Balaklava",
-    "Knightmate1",
-    "Knightmate2",
-    "Knightrelay1",
-    "Knightrelay2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Unusual initial setup
-p Initial setup causes a lot of captures early in the game.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Doublearmy",
-    "Upsidedown",
-    "Pawnmassacre"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 "Easy" variants: simple rules
-  Only minor changes are made to the orthodox rules,
-  resulting in a very similar game.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Coronation",
-    "Freecapture",
-    "Pocketknight"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-p ...Or leading to a very different strategy:
-  var varlist = [
-    "Antimatter",
-    "Atomic1",
-    "Atomic2",
-    "Brotherhood",
-    "Checkless"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Initially empty board
-  All pieces are progressively added from an empty board.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Parachute",
-    "Screen"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Repositioning
-p Pieces can be dropped on the board, either immediately or later in the game.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Clorange",
-    "Crazyhouse",
-    "Madhouse",
-    "Rampage",
-    "Recycle",
-    "Shogun",
-    "Teleport1",
-    "Teleport2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Immobilization, hypnotism
-p Pieces can be paralyzed or controlled under certain circumstances.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Hypnotic",
-    "Isardam",
-    "Koopa",
-    "Madrasi",
-    "Mesmer"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Regional and historical variants
-p (Partial) Game evolution in time and space.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Janggi",
-    "Karouk",
-    "Makpong",
-    "Makruk",
-    "Minishogi",
-    "Minixiangqi",
-    "Shatranj",
-    "Shogi",
-    "Sittuyin",
-    "Xiangqi"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Kings race
-p The goal is to cross the board with your king.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Racingkings",
-    "Royalrace"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Several moves in one turn
-p In these variants, you can play two or more moves per turn.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Avalanche",
-    "Doublemove1",
-    "Doublemove2",
-    "Progressive1",
-    "Progressive2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Single powerful piece versus army
-p Very few but powerful pieces against a full army.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Maharajah",
-    "Monster"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Exchanging pieces positions
-p Some or all pieces can be swapped.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Joker",
-    "Suction",
-    "Swap",
-    "Switching"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Different objective
-p Orthodox rules, but the goal is not checkmate (or not only).
-  var varlist = [
-    "Alapo",
-    "Castle",
-    "Crossing",
-    "Extinction",
-    "Threechecks",
-    "Kinglet",
-    "Koth",
-    "Squatter1",
-    "Squatter2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Non-chess
-p Some games not chess related.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Atarigo",
-    "Avalam1",
-    "Avalam2",
-    "Emergo",
-    "Fanorona",
-    "Gomoku",
-    "Konane",
-    "Yote"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Miscelleanous
-  These variants are not classified yet, generally because they are the only
-  one of their kind on this website.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Alice",
-    "Align4",
-    "Ambiguous",
-    "Bario",
-    "Bicolour",
-    "Convert",
-    "Copycat",
-    "Evolution",
-    "Forward",
-    "Fusion",
-    "Gridolina",
-    "Hamilton",
-    "Iceage",
-    "Kingsmaker",
-    "Magnetic",
-    "Pandemonium1",
-    "Pandemonium2",
-    "Refusal1",
-    "Refusal2",
-    "Relayup",
-    "Rollerball",
-    "Selfabsorb",
-    "Takenmake",
-    "Wormhole1",
-    "Wormhole2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
diff --git a/client/src/translations/variants/es.pug b/client/src/translations/variants/es.pug
deleted file mode 100644
index cc246bd5..00000000
--- a/client/src/translations/variants/es.pug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-  a(href="") ¿Qué es una variante?
-  | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-  a(href="")
-    | ¿Por qué jugar las variantes?
-  | La variante 
-  a(href="/#/variants/Chess960") Chess960
-  | &nbsp;te permite jugar con reglas estándar, desde una posición
-  | inicial aleatorio (o no) simétrico (o no).
-h3 Juegos simplificados para aprender ajedrez
-p Variantes con muy pocas piezas diferentes y un propósito simplificado.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Bishopawns",
-    "Discoduel",
-    "Dobutsu",
-    "Knightpawns",
-    "Pawns",
-    "Pawnsking",
-    "Queenpawns",
-    "Rookpawns"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Capturas obligatorias
-  En una posición dada, generalmente hay menos movimientos posibles que
-  en juego ortodoxo ya que tienes que capturar.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Arena",
-    "Capture",
-    "Losers",
-    "Monocolor",
-    "Suicide"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Transformaciones
-p En general, las piezas se transforman mediante la captura.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Absorption",
-    "Cannibal1",
-    "Cannibal2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Bordes modificados
-p Tableros de ajedrez con bordes comunicantes.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Circular",
-    "Cylinder"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Diferentes movimientos de peones
-  Todo va como en el juego ortodoxo,
-  pero los peones se mueven de una manera inusual.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Berolina",
-    "Diamond",
-    "Vchess"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Diferentes ejércitos
-p Piezas estándar contra un equipo de diferentes piezas.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Colorbound",
-    "Empire",
-    "Horde",
-    "Orda",
-    "Shinobi",
-    "Spartan",
-    "Synochess"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Inspirado por juegos de pelota
-  Variantes que usan un globo, abstracto o no,
-  quien tiene que cruzar el tablero de ajedrez.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Ball",
-    "Football",
-    "Rugby"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Piezas nuevas
-  Se puede introducir una amplia gama de piezas mágicas.
-  Algunas son muy poderosos como la Amazona,
-  otros bastante débiles como el Saltamontes.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Capablanca",
-    "Eightpieces",
-    "Fullcavalry",
-    "Grand",
-    "Grasshopper",
-    "Hoppelpoppel",
-    "Newzealand",
-    "Omega",
-    "Ordamirror",
-    "Perfect",
-    "Shako",
-    "Tencubed",
-    "Wildebeest"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-  En las siguientes variantes, piezas mágicas (o no)
-  puede aparecer más adelante en el juego:
-  var varlist = [
-    "Musketeer",
-    "Schess",
-    "Titan"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Varias piezas reales
-p En estos juegos debes mantener a salvo a dos o más "reyes".
-  var varlist = [
-    "Coregal",
-    "Twokings",
-    "Antiking1",
-    "Antiking2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Capturas no ortodoxas
-p Capturas no estándar, pero utilizando mecanismos conocidos.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Enpassant",
-    "Rifle",
-    "Zen"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-  Las capturas generalmente se realizan sin reemplazo. Es decir
-  que no reemplaces las piezas opuestas en su espacio de captura.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Allmate1",
-    "Allmate2",
-    "Baroque",
-    "Dynamo",
-    "Fugue",
-    "Interweave",
-    "Rococo",
-    "Maxima"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Piezas que cambian de lado, piezas compartidas
-p Los propietarios (colores) de las piezas pueden cambiar durante el juego.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Benedict",
-    "Checkered1",
-    "Checkered2",
-    "Otage",
-    "Pacifist1",
-    "Pacifist2",
-    "Pacosako"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Información incompleta
-  Se requiere cierta especulación para estas variantes,
-  donde se oculta alguna información sobre el juego.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Apocalypse",
-    "Dark",
-    "Hidden",
-    "Hiddenqueen",
-    "Stealthbomb1",
-    "Stealthbomb2",
-    "Synchrone1",
-    "Synchrone2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Factores aleatorios
-  Estos juegos incluyen efectos aleatorios,
-  que puede ser divertido, frustrante o ambos :)
-  var varlist = [
-    "Chakart",
-    "Dice"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Inspiradas por el movimiento del caballo
-  Variantes basadas en el movimiento del caballo,
-  que aumenta o transforma las capacidades de las piezas.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Balaklava",
-    "Knightmate1",
-    "Knightmate2",
-    "Knightrelay1",
-    "Knightrelay2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Disposición inicial inusual
-p Del diseño inicial resultado muchas capturas al principio del juego.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Doublearmy",
-    "Upsidedown",
-    "Pawnmassacre"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Variantes "fáciles": reglas simples
-  Las reglas ortodoxas solo cambian ligeramente,
-  lo que da un juego muy similar.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Coronation",
-    "Freecapture",
-    "Pocketknight"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-p ...O conduce a estrategias muy diferentes:
-  var varlist = [
-    "Antimatter",
-    "Atomic1",
-    "Atomic2",
-    "Brotherhood",
-    "Checkless"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Tablero inicialmente vacío
-  Todas las piezas se agregan gradualmente desde un tablero vacío.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Parachute",
-    "Screen"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Reposicionamiento
-  Las piezas se pueden dejar caer en el tablero de ajedrez,
-  ya sea inmediatamente o más tarde en el juego.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Clorange",
-    "Crazyhouse",
-    "Madhouse",
-    "Rampage",
-    "Recycle",
-    "Shogun",
-    "Teleport1",
-    "Teleport2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Inmovilización
-p Las piezas pueden paralizarse o controlarse en ciertas circunstancias.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Hypnotic",
-    "Isardam",
-    "Koopa",
-    "Madrasi",
-    "Mesmer"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Variantes regionales e históricas
-p Evolución (parcial) del juego en espacio y tiempo.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Janggi",
-    "Karouk",
-    "Makpong",
-    "Makruk",
-    "Minishogi",
-    "Minixiangqi",
-    "Shatranj",
-    "Shogi",
-    "Sittuyin",
-    "Xiangqi"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Carrera de reyes
-p El objetivo es cruzar el tablero de ajedrez con tu rey.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Racingkings",
-    "Royalrace"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Varias jugadas por turno
-p En estas variantes, puedes jugar dos o más movimientos por turno.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Avalanche",
-    "Doublemove1",
-    "Doublemove2",
-    "Monster",
-    "Progressive1",
-    "Progressive2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Una sola pieza poderosa contra un ejército
-p Muy pocas piezas pero muy poderosas contra todo un ejército.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Maharajah",
-    "Monster"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Intercambio de posiciones de piezas
-p Algunas o todas las piezas pueden intercambiarse.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Joker",
-    "Suction",
-    "Swap",
-    "Switching"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Objetivo diferente
-p Reglas ortodoxas, pero el objetivo no es jaque mate (o no solo).
-  var varlist = [
-    "Alapo",
-    "Castle",
-    "Crossing",
-    "Extinction",
-    "Threechecks",
-    "Kinglet",
-    "Koth",
-    "Squatter1",
-    "Squatter2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Aparte del Ajedrez
-p Algunos juegos no están relacionados con el ajedrez.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Atarigo",
-    "Avalam1",
-    "Avalam2",
-    "Emergo",
-    "Fanorona",
-    "Gomoku",
-    "Konane",
-    "Yote"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Varios
-  Estas variantes aún no están clasificadas, en general porque son
-  el único representante de su tipo en este sitio.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Alice",
-    "Align4",
-    "Ambiguous",
-    "Bario",
-    "Bicolour",
-    "Convert",
-    "Copycat",
-    "Evolution",
-    "Forward",
-    "Fusion",
-    "Gridolina",
-    "Hamilton",
-    "Iceage",
-    "Kingsmaker",
-    "Magnetic",
-    "Pandemonium1",
-    "Pandemonium2",
-    "Refusal1",
-    "Refusal2",
-    "Relayup",
-    "Rollerball",
-    "Selfabsorb",
-    "Takenmake",
-    "Wormhole1",
-    "Wormhole2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
diff --git a/client/src/translations/variants/fr.pug b/client/src/translations/variants/fr.pug
deleted file mode 100644
index ae68c665..00000000
--- a/client/src/translations/variants/fr.pug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-  a(href="") Qu'est-ce qu'une variante ?
-  | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-  a(href="") Pourquoi jouer aux variantes ?
-  | La variante 
-  a(href="/#/variants/Chess960") Chess960
-  | &nbsp;permet de jouer avec les règles standard, depuis une position
-  | initiale aléatoire (ou non) symétrique (ou non).
-h3 Jeux simplifiés pour apprendre les échecs
-p Variantes avec très peu de pièces différentes, et un but simplifié.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Bishopawns",
-    "Discoduel",
-    "Dobutsu",
-    "Knightpawns",
-    "Pawns",
-    "Pawnsking",
-    "Queenpawns",
-    "Rookpawns"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Captures obligatoires
-  Dans une position donnée, il y a généralement moins de coups possibles que
-  dans le jeu orthodoxe puisque vous devez capturer.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Arena",
-    "Capture",
-    "Losers",
-    "Monocolor",
-    "Suicide"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Transformations
-p En général les pièces se transforment en capturant.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Absorption",
-    "Cannibal1",
-    "Cannibal2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Frontières modifiées
-p Échiquiers aux bords communiquants.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Circular",
-    "Cylinder"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Différents coups de pions
-  Tout se déroule comme au jeu orthodoxe,
-  mais les pions se déplacent d'une manière inhabituelle.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Berolina",
-    "Diamond",
-    "Vchess"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Armées différentes
-p Pièces standard contre une équipe de pièces différentes.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Colorbound",
-    "Empire",
-    "Horde",
-    "Orda",
-    "Shinobi",
-    "Spartan",
-    "Synochess"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Inspirées par des jeux de ballon
-  Variantes utilisant un ballon, abstrait ou non,
-  qui doit traverser l'échiquier.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Ball",
-    "Football",
-    "Rugby"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Nouvelles pièces
-  Une large gamme de pièces féériques peuvent être introduites.
-  Certaines sont très puissantes comme l'Amazone,
-  d'autres plutôt faibles comme la Sauterelle.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Capablanca",
-    "Eightpieces",
-    "Fullcavalry",
-    "Grand",
-    "Grasshopper",
-    "Hoppelpoppel",
-    "Newzealand",
-    "Omega",
-    "Ordamirror",
-    "Perfect",
-    "Shako",
-    "Tencubed",
-    "Wildebeest"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-  Dans les variantes suivantes, des pièces féériques (ou non)
-  peuvent apparaître plus tard dans le jeu :
-  var varlist = [
-    "Musketeer",
-    "Schess",
-    "Titan"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Plusieurs pièces royales
-p Dans ces jeux vous devez garder à l'abri deux "rois" ou plus.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Coregal",
-    "Twokings",
-    "Antiking1",
-    "Antiking2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Captures non orthodoxes
-p Captures non-standard, mais utilisant des mécanismes connus.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Enpassant",
-    "Rifle",
-    "Zen"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-  Les captures s'effectuent généralement sans remplacement. C'est-à-dire
-  que vous ne remplacez pas les pièces adverses sur leur case de capture.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Allmate1",
-    "Allmate2",
-    "Baroque",
-    "Dynamo",
-    "Fugue",
-    "Interweave",
-    "Rococo",
-    "Maxima"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Pièces changeant de camp, pièces partagées
-p Les propriétaires (couleurs) des pièces peuvent changer pendant la partie.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Benedict",
-    "Checkered1",
-    "Checkered2",
-    "Otage",
-    "Pacifist1",
-    "Pacifist2",
-    "Pacosako"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Information incomplète
-  Une part de spéculation est requise pour ces variantes,
-  où certaines informations sur le jeu sont cachées.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Apocalypse",
-    "Dark",
-    "Hidden",
-    "Hiddenqueen",
-    "Stealthbomb1",
-    "Stealthbomb2",
-    "Synchrone1",
-    "Synchrone2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Facteurs aléatoires
-  Ces jeux incluent des effets aléatoires,
-  qui peuvent être amusants, frustrants ou bien les deux :)
-  var varlist = [
-    "Chakart",
-    "Dice"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Inspirées par le déplacement du cavalier
-  Variantes basées sur le coup de cavalier,
-  qui augmente ou transforme les capacités des pièces.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Balaklava",
-    "Knightmate1",
-    "Knightmate2",
-    "Knightrelay1",
-    "Knightrelay2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Arrangement initial inhabituel
-p L'agencement initial entraîne de nombreuses captures tôt dans la partie.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Doublearmy",
-    "Upsidedown",
-    "Pawnmassacre"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Variantes "faciles" : règles simples
-  Les règles orthodoxes ne sont que légèrement modifiées,
-  ce qui donne un jeu très similaire.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Coronation",
-    "Freecapture",
-    "Pocketknight"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-p ...Ou mène à des stratégies très différentes :
-  var varlist = [
-    "Antimatter",
-    "Atomic1",
-    "Atomic2",
-    "Brotherhood",
-    "Checkless"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Échiquier initialement vide
-  Toutes les pièces sont ajoutées progressivement depuis un échiquier vide.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Parachute",
-    "Screen"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Repositionnement
-  Les pièces peuvent être parachutées sur l'échiquier,
-  soit immédiatement soit plus tard dans la partie.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Clorange",
-    "Crazyhouse",
-    "Madhouse",
-    "Rampage",
-    "Recycle",
-    "Shogun",
-    "Teleport1",
-    "Teleport2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Immobilisation
-p Les pièces peuvent être paralysées ou contrôlées dans certaines circonstances.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Hypnotic",
-    "Isardam",
-    "Koopa",
-    "Madrasi",
-    "Mesmer"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Variantes régionales et historiques
-p Évolution (partielle) du jeu dans l'espace et le temps.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Janggi",
-    "Karouk",
-    "Makpong",
-    "Makruk",
-    "Minishogi",
-    "Minixiangqi",
-    "Shatranj",
-    "Shogi",
-    "Sittuyin",
-    "Xiangqi"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Course de rois
-p L'objectif est de traverser l'échiquier avec votre roi.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Racingkings",
-    "Royalrace"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Plusieurs coups par tour
-p Dans ces variantes, vous pouvez jouer deux coups ou plus par tour.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Avalanche",
-    "Doublemove1",
-    "Doublemove2",
-    "Progressive1",
-    "Progressive2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Une seule pièce puissante face à une armée
-p Très peu de pièces mais très puissantes face à une armée entière.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Maharajah",
-    "Monster"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Échange des positions des pièces
-p Certaines ou toutes les pièces peuvent être échangées.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Joker",
-    "Suction",
-    "Swap",
-    "Switching"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Objectif différent
-p Règles orthodoxes, mais le but n'est pas de mater (ou pas seulement).
-  var varlist = [
-    "Alapo",
-    "Castle",
-    "Crossing",
-    "Extinction",
-    "Threechecks",
-    "Kinglet",
-    "Koth",
-    "Squatter1",
-    "Squatter2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Hors Échecs
-p Quelques jeux a priori sans liens avec les échecs.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Atarigo",
-    "Avalam1",
-    "Avalam2",
-    "Emergo",
-    "Fanorona",
-    "Gomoku",
-    "Konane",
-    "Yote"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
-h3 Divers
-  Ces variantes ne sont pas encore classées, en général car elles sont
-  l'unique représentant de leur type sur ce site.
-  var varlist = [
-    "Alice",
-    "Align4",
-    "Ambiguous",
-    "Bario",
-    "Bicolour",
-    "Convert",
-    "Copycat",
-    "Evolution",
-    "Forward",
-    "Fusion",
-    "Gridolina",
-    "Hamilton",
-    "Iceage",
-    "Kingsmaker",
-    "Magnetic",
-    "Pandemonium1",
-    "Pandemonium2",
-    "Refusal1",
-    "Refusal2",
-    "Relayup",
-    "Rollerball",
-    "Selfabsorb",
-    "Takenmake",
-    "Wormhole1",
-    "Wormhole2"
-  ]
-  for v in varlist
-    li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
diff --git a/client/src/variants/Chess.js b/client/src/variants/Chess.js
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..8e6b27cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/variants/Chess.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/client/src/variants/Chess960.js b/client/src/variants/Chess960.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 15eb7ecc..00000000
--- a/client/src/variants/Chess960.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import { ChessRules } from "@/base_rules";
-export class Chess960Rules extends ChessRules {
-  // Standard rules
diff --git a/client/src/views/Game.vue b/client/src/views/Game.vue
index fc86e90d..3d73893e 100644
--- a/client/src/views/Game.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/Game.vue
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ main
-      a#variantNameInGame(:href="'/#/variants/'+game.vname") {{ game.vname }}
+      a#variantNameInGame(:href="'/#/variants/'+game.vname") {{ game.vdisp }}
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ export default {
           const gameToSend = Object.keys(
             .filter(k =>
-                "id","fen","players","vid","cadence","fenStart","vname",
+                "id","fen","players","vid","cadence","fenStart",
@@ -1024,7 +1024,6 @@ export default {
           // (other) Game infos: constant
           fenStart: gameInfo.fen,
-          vname:,
           // Game state (including FEN): will be updated
           moves: [],
@@ -1282,18 +1281,33 @@ export default {
       if (!!callback) callback();
     loadVariantThenGame: async function(game, callback) {
-      await import("@/variants/" + game.vname + ".js")
-      .then((vModule) => {
-        window.V = vModule[game.vname + "Rules"];
-        this.loadGame(game, callback);
-      });
-      this.rulesContent =
-        afterRawLoad(
-          require(
-            "raw-loader!@/translations/rules/" +
-            game.vname + "/" + + ".pug"
-          ).default
-        ).replace(/(fen:)([^:]*):/g, replaceByDiag);
+      const afterSetVname = async () => {
+        await import("@/variants/" + game.vname + ".js")
+        .then((vModule) => {
+          window.V = vModule[game.vname + "Rules"];
+          this.loadGame(game, callback);
+        });
+        this.rulesContent =
+          afterRawLoad(
+            require(
+              "raw-loader!@/translations/rules/" +
+              game.vname + "/" + + ".pug"
+            ).default
+          ).replace(/(fen:)([^:]*):/g, replaceByDiag);
+      };
+      let variant = undefined;
+      const trySetVname = setInterval(
+        () => {
+          // might be uninitialized (variant == null)
+          variant = => == game.vid);
+          if (!!variant) {
+            clearInterval(trySetVname);
+            game.vname =;
+            game.vdisp = variant.display;
+            afterSetVname();
+          }
+        }, 500
+      );
     // 3 cases for loading a game:
     //  - from indexedDB (running or completed live game I play)
diff --git a/client/src/views/Hall.vue b/client/src/views/Hall.vue
index fe189413..7749dfad 100644
--- a/client/src/views/Hall.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/Hall.vue
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ main
-              | {{ }}
+              | {{ v.display }}
           label(for="cadence") {{["Cadence"] }} *
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ export default {
     "st.variants": function() {
       // Set potential challenges and games variant names:
       this.challenges.concat( => {
-        if (!o.vname) o.vname = this.getVname(o.vid);
+        if (!o.vname) this.setVname(o);
       if (!this.newchallenge.V && this.newchallenge.vid > 0)
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ export default {
         // Automatic challenge sending, for tournaments
           () => {
-            this.newchallenge = Object.assign(
+            Object.assign(
                 fen: "",
@@ -419,7 +419,6 @@ export default {
                 const type = this.classifyObject(c);
                 const vname = this.getVname(c.vid);
                 return Object.assign(
-                  {},
                     type: type,
                     vname: vname,
@@ -554,10 +553,15 @@ export default {
         this.conn.send(JSON.stringify(Object.assign({ code: code }, obj)));
-    getVname: function(vid) {
-      const variant = => == vid);
+    setVname: function(obj) {
+      const variant = => == obj.vid);
       // might be uninitialized (variant == null)
-      return variant ? : "";
+      if (!!variant) {
+        obj.vname =;
+        obj.vdisp = variant.display;
+      }
+      // NOTE: Next line is used in loadNewchallVariant
+      return (!variant ? "" :;
     filterChallenges: function(type) {
       return this.challenges.filter(c => c.type == type);
@@ -876,7 +880,7 @@ export default {
           ) {
             let newGame = game;
             newGame.type = this.classifyObject(game);
-            newGame.vname = this.getVname(game.vid);
+            this.setVname(game);
             if (!game.score)
               // New game from Hall
               newGame.score = "*";
@@ -944,15 +948,9 @@ export default {
               this.cursor =[L - 1].created;
               let moreGames = => {
-                const vname = this.getVname(g.vid);
-                return Object.assign(
-                  {},
-                  g,
-                  {
-                    type: "corr",
-                    vname: vname
-                  }
-                );
+                this.setVname(g);
+                g.type = "corr";
+                return g;
@@ -976,7 +974,7 @@ export default {
         let fromValues = Object.assign({}, this.people[chall.from]);
         delete fromValues["pages"]; //irrelevant in this context
         newChall.from = Object.assign({ sid: chall.from }, fromValues);
-        newChall.vname = this.getVname(newChall.vid);
+        this.setVname(newChall);
         if (
           (newChall.type == "live" && this.cdisplay == "corr") ||
@@ -998,12 +996,11 @@ export default {
     loadNewchallVariant: async function(cb, vname) {
-      vname = vname || this.getVname(this.newchallenge.vid);
+      vname = vname || this.setVname(this.newchallenge);
       await import("@/variants/" + vname + ".js")
       .then((vModule) => {
         window.V = vModule[vname + "Rules"];
         this.newchallenge.V = window.V;
-        this.newchallenge.vname = vname;
         if (!!cb) cb();
@@ -1343,13 +1340,13 @@ export default {
     // NOTE: for live games only (corr games start on the server)
     startNewGame: function(gameInfo) {
+      this.setVname(gameInfo);
       const game = Object.assign(
           // (other) Game infos: constant
           fenStart: gameInfo.fen,
-          vname: this.getVname(gameInfo.vid),
           // Game state (including FEN): will be updated
           moves: [],
diff --git a/client/src/views/MyGames.vue b/client/src/views/MyGames.vue
index 5c3522ec..3d86636f 100644
--- a/client/src/views/MyGames.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/MyGames.vue
@@ -84,6 +84,14 @@ export default {
   watch: {
     $route: function(to, from) {
       if (to.path != "/mygames") this.cleanBeforeDestroy();
+    },
+    // st.variants changes only once, at loading from [] to [...]
+    "st.variants": function() {
+      // Set potential games variant names + display:
+      this.livesGames.concat(this.corrGames).concat(this.importGames)
+      .forEach(o => {
+        if (!o.vname) this.setVname(o);
+      });
   created: function() {
@@ -191,6 +199,14 @@ export default {
           document.getElementById(t + "Games").classList.remove("active");
+    // TODO: duplicated from Hall.vue:
+    setVname: function(obj) {
+      const variant = => == obj.vid);
+      if (!!variant) {
+        obj.vname =;
+        obj.vdisp = variant.display;
+      }
+    },
     addGameImport(game) {
       game.type = "import";
       ImportgameStorage.add(game, (err) => {
@@ -230,6 +246,7 @@ export default {
           if ((rem == 0 && g.myColor == 'w') || (rem == 1 && g.myColor == 'b'))
             g.myTurn = true;
+        this.setVname(g);
     socketMessageListener: function(msg) {
@@ -260,15 +277,11 @@ export default {
         case "notifynewgame": {
-          const gameInfo =;
-          // st.variants might be uninitialized,
-          // if unlucky and newgame right after connect:
-          const v = => == gameInfo.vid);
-          const vname = !!v ? : "";
+          let gameInfo =;
+          this.setVname(gameInfo);
           const type = (gameInfo.cadence.indexOf('d') >= 0 ? "corr": "live");
           let game = Object.assign(
-              vname: vname,
               type: type,
               score: "*",
@@ -385,7 +398,10 @@ export default {
           if (L > 0) {
             // Add "-1" because IDBKeyRange.upperBound includes boundary
             this.cursor["import"] = importGames[L - 1].created - 1;
-            importGames.forEach(g => g.type = "import");
+            importGames.forEach(g => {
+              g.type = "import";
+              this.setVname(g);
+            });
             this.importGames = this.importGames.concat(importGames);
           else this.hasMore["import"] = false;
diff --git a/client/src/views/Problems.vue b/client/src/views/Problems.vue
index a55126fa..057035ac 100644
--- a/client/src/views/Problems.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/Problems.vue
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ main
-        | {{ game.vname }}
+        | {{ curproblem.vdisp }}
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ main
           button(@click="editProblem(curproblem)") {{["Edit"] }}
           button(@click="deleteProblem(curproblem)") {{["Delete"] }}
-        span.vname {{ curproblem.vname }}
+        span.vname {{ curproblem.vdisp }}
         span.uname ({{ curproblem.uname }})
         button.marginleft(@click="backToList()") {{["Back to list"] }}
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ main
           v-show="onlyMine || !selectedVar || p.vid == selectedVar"
-          td {{ p.vname }}
+          td {{ p.vdisp }}
           td {{ firstChars(p.instruction) }}
           td {{ }}
@@ -141,10 +141,7 @@ export default {
   data: function() {
     return {
       st: store.state,
-      emptyVar: {
-        vid: 0,
-        vname: ""
-      },
+      emptyVar: { vid: 0 },
       // Problem currently showed, or edited:
       curproblem: {
         id: 0, //used in case of edit
@@ -220,7 +217,9 @@ export default { = (t.scrollHeight + 3) + "px";
     setVname: function(prob) {
-      prob.vname = => == prob.vid).name;
+      const variant = => == prob.vid);
+      prob.vname =;
+      prob.vdisp = variant.display;
     // Add vname and user names:
     decorate: function(problems, callback) {
@@ -250,7 +249,8 @@ export default {
-      } else if (!!callback) callback();
+      }
+      else if (!!callback) callback();
     firstChars: function(text) {
       let preparedText = text
@@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ export default {
       this.curproblem.uid = 0;
       this.curproblem.vid = "";
       this.curproblem.vname = "";
+      this.curproblem.vdisp = "";
       this.curproblem.fen = "";
       this.curproblem.diag = "";
       this.curproblem.instruction = "";
@@ -378,7 +379,8 @@ export default {
-      } else processWhenWeHaveProb();
+      }
+      else processWhenWeHaveProb();
     gotoPrevNext: function(prob, dir) {
       const mode = (this.onlyMine ? "mine" : "others");
@@ -495,7 +497,8 @@ export default {
                 // (Unless the user navigated several times by URL to show a
                 // single problem...)
                 .sort((p1, p2) => p2.added - p1.added);
-            } else this.hasMore[mode] = false;
+            }
+            else this.hasMore[mode] = false;
             if (!!cb) cb(L);
@@ -570,7 +573,7 @@ button#loadMoreBtn
   display: inline-block
-  span.vname
+  span.vdisp
     font-weight: bold
     padding-left: var(--universal-margin)
diff --git a/client/src/views/Rules.vue b/client/src/views/Rules.vue
index c069eb29..09d5e06a 100644
--- a/client/src/views/Rules.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/Rules.vue
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ main
           | {{["Analysis mode"] }}
-      h4#variantName(v-show="display=='rules'") {{ gameInfo.vname }}
+      h4#variantName(v-show="display=='rules'") {{ getVariantDisplay }}
@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ export default {
     showAnalyzeBtn: function() {
       return !!this.V && this.V.CanAnalyze;
+    getVariantDisplay: function() {
+      if (!this.gameInfo.vname) return ""; //variant not set yet
+      return => == this.gameInfo.vname).display;
+    },
     content: function() {
       if (!this.gameInfo.vname) return ""; //variant not set yet
       return (
diff --git a/client/src/views/VariantList.vue b/client/src/views/VariantList.vue
index e5d02856..5f230107 100644
--- a/client/src/views/VariantList.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/VariantList.vue
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ main
       :class="getVclasses(filteredVariants, idx)"
-        h4.boxtitle.text-center {{ }}
+        h4.boxtitle.text-center {{ v.display }}
         p.description.text-center {{[v.desc] }}
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ export default {
         .map(v => {
           return {
-            desc: v.description
+            desc: v.description,
+            display: v.display
         .sort((a, b) => {
diff --git a/client/src/views/Variants.vue b/client/src/views/Variants.vue
index da6478b4..4374fd04 100644
--- a/client/src/views/Variants.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/Variants.vue
@@ -4,27 +4,57 @@ main
         | {{["View alphabetical variants list"] }}
-      div(v-html="content")
+      p.text-center
+        a.leftLink(href="")
+          | {{["What is a chess variant?"] }}
+        a(href="")
+          | {{["Why play chess variants?"] }}
+      p
+        a(href="/#/variants/Chess") Chess
+        | {{["chess_v"] }}
+      div(v-for="g of sortedGroups")
+        h3 {{["vt" + g] }}
+        p {{["vg" + g] }}
+        ul
+          li(v-for="v of variantGroup.get(g)")
+            a(:href="getLink(v)") {{ v.display }}
+            | &nbsp&ndash;&nbsp;
+            | {{ v.description }}
 import { store } from "@/store";
-import afterRawLoad from "@/utils/afterRawLoad";
+import { ajax } from "@/utils/ajax";
 export default {
   name: "my-variants",
   data: function() {
     return {
-      st: store.state
+      st: store.state,
+      variantGroup: []
+  created: function() {
+    ajax(
+      "/variants",
+      "GET",
+      {
+        success: (res) => {
+          this.variantGroup = new Map();
+          res.variantArray.forEach((v) => {
+            if (v.groupe >= 0) {
+              let collection = this.variantGroup.get(v.groupe);
+              if (!collection) this.variantGroup.set(v.groupe, [v]);
+              else collection.push(v);
+            }
+          });
+        }
+      }
+    );
+  },
   computed: {
-    content: function() {
+    sortedGroups: function() {
       return (
-        afterRawLoad(
-          require(
-            "raw-loader!@/translations/variants/" + + ".pug"
-          ).default
-        )
+        Array.from(this.variantGroup.keys()).sort((a, b) => (a < b ? -1 : 1))
@@ -33,8 +63,8 @@ export default {
     setCurPrefix: function(e) {
       this.curPrefix =;
-    getLink: function(vname) {
-      return "/variants/" + vname;
+    getLink: function(variant) {
+      return "/#/variants/" +;
     getVclasses: function(varray, idx) {
       const idxMod2 = idx % 2;
@@ -49,6 +79,9 @@ export default {
 <style lang="sass" scoped>
+  margin-right: 15px
   display: block
   margin: 10px auto
diff --git a/server/db/create.sql b/server/db/create.sql
index e4035a15..e26b03b9 100644
--- a/server/db/create.sql
+++ b/server/db/create.sql
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 create table Variants (
   id integer primary key,
   name varchar unique,
+  display varchar,
+  groupe integer,
   description text,
   noProblems boolean
diff --git a/server/db/populate.sql b/server/db/populate.sql
index e7e7b702..9af2bacb 100644
--- a/server/db/populate.sql
+++ b/server/db/populate.sql
@@ -1,181 +1,181 @@
 -- Re-run this script after variants are added
-insert or ignore into Variants (name, description, noProblems) values
-  ('Apocalypse', 'The end of the world', true),
-  ('Chakart', 'Capture the princess', true),
-  ('Dark', 'In the shadow', true),
-  ('Dice', 'Roll the dice', true),
-  ('Hidden', 'Unidentified pieces', true),
-  ('Hiddenqueen', 'Queen disguised as a pawn', true),
-  ('Synchrone1', 'Play at the same time (v1)', true),
-  ('Synchrone2', 'Play at the same time (v2)', true);
+insert or ignore into Variants (name, description, noProblems, groupe, display) values
+  ('Apocalypse', 'The end of the world', true, 13, 'Apocalypse'),
+  ('Chakart', 'Capture the princess', true, 14, 'Chakart'),
+  ('Dark', 'In the shadow', true, 13, 'Dark Chess'),
+  ('Dice', 'Roll the dice', true, 14, 'Dice Chess'),
+  ('Hidden', 'Unidentified pieces', true, 13, 'Strate-Go'),
+  ('Hiddenqueen', 'Queen disguised as a pawn', true, 13, 'Hidden Queen'),
+  ('Stealthbomb1', 'Beware the bomb (v1)', true, 13, 'Stealth Bomb 1'),
+  ('Stealthbomb2', 'Beware the bomb (v2)', true, 13, 'Stealth Bomb 2'),
+  ('Synchrone1', 'Play at the same time (v1)', true, 13, 'Synchrone 1'),
+  ('Synchrone2', 'Play at the same time (v2)', true, 13, 'Synchrone 2');
-insert or ignore into Variants (name, description) values
-  ('Absorption', 'Absorb powers'),
-  ('Alapo', 'Geometric Chess'),
-  ('Alice', 'Both sides of the mirror'),
-  ('Align4', 'Align four pawns'),
-  ('Allmate1', 'Mate any piece (v1)'),
-  ('Allmate2', 'Mate any piece (v2)'),
-  ('Ambiguous', 'Play opponent''s pieces'),
-  ('Antiking1', 'Keep antiking in check (v1)'),
-  ('Antiking2', 'Keep antiking in check (v2)'),
-  ('Antimatter', 'Dangerous collisions'),
-  ('Arena', 'Middle battle'),
-  ('Atarigo', 'First capture wins'),
-  ('Atomic1', 'Explosive captures (v1)'),
-  ('Atomic2', 'Explosive captures (v2)'),
-  ('Avalam1', 'Build towers (v1)'),
-  ('Avalam2', 'Build towers (v2)'),
-  ('Avalanche', 'Pawnfalls'),
-  ('Ball', 'Score a goal'),
-  ('Balaklava', 'Meet the Mammoth'),
-  ('Bario', 'A quantum story'),
-  ('Baroque', 'Exotic captures'),
-  ('Benedict', 'Change colors'),
-  ('Berolina', 'Pawns move diagonally'),
-  ('Bicolour', 'Harassed kings'),
-  ('Bishopawns', 'Bishop versus pawns'),
-  ('Brotherhood', 'Friendly pieces'),
-  ('Cannibal1', 'Capture powers (v1)'),
-  ('Cannibal2', 'Capture powers (v2)'),
-  ('Capablanca', 'Capablanca Chess'),
-  ('Capture', 'Mandatory captures'),
-  ('Castle', 'Win by castling long'),
-  ('Checkered1', 'Shared pieces (v1)'),
-  ('Checkered2', 'Shared pieces (v2)'),
-  ('Checkless', 'No-check mode'),
-  ('Chess960', 'Standard rules'),
-  ('Circular', 'Run forward'),
-  ('Clorange', 'A Clockwork Orange'),
-  ('Colorbound', 'The colorbound clobberers'),
-  ('Convert', 'Convert enemy pieces'),
-  ('Copycat', 'Borrow powers'),
-  ('Coregal', 'Two royal pieces'),
-  ('Coronation', 'Long live the Queen'),
-  ('Crazyhouse', 'Captures reborn'),
-  ('Crossing', 'Cross the river'),
-  ('Cylinder', 'Neverending rows'),
-  ('Diamond', 'Rotating board'),
-  ('Discoduel', 'Enter the disco'),
-  ('Dobutsu', 'Let''s catch the Lion!'),
-  ('Doublearmy', '64 pieces on the board'),
-  ('Doublemove1', 'Double moves (v1)'),
-  ('Doublemove2', 'Double moves (v2)'),
-  ('Dynamo', 'Push and pull'),
-  ('Eightpieces', 'Each piece is unique'),
-  ('Emergo', 'Stacking Checkers variant'),
-  ('Empire', 'Empire versus Kingdom'),
-  ('Enpassant', 'Capture en passant'),
-  ('Evolution', 'Faster development'),
-  ('Extinction', 'Capture all of a kind'),
-  ('Fanorona', 'Malagasy Draughts'),
-  ('Football', 'Score a goal'),
-  ('Forward', 'Moving forward'),
-  ('Freecapture', 'Capture both colors'),
-  ('Fugue', 'Baroque Music'),
-  ('Fullcavalry', 'Lancers everywhere'),
-  ('Fusion', 'Fusion pieces (v1)'),
-  ('Gomoku', 'Align five stones'),
-  ('Grand', 'Big board'),
-  ('Grasshopper', 'Long jumps over pieces'),
-  ('Gridolina', 'Jump the borders'),
-  ('Hamilton', 'Walk on a graph'),
-  ('Hoppelpoppel', 'Knibis and Bisknis'),
-  ('Horde', 'A pawns cloud'),
-  ('Hypnotic', 'Mind control (v1)'),
-  ('Iceage', 'Ice Age is coming!'),
-  ('Interweave', 'Interweaved colorbound teams'),
-  ('Isardam', 'No paralyzed pieces'),
-  ('Janggi', 'Korean Chess'),
-  ('Joker', 'Replace pieces'),
-  ('Karouk', 'Thai Chess (v3)'),
-  ('Kinglet', 'Protect your pawns'),
-  ('Kingsmaker', 'Promote into kings'),
-  ('Knightmate1', 'Mate the knight (v1)'),
-  ('Knightmate2', 'Mate the knight (v2)'),
-  ('Knightpawns', 'Knight versus pawns'),
-  ('Knightrelay1', 'Move like a knight (v1)'),
-  ('Knightrelay2', 'Move like a knight (v2)'),
-  ('Konane', 'Hawaiian Checkers'),
-  ('Koopa', 'Stun & kick pieces'),
-  ('Koth', 'King of the Hill'),
-  ('Losers', 'Get strong at self-mate'),
-  ('Madhouse', 'Rearrange enemy pieces'),
-  ('Madrasi', 'Paralyzed pieces'),
-  ('Magnetic', 'Laws of attraction'),
-  ('Maharajah', 'Augmented Queens'),
-  ('Makpong', 'Thai Chess (v2)'),
-  ('Makruk', 'Thai Chess (v1)'),
-  ('Maxima', 'Occupy the enemy palace'),
-  ('Mesmer', 'Mind control (v2)'),
-  ('Minishogi', 'Shogi 5 x 5'),
-  ('Minixiangqi', 'Xiangqi 7 x 7'),
-  ('Monocolor', 'All of the same color'),
-  ('Monster', 'White move twice'),
-  ('Musketeer', 'New fairy pieces'),
-  ('Newzealand', 'Kniros and Rosknis'),
-  ('Omega', 'A wizard in the corner'),
-  ('Orda', 'Mongolian Horde (v1)'),
-  ('Ordamirror', 'Mongolian Horde (v2)'),
-  ('Otage', 'Capture and release hostages'),
-  ('Pacifist1', 'Convert & support (v1)'),
-  ('Pacifist2', 'Convert & support (v2)'),
-  ('Pacosako', 'Dance with the King'),
-  ('Pandemonium1', 'Noise and confusion (v1)'),
-  ('Pandemonium2', 'Noise and confusion (v2)'),
-  ('Parachute', 'Landing on the board'),
-  ('Pawnmassacre', 'Pieces upside down'),
-  ('Pawns', 'Reach the last rank (v1)'),
-  ('Pawnsking', 'Reach the last rank (v2)'),
-  ('Perfect', 'Powerful pieces'),
-  ('Pocketknight', 'Knight in pocket'),
-  ('Progressive1', 'Play more and more moves (v1)'),
-  ('Progressive2', 'Play more and more moves (v2)'),
-  ('Queenpawns', 'Queen versus pawns'),
-  ('Racingkings', 'Kings cross the 8x8 board'),
-  ('Rampage', 'Move under cover'),
-  ('Relayup', 'Upgrade pieces'),
-  ('Rifle', 'Shoot pieces'),
-  ('Recycle', 'Reuse pieces'),
-  ('Refusal1', 'Do not play that! (v1)'),
-  ('Refusal2', 'Do not play that! (v2)'),
-  ('Rollerball', 'As in the movie'),
-  ('Rococo', 'Capture on the edge'),
-  ('Rookpawns', 'Rook versus pawns'),
-  ('Royalrace', 'Kings cross the 11x11 board'),
-  ('Rugby', 'Transform an essay'),
-  ('Schess', 'Seirawan-Harper Chess'),
-  ('Screen', 'Free initial setup'),
-  ('Selfabsorb', 'Fusion pieces (v2)'),
-  ('Shako', 'Non-conformism and utopia'),
-  ('Shatranj', 'Ancient rules'),
-  ('Shinobi', 'A story of invasion'),
-  ('Shogi', 'Japanese Chess'),
-  ('Shogun', 'General''s Chess'),
-  ('Sittuyin', 'Burmese Chess'),
-  ('Spartan', 'Spartan versus Persians'),
-  ('Squatter1', 'Squat last rank (v1)'),
-  ('Squatter2', 'Squat last rank (v2)'),
-  ('Stealthbomb1', 'Beware the bomb (v1)'),
-  ('Stealthbomb2', 'Beware the bomb (v2)'),
-  ('Suicide', 'Lose all pieces'),
-  ('Suction', 'Attract opposite king'),
-  ('Swap', 'Dangerous captures'),
-  ('Switching', 'Exchange pieces'' positions'),
-  ('Synochess', 'Dynasty versus Kingdom'),
-  ('Takenmake', 'Prolongated captures'),
-  ('Teleport1', 'Reposition pieces (v1)'),
-  ('Teleport2', 'Reposition pieces (v2)'),
-  ('Tencubed', 'Four new pieces'),
-  ('Threechecks', 'Give three checks'),
-  ('Titan', 'Extra bishops and knights'),
-  ('Twokings', 'Two kings'),
-  ('Upsidedown', 'Board upside down'),
-  ('Vchess', 'Pawns capture backward'),
-  ('Wildebeest', 'Balanced sliders & leapers'),
-  ('Wormhole1', 'Squares disappear (v1)'),
-  ('Wormhole2', 'Squares disappear (v2)'),
-  ('Xiangqi', 'Chinese Chess'),
-  ('Yote', 'African Draughts'),
-  ('Zen', 'Reverse captures');
+insert or ignore into Variants (name, description, groupe, display) values
+  ('Absorption', 'Absorb powers', 2, 'Absorption'),
+  ('Alapo', 'Geometric Chess', 27, 'Alapo'),
+  ('Alice', 'Both sides of the mirror', 31, 'Alice Chess'),
+  ('Align4', 'Align four pawns', 31, 'Align4'),
+  ('Allmate1', 'Mate any piece (v1)', 11, 'Allmate1'),
+  ('Allmate2', 'Mate any piece (v2)', 11, 'Allmate2'),
+  ('Ambiguous', 'Play opponent''s pieces', 29, 'Ambiguous'),
+  ('Antiking1', 'Keep antiking in check (v1)', 9, 'Anti-King 1'),
+  ('Antiking2', 'Keep antiking in check (v2)', 9, 'Anti-King 2'),
+  ('Antimatter', 'Dangerous collisions', 18, 'Antimatter'),
+  ('Arena', 'Middle battle', 1, 'Arena'),
+  ('Atarigo', 'First capture wins', 28, 'Atari-Go'),
+  ('Atomic1', 'Explosive captures (v1)', 18, 'Atomic 1'),
+  ('Atomic2', 'Explosive captures (v2)', 18, 'Atomic 2'),
+  ('Avalam1', 'Build towers (v1)', 28, 'Avalam 1'),
+  ('Avalam2', 'Build towers (v2)', 28, 'Avalam 2'),
+  ('Avalanche', 'Pawnfalls', 24, 'Avalanche'),
+  ('Ball', 'Score a goal', 6, 'Ball'),
+  ('Balaklava', 'Meet the Mammoth', 15, 'Balaklava'),
+  ('Bario', 'A quantum story', 31, 'Bario'),
+  ('Baroque', 'Exotic captures', 11, 'Baroque'),
+  ('Benedict', 'Change colors', 12, 'Benedict'),
+  ('Berolina', 'Pawns move diagonally', 4, 'Berolina'),
+  ('Bicolour', 'Harassed kings', 31, 'Bicolour'),
+  ('Bishopawns', 'Bishop versus pawns', 0, 'Bishop-Pawns'),
+  ('Brotherhood', 'Friendly pieces', 18, 'Brotherhood'),
+  ('Cannibal1', 'Capture powers (v1)', 2, 'Cannibal 1'),
+  ('Cannibal2', 'Capture powers (v2)', 2, 'Cannibal 2'),
+  ('Capablanca', 'Capablanca Chess', 7, 'Capablanca Chess'),
+  ('Capture', 'Mandatory captures', 1, 'Capture'),
+  ('Castle', 'Win by castling long', 27, 'Castle'),
+  ('Checkered1', 'Shared pieces (v1)', 12, 'Checkered 1'),
+  ('Checkered2', 'Shared pieces (v2)', 12, 'Checkered 2'),
+  ('Checkless', 'No-check mode', 18, 'Checkless'),
+  ('Chess', 'Standard rules', -1, 'Chess'),
+  ('Circular', 'Run forward', 3, 'Circular Chess'),
+  ('Clorange', 'A Clockwork Orange', 20, 'Clockwork Orange'),
+  ('Colorbound', 'The colorbound clobberers', 5, 'Colorbound Clobberers'),
+  ('Convert', 'Convert enemy pieces', 12, 'Convert'),
+  ('Copycat', 'Borrow powers', 30, 'Copycat'),
+  ('Coregal', 'Two royal pieces', 9, 'Coregal'),
+  ('Coronation', 'Long live the Queen', 17, 'Coronation'),
+  ('Crazyhouse', 'Captures reborn', 20, 'Crazyhouse'),
+  ('Crossing', 'Cross the river', 27, 'Crossing'),
+  ('Cylinder', 'Neverending rows', 3, 'Cylindrical Chess'),
+  ('Diamond', 'Rotating board', 4, 'Diamond'),
+  ('Discoduel', 'Enter the disco', 0, 'Disco Duel'),
+  ('Dobutsu', 'Let''s catch the Lion!', 0, 'Dobutsu'),
+  ('Doublearmy', '64 pieces on the board', 16, 'Double Army'),
+  ('Doublemove1', 'Double moves (v1)', 24, 'Doublemove 1'),
+  ('Doublemove2', 'Double moves (v2)', 24, 'Doublemove 2'),
+  ('Dynamo', 'Push and pull', 11, 'Dynamo'),
+  ('Eightpieces', 'Each piece is unique', 7, 'Eightpieces'),
+  ('Emergo', 'Stacking Checkers variant', 28, 'Emergo'),
+  ('Empire', 'Empire versus Kingdom', 5, 'Empire Chess'),
+  ('Enpassant', 'Capture en passant', 10, 'En-passant'),
+  ('Evolution', 'Faster development', 31, 'Evolution'),
+  ('Extinction', 'Capture all of a kind', 27, 'Extinction'),
+  ('Fanorona', 'Malagasy Draughts', 28, 'Fanorona'),
+  ('Football', 'Score a goal', 6, 'Football'),
+  ('Forward', 'Moving forward', 31, 'Forward'),
+  ('Freecapture', 'Capture both colors', 17, 'Free Capture'),
+  ('Fugue', 'Baroque Music', 11, 'Fugue'),
+  ('Fullcavalry', 'Lancers everywhere', 7, 'Full Cavalry'),
+  ('Fusion', 'Fusion pieces (v1)', 31, 'Fusion Chess'),
+  ('Gomoku', 'Align five stones', 28, 'Gomoku'),
+  ('Grand', 'Big board', 7, 'Grand Chess'),
+  ('Grasshopper', 'Long jumps over pieces', 7, 'Grasshopper'),
+  ('Gridolina', 'Jump the borders', 31, 'Gridolina'),
+  ('Hamilton', 'Walk on a graph', 31, 'Hamilton'),
+  ('Hoppelpoppel', 'Knibis and Bisknis', 7, 'Hoppel-Poppel'),
+  ('Horde', 'A pawns cloud', 5, 'Horde'),
+  ('Hypnotic', 'Mind control (v1)', 21, 'Hypnotic'),
+  ('Iceage', 'Ice Age is coming!', 31, 'Ice Age'),
+  ('Interweave', 'Interweaved colorbound teams', 11, 'Interweave'),
+  ('Isardam', 'No paralyzed pieces', 21, 'Isardam'),
+  ('Janggi', 'Korean Chess', 22, 'Janggi'),
+  ('Joker', 'Replace pieces', 26, 'Joker'),
+  ('Karouk', 'Thai Chess (v3)', 22, 'Karouk'),
+  ('Kinglet', 'Protect your pawns', 27, 'Kinglet'),
+  ('Kingsmaker', 'Promote into kings', 31, 'Kingsmaker'),
+  ('Knightmate1', 'Mate the knight (v1)', 15, 'Knightmate 1'),
+  ('Knightmate2', 'Mate the knight (v2)', 15, 'Knightmate 2'),
+  ('Knightpawns', 'Knight versus pawns', 0, 'Knight-Pawns'),
+  ('Knightrelay1', 'Move like a knight (v1)', 15, 'Knightrelay 1'),
+  ('Knightrelay2', 'Move like a knight (v2)', 15, 'Knightrelay 2'),
+  ('Konane', 'Hawaiian Checkers', 28, 'Konane'),
+  ('Koopa', 'Stun & kick pieces', 21, 'Koopa'),
+  ('Koth', 'King of the Hill', 27, 'King of the Hill'),
+  ('Losers', 'Get strong at self-mate', 1, 'Losers'),
+  ('Madhouse', 'Rearrange enemy pieces', 20, 'Madhouse'),
+  ('Madrasi', 'Paralyzed pieces', 21, 'Madrasi'),
+  ('Magnetic', 'Laws of attraction', 31, 'Magnetic'),
+  ('Maharajah', 'Augmented Queens', 25, 'Maharajah'),
+  ('Makpong', 'Thai Chess (v2)', 22, 'Makpong'),
+  ('Makruk', 'Thai Chess (v1)', 22, 'Makruk'),
+  ('Maxima', 'Occupy the enemy palace', 11, 'Maxima'),
+  ('Mesmer', 'Mind control (v2)', 21, 'Mesmer'),
+  ('Minishogi', 'Shogi 5 x 5', 22, 'Minishogi'),
+  ('Minixiangqi', 'Xiangqi 7 x 7', 22, 'Minixiangqi'),
+  ('Monocolor', 'All of the same color', 1, 'Monocolor'),
+  ('Monster', 'White move twice', 25, 'Monster'),
+  ('Musketeer', 'New fairy pieces', 8, 'Musketeer Chess'),
+  ('Newzealand', 'Kniros and Rosknis', 7, 'New-Zealand Chess'),
+  ('Omega', 'A wizard in the corner', 7, 'Omega'),
+  ('Orda', 'Mongolian Horde (v1)', 5, 'Orda'),
+  ('Ordamirror', 'Mongolian Horde (v2)', 7, 'Orda Mirror'),
+  ('Otage', 'Capture and release hostages', 12, 'Otage'),
+  ('Pacifist1', 'Convert & support (v1)', 12, 'Pacifist 1'),
+  ('Pacifist2', 'Convert & support (v2)', 12, 'Pacifist 2'),
+  ('Pacosako', 'Dance with the King', 12, 'Paco-Sako'),
+  ('Pandemonium1', 'Noise and confusion (v1)', 20, 'Pandemonium 1'),
+  ('Pandemonium2', 'Noise and confusion (v2)', 20, 'Pandemonium 2'),
+  ('Parachute', 'Landing on the board', 19, 'Parachute'),
+  ('Pawnmassacre', 'Pieces upside down', 16, 'Pawn Massacre'),
+  ('Pawns', 'Reach the last rank (v1)', 0, 'Pawns'),
+  ('Pawnsking', 'Reach the last rank (v2)', 0, 'Pawns King'),
+  ('Perfect', 'Powerful pieces', 7, 'Perfect Chess'),
+  ('Pocketknight', 'Knight in pocket', 17, 'Pocket Knight'),
+  ('Progressive1', 'Play more and more moves (v1)', 24, 'Progressive 1'),
+  ('Progressive2', 'Play more and more moves (v2)', 24, 'Progressive 2'),
+  ('Queenpawns', 'Queen versus pawns', 0, 'Queen-Pawns'),
+  ('Racingkings', 'Kings cross the 8x8 board', 23, 'Racing Kings'),
+  ('Rampage', 'Move under cover', 20, 'Rampage'),
+  ('Relayup', 'Upgrade pieces', 30, 'Relay-up'),
+  ('Rifle', 'Shoot pieces', 10, 'Rifle Chess'),
+  ('Recycle', 'Reuse pieces', 20, 'Recycle Chess'),
+  ('Refusal1', 'Do not play that! (v1)', 29, 'Refusal 1'),
+  ('Refusal2', 'Do not play that! (v2)', 29, 'Refusal 2'),
+  ('Rollerball', 'As in the movie', 31, 'Rollerball'),
+  ('Rococo', 'Capture on the edge', 11, 'Rococo'),
+  ('Rookpawns', 'Rook versus pawns', 0, 'Rook-Pawns'),
+  ('Royalrace', 'Kings cross the 11x11 board', 23, 'Royal Race'),
+  ('Rugby', 'Transform an essay', 6, 'Rugby'),
+  ('Schess', 'Seirawan-Harper Chess', 8, 'Seirawan-Harper Chess'),
+  ('Screen', 'Free initial setup', 19, 'Screen Chess'),
+  ('Selfabsorb', 'Fusion pieces (v2)', 31, 'Self-Absorption'),
+  ('Shako', 'Non-conformism and utopia', 7, 'Shako'),
+  ('Shatranj', 'Ancient rules', 22, 'Shatranj'),
+  ('Shinobi', 'A story of invasion', 5, 'Shinobi'),
+  ('Shogi', 'Japanese Chess', 22, 'Shogi'),
+  ('Shogun', 'General''s Chess', 20, 'Shogun'),
+  ('Sittuyin', 'Burmese Chess', 22, 'Sittuyin'),
+  ('Spartan', 'Spartan versus Persians', 5, 'Spartan Chess'),
+  ('Squatter1', 'Squat last rank (v1)', 27, 'Squatter 1'),
+  ('Squatter2', 'Squat last rank (v2)', 27, 'Squatter 2'),
+  ('Suicide', 'Lose all pieces', 1, 'Suicide'),
+  ('Suction', 'Attract opposite king', 26, 'Suction'),
+  ('Swap', 'Dangerous captures', 26, 'Swap'),
+  ('Switching', 'Exchange pieces'' positions', 26, 'Switching'),
+  ('Synochess', 'Dynasty versus Kingdom', 5, 'Synochess'),
+  ('Takenmake', 'Prolongated captures', 31, 'Take and make'),
+  ('Teleport1', 'Reposition pieces (v1)', 20, 'Teleport 1'),
+  ('Teleport2', 'Reposition pieces (v2)', 20, 'Teleport 2'),
+  ('Tencubed', 'Four new pieces', 7, 'Tencubed'),
+  ('Threechecks', 'Give three checks', 27, 'Three Checks'),
+  ('Titan', 'Extra bishops and knights', 8, 'Titan Chess'),
+  ('Twokings', 'Two kings', 9, 'Two Kings'),
+  ('Upsidedown', 'Board upside down', 16, 'Upside-down'),
+  ('Vchess', 'Pawns capture backward', 4, 'Victor Chess'),
+  ('Wildebeest', 'Balanced sliders & leapers', 7, 'Wildebeest'),
+  ('Wormhole1', 'Squares disappear (v1)', 31, 'Wormhole 1'),
+  ('Wormhole2', 'Squares disappear (v2)', 31, 'Wormhole 2'),
+  ('Xiangqi', 'Chinese Chess', 22, 'Xiangqi'),
+  ('Yote', 'African Draughts', 28, 'Yote'),
+  ('Zen', 'Reverse captures', 10, 'Zen Chess');
diff --git a/server/models/Game.js b/server/models/Game.js
index 5f9ab734..7c3c8081 100644
--- a/server/models/Game.js
+++ b/server/models/Game.js
@@ -84,15 +84,11 @@ const GameModel = {
     db.serialize(function() {
       let query =
         "SELECT " +
-          ", g.fen, g.fenStart, g.cadence, g.created, " +
-          "g.white,, g.randomness, g.score, g.scoreMsg, " +
-          "g.chatReadWhite, g.chatReadBlack, g.drawOffer, " +
-          // TODO: vid and vname are redundant
-          "g.rematchOffer, as vid, AS vname " +
-        "FROM Games g " +
-        "JOIN Variants v " +
-        "  ON g.vid = " +
-        "WHERE = " + id;
+          "id, vid, fen, fenStart, cadence, created, " +
+          "white, black, randomness, score, scoreMsg, " +
+          "chatReadWhite, chatReadBlack, drawOffer, rematchOffer " +
+        "FROM Games " +
+        "WHERE id = " + id;
       db.get(query, (err, gameInfo) => {
         if (!gameInfo) {
           cb(err || { errmsg: "Game not found" }, undefined);
@@ -118,13 +114,12 @@ const GameModel = {
               "WHERE gid = " + id;
             db.all(query, (err4, chats) => {
               const game = Object.assign(
-                {},
-                gameInfo,
                   players: players,
                   moves: moves,
                   chats: chats
-                }
+                },
+                gameInfo
               cb(null, game);
@@ -186,11 +181,8 @@ const GameModel = {
   getRunning: function(uid, cb) {
     db.serialize(function() {
       let query =
-        "SELECT, g.cadence, g.created, " +
-          "g.white,, AS vname " +
-        "FROM Games g " +
-        "JOIN Variants v " +
-        "  ON g.vid = " +
+        "SELECT id, vid, cadence, created, white, black " +
+        "FROM Games " +
         "WHERE score = '*' AND (white = " + uid + " OR black = " + uid + ")";
       db.all(query, (err, games) => {
         // Get movesCount (could be done in // with next query)
@@ -240,12 +232,9 @@ const GameModel = {
   getCompleted: function(uid, cursor, cb) {
     db.serialize(function() {
       let query =
-        "SELECT, g.cadence, g.created, g.score, g.scoreMsg, " +
-          "g.white,, g.deletedByWhite, g.deletedByBlack, " +
-          " AS vname " +
-        "FROM Games g " +
-        "JOIN Variants v " +
-        "  ON g.vid = " +
+        "SELECT id, vid, cadence, created, score, scoreMsg, " +
+          "white, black, deletedByWhite, deletedByBlack " +
+        "FROM Games " +
         "WHERE " +
         "  score <> '*' AND" +
         "  created < " + cursor + " AND" +
@@ -279,7 +268,7 @@ const GameModel = {
               g => {
                 return {
-                  vname: g.vname,
+                  vid: g.vid,
                   cadence: g.cadence,
                   created: g.created,
                   score: g.score,
diff --git a/server/models/Variant.js b/server/models/Variant.js
index d01d2a27..f439e192 100644
--- a/server/models/Variant.js
+++ b/server/models/Variant.js
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ const db = require("../utils/database");
  * Structure:
  *   id: integer
  *   name: varchar
+ *   display: varchar
+ *   groupe: integer
  *   description: varchar
+ *   noProblems: boolean
 const VariantModel = {