From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 23:00:18 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Add debug trace to understand why corr move 1 isn't recorded

Add debug trace to understand why corr move 1 isn't recorded

diff --git a/server/models/Game.js b/server/models/Game.js
index 2e330311..4d06e48d 100644
--- a/server/models/Game.js
+++ b/server/models/Game.js
@@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ const GameModel =
-return cb({errmsg: JSON.stringify(obj.move)});
+//return cb({errmsg: JSON.stringify(obj.move)});
       // NOTE: move, chat and delchat are mutually exclusive
-      if (obj.move)
+      if (!!obj.move)
         // Security: only update moves if index is right
         query =
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ return cb({errmsg: JSON.stringify(obj.move)});
         db.get(query, (err,ret) => {
           const m = obj.move;
-return cb({errmsg: ret.maxIdx + " " + m.idx + " " + (!ret.maxIdx || ret.maxIdx + 1 == m.idx) + " " + query});
+//return cb({errmsg: ret.maxIdx + " " + m.idx + " " + (!ret.maxIdx || ret.maxIdx + 1 == m.idx) + " " + query});
           if (!ret.maxIdx || ret.maxIdx + 1 == m.idx) {